I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 446

Subconsciously, she glanced up at the sky.

The sea of ​​flames in the sky is about to disappear, only the two remaining dragon-level disasters are still struggling.

Before this, who would have thought that the dragon-level disaster that terrified everyone would appear in such a distressed appearance?

Then, she looked at the dragon girl who was still fighting Kamen Rider MadRouge.

The two of them seemed unable to tell the winner in a short period of time, which made Wuma Youxiang subconsciously want to help, but after entering the Clock Up state, an unexpected figure appeared in front of her.

It's Kamen Rider Gatack!

Mr. Kagami? This thought came to Wuma Youxiang's mind, but the words that came out of the Gatack armor in the next second made her stunned.

It's Jin Takayama!

"That..." Ying Shanren tapped his visor in distress, and said, "Perhaps my request will embarrass you, but... can you please not interfere with the battle over there?"

"Are you also choosing to side with Evolto?" Wuma Youxiang took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in her heart.

It's not surprising that Jin Yingshan chose to side with Evolto, but...

She couldn't allow Ying Shanren to change into this posture and do such a thing!

This is tarnishing Mr. Kagami's will!

Wuma Youxiang didn't know how Ying Shanren obtained the Zecter system, but now she didn't want to know anymore, she just wanted to destroy the belt on the opponent's body.

She pulled up Sasword's stinger, then pressed down.

"Rider Slash!"

[Rider Slash! 】

The kill system was activated again, and after seeing Wuma Youxiang's reaction, Ying Shanren folded Gatack's double blades in front of his waist, turning into a huge pair of scissors.

Two powerful photons flickered on the two Kamen Riders transformed using the Zecter system, and then collided at a speed that ordinary people could not see.

The two killers with the effect of atomic collapse began to collide, and the aftermath caused was enough to easily tear the ground around them, but in their own eyes, the world seemed to be stagnant, just like their The ultimate kill will not cause any movement when colliding.

"Damn! How could Mr. Kagami's will make you..." Wuma Yuka yelled at Jin Yingshan. After witnessing the will of Kagami Shin, she did not allow Gatack to be used to do such a thing. thing!

But what she didn't expect was that before she could say this, Ying Shanren said helplessly.

"So, miss, haven't you discovered what the boss's purpose is?"

"Purpose? Isn't it just to gain the power of Mr. Wudai, so you threaten the lives of everyone in Lujiang City?" This is what Wuma Youxiang is most angry about. She can't just sit back and watch the lives of ordinary people in this city be played like this ,but...

Yingshan Jin pointed to the sky.

"But the fear lingering in everyone's hearts was also swept away because of this incident."

Hitoshi Takayama understood Jon's plan when he saw Godai Yusuke appear and wiped out all the monsters in the sky.

I have to say, the boss acted really well! If he hadn't known the opponent's character in advance, he probably couldn't help but punch him in the face.

Therefore, he is also going to help, not because he is worried that if he keeps fishing, he will be put on small shoes in the future.

He felt that the boss valued the girl in front of him very much, and with the boss's personality, he probably would not take the initiative to tell the other party the truth of the matter, so instead of causing some misunderstandings later, it would be better for him to explain.

So taking advantage of Clock Up, he said this.

At first, Wuma Youxiang didn't notice anything, but pointed at the sky and said angrily, "Isn't this due to Mr. Wudai?"

Takayama Jin did not answer, but shrugged.

This reaction made Wuma Youxiang froze, she thought of a very absurd possibility, and her voice became extremely trembling.

"You mean... this is actually just a scene played by Evolto and Mr. Five Generations? For... just to get rid of all the fear in everyone's hearts?"

When Wuma Youxiang had this result in her mind, she felt it was ridiculous!

how could it be possible! How could the result be like this!

Wouldn't it be all good for Evolto then? !

Isn't this a punishment? Is the countermeasures team trying to take advantage of his punishment?

Wuma Youxiang tried desperately to convince herself, but...

"I'm so happy to see you growing up!"

She recalled this sentence, and found herself subconsciously wanting to believe this possibility! These two completely different results were like weights at both ends of the scale, swinging left and right in her mind, and it was Ying Shanjin's next sentence that made her stop.

"If you are in doubt, why don't you just keep reading?"


The communication between Wuma Youxiang and Ying Shanren is naturally unknown to outsiders, and the focus of other people's attention is not on Wuma Youxiang.

They focus on the battle between Kamen Rider Kuuga and Evolto!

The earth is howling, the sky is howling!

The battle between them has far exceeded the level that normal people can react to, and often they can only see a flashing black shadow!

Moreover, this is definitely not their limit!

You must know that even in the first stage, Evolto has the ability to defeat Wuma Youxiang who is in CU state!

They saw a black stick appear out of nowhere in the hands of Yusuke Goshiro and smashed towards Evolto's body, but Evolto was not afraid at all.

In such a battle, Jon's body seemed to have turned into pure red energy, flashing flexibly under the attack of Yusuke Godai, pulling up afterimages, then reaching out to grab the middle of Yusuke Godai's weapon, and punching him head.

The battle with Yusuke Godai made it unnecessary for Jon to restrain his strength in the first stage. Every punch can be said to use his full strength. The power of the ultimate red eye, but Jon is very clear that it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the ultimate red eye in the first stage, unless it is replaced with less magic...cough cough cough! Back to fighting!

To Jon's surprise, at the same time when the five generations of Yusuke's weapon was captured, the power at the molecular level caused the long stick in his hand to disintegrate, turning into two black titan swords, and slashed towards Jon.

No one knew how terrifying the weight of the two black long swords was. Even Jon, who was facing the blow, felt a hint of threat and switched from attack to defense.

Scarlet light lit up on his mask, and at the same time, seven colors of energy gathered like a cosmic nebula on his arm, turning into an energy shield to block Godai Yusuke's blow!


Under this blow, the whole city trembled, and even the helicopter in the sky was trembling, as if it might fall at any moment.

Chapter 414 The White Demon

Is this the power of Mr. Five Dynasties?

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