I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 451

[Crocodile! 】

There is no way that Dragon Girl likes to clench her fist and smash down when using the squeeze driver before. Li Xiu ordinaryly holds the wrench, and then slowly presses down.

The purple energy instantly filled the component transforming device, and the transforming device began to unfold around Li Xiu at a high speed.

【Tear! 】

The purple liquid filled the transparent container, submerging Li Xiu's whole body in it. Unlike the dragon girl's transformation, when the container was filled with energy, the transformation device also appeared on both sides. Alligator-like mechanics, and then...

Bite it down!

【Devour! 】

Red cracks similar to those on the previous full-filled bottle appeared on the transparent container, and then completely shattered.

【Crush to pieces! 】

And with the complete shattering of the transformation device, the crocodile structure that appeared under Li Xiu's helmet also snapped together, causing red cracks to appear on his jet-black visor as well, making Tao Su a little worried whether it would shatter directly Come.

But obviously her worries were unnecessary, because in the next second, the red lines turned into white, and then the indigo goggles lit up, announcing that this person who had been in the form of a night bully to protect ordinary people in Gui City The warrior of the world returns now as a real Kamen Rider!

[Crocodile in Rogue! 】

Kamen Rider Rogue!

"Then, it's time for the finishing touches." Li Xiu moved his palm, and then looked at Ji Ming.

"Next, I will help you to pass on your hope, and don't let Mr. Five Generations live up to your expectations."


"It's really scary..." Ying Shanren looked at the traces left in the center of the battlefield. Even though Jon and Godai Yusuke had left, Ying Shanren still felt a little palpitating.

If it was him who resisted this blow, he would probably disappear into this world directly, leaving nothing behind.

This made him look around helplessly.

Although the effect was very good, Ying Shanren always felt that Jon had some fun. Not only did he leave a terrifying giant crater on the moon, but he even hit Mars directly later.

"I don't know what those people's moods are like at the moment." Ying Shanren was a little speechless. Although he didn't have any similar experience, even if he just thought about those people's moods at the moment, he thought it would be very exciting.

After all, counting a person who can travel freely between planets and destroy planets easily is not what a rational person should do at all.

"A protozoa that can copy memories, an evil program that can modify memories, and the real Evolto that is currently missing. I don't know when these people will really wake up, but it's normal..."

Ying Shanren patted his head helplessly.

"Who told the boss to be so wicked? And if he showed his true character from the beginning, he might have a lot of trouble. Those stupid guys must want to take advantage of the boss."

Jin Yingshan didn't think there was anything wrong with Jon's actions. Although the evil taste was stronger, at least in his plan, everything would be better.

However, to his surprise, he was also recruited, and the reason was that before Jon left just now, he learned from the dragon girl that the protozoa from the headquarters of the countermeasure group had appeared on its own initiative. Come here.

"I always feel that the chances are a bit...err..." Ying Shanren just wanted to say that the chances are a bit small, but then to his surprise, a yellow and black figure appeared on the battlefield through the wall of the sky above.

"I didn't expect it to come... so fast!" Ying Shanren was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Jon would guess that the protozoa that had infiltrated the top management of the countermeasure team really came.

This is the state after molting? Ying Shanren looked curiously at the wasp-like figure in the sky.

It was his first time dealing with such an enemy.

At the same time, Wuma Youxiang also returned to his side, the complexion on the face under the mask was extremely complicated.

She didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this!

Whether it's her or the people in the headquarters, they all blame Evol... No, the person who was obviously used, but still did this kind of behavior, is really the evil alien life form Evolto?

Not only did it help dispel all the fear in the hearts of the people in Lujiang City, but it even forced the protozoa who had infiltrated the top management of the countermeasure team to show up under pressure.

If it were a countermeasure team, would it be possible to achieve this level?

Obviously impossible! so...

After seeing the appearance of the protozoa, Wuma Youxiang wanted to apologize to Jon and explain it to others, but the words that came out of Ying Shanren's mouth immediately made her body freeze. In situ.

"If possible, can this misunderstanding be maintained in the eyes of others?"

"Why?!" Wuma Youxiang said in disbelief, "Obviously..."

She seemed to be about to say something first, but stayed where she was because of Ying Shanjin's next words.

"Who knows how many monsters have been mixed in your high-level?"

Ying Shanren laughed lightly.

"Then get rid of this protozoa first, and don't be surprised if anything happens next."

Chapter 418 Toss off Mars' skull


If ordinary people came here without any protective measures, they would probably suffocate to death in a short time, but such a harsh environment would not bring any discomfort to Jon and Yusuke Godai.

And after coming to Mars, the two changed their previous appearance of beating life and death, and looked at each other.

Although one face was covered and the other was transformed into another appearance by Lingshi, both of them knew that the other was smiling.

After the battlefield is transferred to Mars, it can be said that it has reached the final stage.

The fear in the hearts of the people in Lujiang City has been completely eliminated, and the protozoa has also shown its flaws. Naturally, there is no need for him to worry about the follow-up actions.


"Although they can't see it now, they should still use the probe to observe the situation here." Jon looked up at the sky, as if seeing the probe in the orbit of Mars, and then shrugged, "So we need to look at the situation again." Make something big."

Yusuke Godai nodded, and then the flame appeared again! Then, under the almost numb gaze of the high-level countermeasure team, Mars became a veritable 'fire' star!

The scorching flames burst out from where Yusuke Godai and Jon were. It was like a speck at first, but then it enveloped all the sparks in just a few breaths!

People on the night side of the earth also saw a second sun appearing in the dark sky, completely dispelling the darkness!

Immediately afterwards, this new sun disappeared out of thin air, and the world in their eyes returned to darkness again, as if what they saw a few seconds ago was just an illusion.

Only the top management of the countermeasure team understood what happened at that moment just now.

Mars turned into a second sun, and...

Part of it was erased by the black hole!

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