I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 461

Along with the weakened version of the Evol driver recovered from the protozoa and two full bottles.

But to her regret, Jon was not at home, and it was Matou Sakura who opened the door for her.

"It's Sakura." The dragon girl tried to establish a good relationship with the little girl adopted by Jon, but she didn't expect to get dissatisfied stares from the other party.

Is there something about her that made Sakura angry? This idea suddenly popped up in the dragon girl's mind, she felt like she didn't have it! She hasn't seen Sakura recently.

So, it must be her illusion!

The dragon girl thought so, and then she smiled at Jian Tongying again, and asked, "Is Uncle Xue Qian at home now?"

Although everyone thought that Uncle Blood Potential was dead, Miss Long didn't think so. She felt that Uncle Blood Potential must be going to hide for a while, and then suddenly appeared to give everyone a big surprise!

Matou Sakura lowered her head, as if trying to assess the threat level of the Dragon Maiden.

She remembered what Xiaoxuan had said to her in school, and then breathed a sigh of relief, ranking Dragon Girl's threat level only a little higher than Xingzi's.

Matou Sakura raised her head and shook her head, indicating that Jon is not at home now.

This answer made the dragon girl a little regretful, but she then asked: "Can Sakura take me to that place? I have something I want to return to Uncle Blood Diver!"

Matou Sakura hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

However, after bringing the dragon girl to the office, Matou Sakura was also a little surprised, because Jon was not there, and there was a customer who had never seen him sitting in front of the bar.

Seeing this, the dragon girl was a little disappointed.

"Is Uncle Blood Dive not here?"

Chapter 426 Little Snakeskin

Uncle Blood Diver?

Is it the name of the store manager?

Ji Yazhun was stunned for a second, then subconsciously replied: "The store manager said he will be back soon, if you are not in a hurry, you can wait for a while."

"So that's how it is!" Long Maiden heaved a sigh of relief, and then ran to sit down in front of the bar, while Matou Ying came behind the bar very skillfully, stood on a stool, and poured coffee for Long Maiden.

This scene made the dragon girl's face turn green. Although she couldn't recall the taste of coffee, the instinct of her body told her that she must not drink any more!

"Wrong, wrong!" Dragon Girl waved her palm at Matou Sakura with a face full of fear, "It's black tea! It's black tea! You need to use black tea for entertaining guests! Didn't Uncle Blood Diver tell Sakura?"

Jian Tongying glanced at Long Maiden ignorantly, then silently poured out the coffee.

This made the dragon girl breathe a sigh of relief, but she didn't see the regretful expression on Matou Sakura's face when she poured the coffee.

Afterwards, the dragon girl set her curious eyes on Ji Yazhun.

"Brother, are you a guest of Uncle Blood Diver?"

Perhaps because of the current agitation, Ji Yazhun just nodded slightly.

"My name is Ji Yajun."

Is Himeya accurate? The dragon girl remembered the name, but when she was thinking about what the world Ji Yazhun was like, the door of the office was opened again.

This time it was Jon who came in, which made Ji Yazhun extremely excited.

"Mr. Store Manager!"

"Well, it's already done." Jon smiled, "If you go back, you can see her, um... and this, it might be more convenient to have this word."

With that said, Jon handed Ji Yazhun a photo, the person in the photo was a group photo of Sera and those who would have died in the war.

This photo brought tears to Ji Yazhun's eyes, and for a moment he even felt like he was dreaming!

Then, as if he remembered something, he took out the contract that Jon had given him before.

He remembered that Jon said that if the contract is reached, then this contract will be completely integrated with him, and this is the only place he can repay the other party, but...

At this moment, the contract did not respond at all!

"Ah..." Jon also showed a 'surprised' expression at the right time, "It seems that Mr. Ji Ya, you are wrong. It is not your real wish to resuscitate, or... not entirely. .”

This sentence made Ji Yazhuan show an unbelievable expression.

Isn't it his wish to reprise Pilar? How can it be!

He stood there blankly, until Jon returned to the back of the bar and hugged Matou Sakura standing on the stool like a kitten in his arms, and then poured himself a cup of coffee, Ji Yazhun came back to his senses Come.

If so...

Doesn't he even have the chance to repay the store manager?

Ji Yazhun opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but was interrupted directly by Jon.

"Don't worry about such trivial matters." Jon smiled at the other party, "After all, this can be regarded as eliminating a wrong option, isn't it? Even ordinary people can't complete a transaction smoothly at once, let alone this This kind of thing, so...if you find your true wish, Himeya-san, you can still come to me."

After speaking, Jon picked up the coffee cup, took a sip and started teasing Matou Sakura.

At this time, Ji Yazhun was completely speechless.

He wanted to thank Jon, but he didn't know what to say.

Sera obviously got rid of his unfortunate fate, he should feel excited, shouldn't he? !

Then, he heard Jon continue: "Maybe you should go see Sera now and see if you can get an answer from her."

This sentence made Ji Yazhun wake up suddenly, bowed deeply to Jon, and left.

Only after Ji Yazhun left, the dragon girl dared to speak.

Although she didn't know exactly what happened, the heavy atmosphere just now made her dare not speak at all.

She just knew that Uncle Xue Qian went to save some people again, but saving these people didn't seem to be the wish of Mr. Ji Yazhun.

"Uncle Blood Potential..." the dragon girl showed a flattering smile, "Can you tell me what's going on?"

"It's not something that needs to be hidden." Jon didn't mean to hide it either.

Is it Hime Yasun's wish to save Sera?

Count, do not count.

The reason why it counts is because Jon feels that this is only a small part of Ji Yazhun's real wish.

His pain wasn't just because of Sierra's death, but also because of the critically acclaimed photo that was received around the world.

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