I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 445

The flames had lit the entire sky, making this scene appear in the eyes of everyone in Lujiang City, as if telling people.

Actually... all of this is nothing to be afraid of!


The fear of ordinary people began to dissipate, and the same was true for the senior leaders of the countermeasure team! When they saw that Wudai Yusuke handed over a belt to Ji Ming, they had already realized something.

Sure enough, there is a new watchable movie and TV show on that dimensional website, it is...Kamen Rider Kuuga!

But now it is impossible for them to calm down and watch only one episode of Kamen Rider Kuuga.

Different from ordinary people, it is precisely because they know enough information that they know how terrifying the power that Yusuke Godai has shown now!

Even if this type of disaster is only a tiger-level disaster, the countermeasure team needs to deal with it with all its strength to kill all the cells and tissues. If any link is neglected, it will definitely cause very terrible consequences!

Gui City's research on the Zecter system's attack method with atomic collapse effect has already begun. As long as the system is successfully completed, the pressure on Lujiang City will be much less, but what the countermeasure team did not expect is that they The monsters who are extremely serious, for fear that a single negligence will lead to the death of a large number of ordinary people, can't even bear the gaze of Yusuke Godai!

The flames burned these monsters to death?

How can it be!

Ordinary people may think so, but everyone in the countermeasure team is very clear that ordinary flames are absolutely unable to harm these terrifying monsters!

This is definitely no ordinary flame!

Obviously possessing terrible recovery power, but these monsters have no resistance at all in front of these flames, and they are directly wiped out!

And Yusuke Godai, who did all of this... didn't even move his hand, just took a look at these monsters, and completely shattered the existence of these monsters!

Is this... really the power that Kamen Rider can have?

And why? Why would this Kamen Rider give his power to Ji Ming without hesitation? Is this what he came to this world for?

In this way, wouldn't it prove that everything they did before was meaningless?

Whether it's the Kaiser system or the weakened version of the Evol driver... Obviously they have put in a lot of effort, but now Ji Ming has directly obtained a power with a potential far exceeding the two!

Are they really doing it wrong?

The reason why Ji Ming was able to obtain power from the other party, they have seen, is purely because Ji Ming has been recognized! It's like Wuma Youxiang has been recognized by Sword Scorpion!

Is it because in the eyes of these Kamen Riders, a strong will is more important than the power they already have?

Some people have realized it, but some people haven't, but they are silent in the ecstasy of Ji Ming gaining the power that even the alien life form Evolto desires, but they don't know that if they continue with their ideas, even Ji Ming will Gradually alienate the countermeasure group.


They heard Jon's applause again.


bang bang~

"Is it possible to eliminate an opponent who is not qualified to stand in front of you just by looking at it? Manipulating molecular-level power...is really terrifying."

Jon also watched with interest the gradually extinguishing flames in the sky.

The tiger-level and ghost-level alien beasts that accounted for the vast majority have been completely wiped out in the eyes of Wudai Yusuke, and the remaining two dragon-level alien beasts are just struggling to support.

This is the ultimate red-eyed power!

Manipulate the power at the molecular level to directly ignite the cells of these alien beasts!

This has long been out of the category of flames, but every cell of the alien beast is burning, and then combined into a flame that can be seen by the naked eye!

Manipulating power at the molecular level? Ji Ming looked at Wudai Yusuke, who was covered in pitch black and looked ferocious, in disbelief.

This is the power possessed by Mr. Five Dynasties? This is the power that makes Evolto greedy and wants to get?

So, can this force defeat Evolto?


Ji Ming remembered the thumbs up that Yusuke Godai gave him before.

It is definitely possible!

"Please come on! Mr. Wudai!" Ji Ming yelled at Wudai Yusuke, and then saw Wudai Yusuke turned his head and nodded vigorously at him.

The face is ferocious, but it is extremely gentle.

In the next moment, Godai Yusuke disappeared directly in front of him.


There's a piercing sonic boom, and then...

It was the roar of the earth collapsing!

People in other areas didn't know what happened. They just saw the picture shaking violently and then went black.

This made them extremely nervous, worried about the current situation of the black hero.

But just over ten seconds later, the live broadcast was continued, but the perspective changed.

Before, it was Evolto who let people see this in order to threaten the emergence of Kamen Rider Kuuga, but now the countermeasure team uses a helicopter to broadcast live in the air.

The picture seen is not so clear, but it allows everyone to see what happened in that battlefield.

The familiar gymnasium has already collapsed, replaced by a large lake of magma, but the most frightening thing is not the magma, but a huge depression that spreads the entire surrounding area of ​​the gymnasium like a crater.

Thinking of what happened before the picture was interrupted, everyone swallowed subconsciously.

Is this the power of Kamen Rider Kuuga?

In this way, that evil alien life form will definitely be defeated!

Chapter 413 Uncle Ren, Have You Betrayed Too? !

"Is this... his power?" Wuma Youxiang tremblingly looked at the two standing in the middle of the magma, who regarded the scorching magma as nothing.

Just the purest power can cause such terrible damage!

Moreover, this is only a tentative blow!

Wuma Youxiang couldn't imagine what would happen if such power descended on her.

Will die! It will definitely die directly!

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