I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 447

Ji Ming put his hands in front of his face, looking in shock at the black figure fighting in the distance.

This is a power that even Evolto needs to pay attention to!

He looked up at the dragon-level monster in the sky.

The disaster that appeared in Lujiang City this time can be said to be the most terrible disaster in history, but it is also the most embarrassing disaster in history!

These monsters are strong enough, but met Mr. Five Generations!

The power from Mr. Five Dynasties not only wiped out all the monsters below the dragon-level disaster before their arrival, but also delayed the arrival of these monsters, allowing people to evacuate to a safe place.

But disasters will still come after all.

He glanced at the nebula smoke gun in his hand, and he still wanted to continue fighting, but his danger level, which had rapidly increased due to the spiritualization of his whole body, dropped due to the power given by Mr. Wudai, making him unable to use the Caesar system to transform at all.

He raised his head and looked at Li Xiu who was walking towards him step by step.

"I used to envy you very much, Li Xiu, because you have gained great power." Ji Ming threw away the nebula smoke gun in his hand and said calmly.

"I thought that as long as I have strong power, I can protect everyone, but now I understand!"

He took a deep breath and put his hands on his waist imitating Yusuke Godai's posture just now.

The belt of spiritual stones presented by Yusuke Godai appeared around his waist.

Ji Ming is very clear that the power he just obtained is far weaker than the Caesar system, but he has no intention of regretting it, even if he can never reach the level of Mr. Fifth, he will not regret it!

"If you only have power, you can't protect everyone! The most important thing is..." Ji Ming meticulously imitated Godai Yusuke's previous posture, and expressed his feelings.

"It's the will! henshin!"

The white biological armor in its nascent form appeared on Jiming's body, and the one who answered him was...

[Bat! 】

"Steam blood."


The battlefield caught in the melee seemed extremely chaotic, but the countermeasures team's attention was always on the two strongest players from the beginning to the end.

Although Godai Yusuke has shown great strength now, they are not at all relieved.

Because they know very well...

This is definitely not Evolto's true strength!

His strongest power, the black and white trigger from Pandora's box, has not yet been used!

So will he use it?

Surely it will!

In the first stage, it is obviously impossible to defeat Kamen Rider Kuuga. If he really wants to gain the strength of the opponent, he will definitely show his strongest strength!

Then, will this Mr. Fifth Generation still be the opponent of Evolto?

The protozoan Zhou Boming was also hesitating.

After seeing his subordinate Shen Ping obtain a weakened version of the Evol driver, he knew that things had exceeded his expectations.

In the end, he also had the idea of ​​using Evolto, using him to take away the Evol drive from the countermeasure team and at the same time show his favor, but obviously he failed to some extent.

Evolto didn't care about the weakened version of the Evol driver at all, and could even throw it to Shen Ping for use without caring.

Then, he started to give the countermeasure team a warning!

Even this warning is just a by-product of his desire to gain the power of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

Even the countermeasure team is like this, so...

He took advantage of the other party's behavior, would he pass by so lightly? Will it really be the same as what I said before, will you forgive him directly?

Zhou Boming didn't dare to place all his hopes on Jon's words. He was hesitating, and at the same time, under the violent mood swings, his body temperature began to rise sharply!

He's about to molt!

Under the pressure of fear deliberately created by Jon, Zhou Boming even entered a state where he could peel off his skin ahead of time.

If it was before, he would be excited, he would be ecstatic, but now...

Even if he successfully shed his skin, is he qualified to face Evolto's wrath?

The anger used by humans is going on right now, so what about the anger used by the protozoa?

Will it stop there?

Obviously impossible! Zhou Boming knew very well what would happen if he could not control Shen Ping.

So, he is hesitating!

Then immediately after, he sees this alien life form from another world, finally ready to use his ultimate power.


"Sure enough... the power of the basic form is still not enough..."

After colliding with the black Titan sword in Godai Yusuke's hand again, Jon retreated violently, patted the back of his hand and chuckled.

He has already seen the potential of the spirit stone belt, it is indeed an incomparably powerful force, and he does not know whether that lucky boy can tap the full potential.

However, it has already reached this level, so let's end it quickly.

The purpose of the first phase has been achieved, as for the purpose of the second phase...

Jon glanced at Shen Ping, who had been suppressed by the dragon girl.

This kind of temptation should be enough to lure the protozoa to make a move.


The black hole trigger appeared in Jon's hands.

"Don't die, otherwise I will feel distressed. It's rare to meet such an interesting human being."

【Over the Evolution! 】

The black hole trigger was inserted into the drive, and before the joystick was turned, black mist began to pour out from the drive, telling the people in the countermeasure team that the so-called darkness was not just the power of Yusuke Godai.

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