I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 448

The black hole expanded from behind him, and the silver gear restraint extended from his body, binding the black hole behind him and his body together, and began to rotate crazily.

The red-purple energy burned fiercely on the armor, making people who saw this scene feel as if their breathing had stagnated.

Even if such a scene is suddenly stopped, it can still make the senior leaders of the countermeasure team, what kind of monster they were vigilant and calculated before, is it!

The Titan sword was disassembled, and the pitch-black Tenma crossbow appeared in the hands of the fifth generation of Yusuke. As the end of the Tianma crossbow was pulled up by the fifth generation of Yusuke, the same pitch-black energy began to condense on the bow of the Tianma crossbow.

Wudai Yusuke didn't seem to intend to watch Jon complete his transformation, and directly pointed the Tianma crossbow at Jon's position.

When the trigger is pulled, it is different from the small shape of the Tianma crossbow, and what follows is a torrent of black energy with a diameter of more than ten meters!

At the next moment when this torrent of energy was ejected from the Celestial Crossbow, red, blue, green, and silver energies emerged from it, attached to the surface impacted by the energy of this blow, and blasted towards Jon.

The terrifying blow wiped the ground and tore the sky, but in the face of such a terrible attack, Jon just stretched out his left palm.

The dark purple wormhole opened, directly swallowing the terrifying blow of Koshiro Yusuke, and at the same time making everyone in the countermeasure team terrified.

Because they saw the world on the other side of the earth at the moment on the other side of the opened wormhole...


Chapter 415 Dragon Level=Background Board


Why does the moon appear? !

This was the first thought that came to the heads of the high-level countermeasure team after seeing the picture that appeared at the other end of the wormhole that Jon opened casually.

Then, like crazy, they contacted the other side of the world at night time, and got a news that stunned them.

Just before that, the moon was attacked by a wave of dark energy. According to preliminary calculations, the damage caused by this attack to the moon has far exceeded the maximum-yield nuclear bomb owned by the countermeasure team.

When they heard the news, their bodies trembled so much that they couldn't even hold the microphone tightly.

One side caused an attack far exceeding the current maximum yield nuclear bomb with a single blow, while the other side was able to transfer this terrible attack from the day side of the earth to the night side!

They couldn't imagine that if the place where Evolto transferred was not the moon but a city, how many people would survive in that city!

That is to say...

Not only Evolto, Kamen Rider Kuuga also has the power to wipe out all civilizations on a planet!

And these two monsters are now fighting in Lujiang City!

They were suddenly a little rejoiced, rejoicing that Wudai Yusuke clearly possessed such terrifying power, but he still maintained a normal heart.

So... relying on his strength, can he really defeat Evolto?

At this moment, everyone's hearts seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand, and the pain was extremely painful.

Zhou Boming, the protozoa, began to tremble in fear, but he was not at all abrupt among the high-level leaders of the terrified countermeasures team.

But what he didn't notice was that one of them was watching him with playful eyes.


【Are You Ready? 】

The purple-red energy was like a pillar of fire, constantly burning on Jon.

Carrying the black hole on his back, three silver gears bound him and the black hole to rotate continuously, making the current Jon look like a big devil who is about to destroy the world.

Even if he judged it by himself, he probably couldn't say no against his will.


This seems to be better!

The corners of the mouth under the visor were slightly raised.

This time, he didn't need to say anything, the energy that was already ready was directly compressed on his body.

[Black Hole! 】

The breastplate and helmet composed of black and white replaced the armor of stage one, and with this last step, black mist permeated Jon's body, turning into a monstrous tornado roaring towards the sky .

[Black Hole! ! 】

One of the only two remaining dragon-level disasters was about to come, but the tattered body that had been ravaged by Yusuke Fifth was facing the black mist gushing from Jon's body.


it's gone!

Nothing is left! As if it never appeared in this world in the first place!

[Black Hole! ! ! 】

When seeing this scene, everyone was numb.

Before this, if someone told them that the dreaded dragon-class disaster would exit in such an embarrassing way, they would probably spit at each other and say he was dreaming.

But now...they believed it!

In the eyes of the countermeasure team, the dragon-level disaster that cannot be dealt with at all is just a background board in the eyes of the two monsters in front of them!

Not to mention causing any trouble to Kamen Rider Kuuga and Evolto, it's not enough to bear the aftermath of the battle between these two!

[Revolution! ! ! 】

The black tornado dissipated, revealing the appearance of a black hole.

Similarly, this is what the countermeasure team has seen once before.

But unlike last time when they dared to guess and wanted to test the opponent's strength, this time, all they had in their eyes was fear!

Black Hole?

black hole?

Is this the real strength of the opponent?

Reminiscent of the wormhole opened by the other party just now, the top executives of the countermeasure team didn't even have the intention to doubt it!

When Pandora's Box is opened, the ultimate power revealed...

Is it a black hole?

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