I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 450

Since he did this in order to completely drive away the fear in the hearts of the people in Lujiang City and to find out another protozoa, then he has no reason to back down.

Although he knew it was impossible, Li Xiu also hoped that he could help the other party bear some burdens.

"Your righteousness is to help monsters bring fear to humans?" Jiming said in pain, he could only watch as Godai Yusuke followed him through the wormhole, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

Li Xiu didn't answer, but looked at the sky quietly.

Jon and Fifth Generation Yusuke have left the earth, but the crisis has not been completely resolved, and that is another dragon-level alien beast.

This is specially prepared for them.

Kamen Rider Kuuga has indeed brought hope to the people of this city, but this hope needs to be passed on layer by layer, so that people can understand that even if there is no Godai Yusuke, there are still people who are constantly fighting to protect them.

As he spoke, Li Xiu raised his right foot that was on Ji Ming's back, and then said something that shocked him.

"Hope needs to be passed down layer by layer, Ji Ming, don't you understand?"

After losing the shackles of the five generations of Yusuke, the dragon-level alien beast whose body was already in tatters finally came to this world, but what made it angry was that the fear that made it salivate had disappeared without a trace at this moment .

It was roaring angrily, as if it wanted to use this method to make humans restore their fear of it, and then let it restore its own strength.


In the situation where it was almost stared to death by Goshiro Yusuke, does it still have the right to arouse the fear of others?

Obviously not!

And after Jon and Fifth Generation Yusuke disappeared in the battlefield, the camera was also aimed at them, or...

Ji Ming was targeted!

He is similar to Yusuke Godai, but his appearance that looks like a baby attracts everyone's attention, as if after Yusuke Godai left, he has become people's last hope.

Ji Ming obviously noticed this situation, but his body trembled a little.

Can he really take on all this?

At the same time, the dragon-level disaster in an extremely weak state really came, but even so, its power is not comparable to that of the ghost-level disaster!

This alien beast looks like a chrysalis with limbs, but its body is covered with dense holes that make one's scalp feel numb at a glance.

With a body more than 30 meters high and a terrible weight, it caused a terrifying earthquake when it fell to the ground.

It seemed to have noticed several people in the battlefield, and then several tentacles drilled out of the holes on its body, rolling towards where Li Xiu and Ji Ming were.

"Don't be in a daze!" Li Xiu pushed Ji Ming who was still in a daze, and then attacked the alien beast.

But in Yeba form, he couldn't even stop the attack of the alien beast. The powerful light bullet fired from the smoke gun only left a negligible wound on the opponent's body, and then his whole body was crushed. It flew out.

With just one blow, he was directly knocked out of the transformation state, and then spit out a big mouthful of blood with a wow.

At this time, although Ji Ming had come to his senses, he was still too weak in his newborn form. He might not even be able to deal with ghost-level disasters, let alone face such a strange beast!

"What an awkward brat..." Li Xiuqiang supported his body to stand up, and the next second he heard Tao Su's voice.

"Brother Li Xiu..." With fear in his eyes, Tao Su ran to his side regardless of the danger, trying to wipe the blood off his mouth.

Such behavior made Li Xiu show a difficult smile.

"I thought you'd hate me for that."

This was the first time that Tao Su saw a smile on Li Xiu's face again after many years.

"No, no! Brother Li Xiu must have his own reasons for doing such a thing!" Tao Su explained in a panic.

"So... I should work hard, and I can't be left too far by others..." Li Xiu gasped, and then a blue driver appeared in his hand, and he slapped it on his waist slowly between.

【Sclash Driver! 】

Chapter 417 Transformation honestly (3500 monthly pass)

【Sclash Driver! 】

When Li Xiu put the squeeze driver on his waist, Tao Su's eyes widened in disbelief, as if he wanted to ask why Li Xiu didn't use such a driver before.

"Because... I don't want to use it for the first time... to deal with my companions..." Li Xiu coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood again, apparently the blow from the alien beast had seriously injured him.

And this expression was also noticed by Ji Ming.

In this way, he also understood.

In other words, from the very beginning... Li Xiu didn't betray him, did he?

Did he stay by Evolto's side for righteousness? The reason is to wait for such an opportunity?

wrong! It is obviously impossible for Li Xiu to foresee his situation in advance, that is to say...

Is it because I saw that he carried the will of Mr. Five Dynasties, so I changed my plan to do such a thing, don't you want him to die?

When thinking of this result, Ji Ming was a little bit astonished, and then a tentacle of the alien beast rolled towards him again.

He tried to avoid it, but found that he was too weak!

Weak enough to have no resistance at all in front of this alien beast!

But just when he subconsciously put his arms in front of his body to block the attack of the alien beast, the tentacles rolling towards his body were cut off abruptly.

Is it Wuma Youxiang?

Is Wuma Youxiang helping her too?


Is it because she also wants him to be the hope to be passed on? Obviously he is so weak now!

It was not Wuma Youxiang who answered his doubt, but Li Xiu.

"It's not power that counts, but hope itself."

Li Xiu gasped heavily, and then a full bottle of dark purple appeared in his hand, he shook it lightly, and then twisted off the green cap.

Crack-like red lines flashed on the bottle.

[Danger! 】

"Mr. Five Dynasties hopes that you can protect the smiles on everyone's faces. This kind of responsibility is heavier than simply having power, but I will help you, and there are others..."

The crocodile rift full-fill bottle was gently inserted into the squeeze driver by Li Xiu.

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