I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 449

People felt the fear, but they took it for granted. They remembered when Mars was destroyed, the buildings that fell apart and flew towards the sky.

It's over!

It's all over!

When he realized that the enemy he had been vigilant against and calculated was actually a monster with the power to control the black hole, no one had any chances of getting lucky anymore.

They remembered what the other had said before.


Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, if he didn't directly destroy all the people on the earth, he was already absolutely kind.

Then at this moment, Zhou Boming made up his mind.

With Evolto showing such strength, there is no need for him to remain in the countermeasure team, especially if he is trying to take advantage of the opponent.

He wants to live!

He stood up and turned to leave. This choice undoubtedly proved his identity.

Although the senior leaders of the countermeasure team present were still deeply in fear and couldn't extricate themselves, they responded in time.

But nothing works!

After the heavily armed fighters broke in, Zhou Boming directly changed back to the protozoan form.

The temperature of his body began to rise sharply, and he began to shed his skin.

The green carapace peeled off from his body, revealing a molted appearance.

There are black stripes all over the yellow body, two black tentacles on the head with sickle-like mouthparts, thin wings on the back and sharp sting needles on the arms, all of which prove that he is a A protozoa in the form of a wasp!

But is it useful now?

Not to mention that the strength of the protozoa after moulting is far greater than that of the zerg. Even the molting zerg is not something that humans here can deal with!


Zhou Boming didn't even have the desire to kill them, he was afraid of ruining Jon's elegance.

"So... how wrong was your choice at the time, if you chose to give up your identity as a human being and become a protozoa like me, how could things have turned into such a bad situation..."

Zhou Boming felt that he was different from the other monster that had sneaked in. He had no intention of destroying it from the beginning, and after learning of the whereabouts of the Zerg, he took the initiative to help develop the Kamen Rider system, even though he was under the control of Da Jiongyan at that time However, his original intention was to live to the point where he could successfully shed his skin.

The same is true of the original purpose of infiltrating the top management of the countermeasure team.

But now that he has finished shedding his skin, even if there is no need to stay here.

It is impossible for the Zerg to be his opponent. The only one who can pose a threat to him is Shen Ping, the two Kamen Riders who have surpassed everyone's recognition.

He chuckled and looked at the latest appearance on the screen.

The wormhole has been opened again, and what appeared in front of them this time was a desert.

Obviously, this is not the earth, but other planets!

With such terrifying power in his hand, is there any point for him to stay in the countermeasure team? It's better to seek Evolto's forgiveness before the situation completely gets out of control.

"Think about it, old guys...Think about how to face such an existence."

After leaving this sentence, Zhou Boming left directly. At the same time, other people informed Jiang He of this matter immediately. They felt that the protozoa might go to Lujiang City immediately.

But...does it work? This thought popped into everyone's mind.

Chapter 416 Honestly bring the drive (6W1 recommendation)

The wormhole is opened again, but this time the other end of the connection is Mars in this world!

Jon felt that the blow he transferred to the moon just now was enough to make people in this world terrified. If he continued to stay here, he would be a little bit hesitant and would not be able to create any big scenes.


Jon subconsciously glanced at the location of the dragon girl. He didn't expect the protozoa to show up on its own initiative, so it might be more interesting for him to disappear for a while.

So, sure enough, go to Mars.

"It's rare to find such an interesting place. It would be a pity if it was destroyed due to the aftermath of the battle." Jon chuckled lightly, "You should think so too, Yusuke Godai, if you are interested in accompanying Shall I go to Mars?"

Even though the distance was far away, Jon's voice could easily reach the ears of everyone in Lujiang City through the people in the countermeasure team, and everyone fell into a strange silence.

Who would have thought that the travel between planets is just a simple matter that can be easily done in the hands of this alien life form named Evolto.

And if this fifth generation gentleman really followed the other party to Mars, is there a chance to come back?

Before they could come up with the answer, Jon appeared directly in front of the countermeasures team's camera through the wormhole, shook his finger at the people who were watching all this, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry?~, I'll be back soon."


"That... that is..." Jiming, who was stepped on by Li Xiu, looked at the wormhole opened by Jon in disbelief. He couldn't believe that there would be such a terrifying power in this world!

"I think it should be Mars." Li Xiu said calmly, "After all, the earth is a good playground for blood divers. Once it is destroyed, it would be a pity."

The cold tone made Ji Ming grit his teeth, but the power of the newborn form was still too weak, so that he couldn't even defeat Li Xiu who had used the transforming smoke system.

He felt like his teeth were about to shatter!

He knows that his strength is very weak, so weak that he can't bear the aftermath of the battle between Mr. Fifth and Evolto, but he still wants to go up and help!

He angrily smashed his fist at Li Xiu's leg armor, but it had no effect at all except making the opponent's body shake.

"Give up..." Li Xiu said calmly.

"How could I just watch this kind of thing!" Ji Ming said angrily, how could he just watch Mr. Wudai die like this, he struggled to get rid of Li Xiu's shackles, but he couldn't do it, and the next second from The words that came out of Li Xiu's mouth also made him freeze in place.

"If you die, hope cannot be passed on."

This sentence stunned Ji Ming, and then he looked at Li Xiu even more angrily.

"You guy, are you starting to pretend again now? As a human being, you chose to side with that monster! Are you really the Li Xiu I saw in the intelligence?!"

Facing Ji Ming's accusation, Li Xiu said calmly, "This is for righteousness."

In Li Xiu's eyes, Jon had obviously lied before.

But he doesn't care, because this is righteousness.

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