I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 462

Are photos like this really useful?

It may be useful, but most of it may have become the talk of many people after dinner.

Before that, Ji Yazhuan could still convince himself that the war reporter was just and wanted to expose the ugliness of the war to people, but when he saw Serra die in front of him, his mentality had already changed. changed.

Watching lives die in front of him like this, and then being frozen by his camera in exchange for fame and money, is this job really just?

So Jon feels that saving Sera is not Ji Yazhun's real wish, at least not all of his wishes.

This man named Ji Yazhuan should have instilled all the guilt for the civilians who died in the war and then photographed by him on this girl named Sera.

Otherwise, "Light" would never choose him.

What he wants to save is not only Sera, but all the unfortunate people, but he has not realized this yet.

After listening to Jon's explanation, the dragon girl also fell into deep thought.

What happened to Ji Yazhun was indeed very heavy, but then she smiled foolishly again.

"But Uncle Blood Diver will definitely help him, right! Oh yes!"

The dragon girl suddenly realized the purpose of her visit this time, and handed the weakened version of the Evol driver and two full bottles in the backpack to Jon, "I got it back from that protozoa!"

"This..." For this weakened version of the Evol driver, Jon just glanced at it and was not interested.

"If you want, you can take it yourself."

"Eh?!" The dragon girl was stunned, "This is an Evol driver!"

Although she told Jiang He before that she could try to get it if she wanted it, but that was just her angry words at the time.

"It's a weakened version anyway, and ordinary humans can't use it." Jon picked up the driver and patted it on Matou Sakura's waist.

[Evol Driver! 】

"Well...it's quite appropriate." Jon commented to himself.

To be honest, he really didn't care about this drive at all. After all, this was just the initial version, not the enhanced version where Wu Ziming loaded the real Evol drive data.


it does not matter!

Chapter 427 Sakura: Sure enough, she is the best

In the end, the dragon girl did not choose to take away the weakened version of the Evol drive, she felt that she could not use it, and with her sloppy personality, it was very likely that someone would steal it.

At this point, she is still very self-aware.

Then she went back.

Matou Sakura didn't leave with her, but looked curiously at the driver at her waist, which was a little bigger than her size.

She turned the motion rocker on the drive curiously, but nothing happened because the drive was not filled with cans.

Jon couldn't help rubbing Matou Sakura's little face because of his cute appearance.

"If you like it, give it to Sakura."

To Jon's surprise, Matou Sakura shook his head and said, "This is very important to Jon!"

It means that she can't take such an important thing.

"It's okay, it's okay." An Evol drive also appeared in Jon's hand, "I still have one here."

Matou Sakura looked a little dazed, her eyes flicked back and forth between the two Evol drivers, as if she remembered that Jon had another one at this time, and then nodded vigorously.

"I want to be the same as Jon!"

The well-behaved appearance made Jon instantly feel his physical and mental exhaustion disappear.


"Tsk... Mami asked me to ask you to have supper."

An inappropriate voice sounded.

The person who spoke was Sakura Kyoko. After she opened the door and came in, she saw Jon and Matou Sakura happily, which made her very upset.

This stinky brat is definitely pretending again!

If it wasn't for pretending that she had no strength and couldn't hold her back, she probably wouldn't be able to find out what was wrong with this kid by now.

Forgot Jon still has an Evol drive in his hand?

fart! This brat probably knows what Jon has in his hand now! Even Mami doesn't know as well as this brat!

Sakura Kyoko knew very well that Matou Sakura was the most keen to count what was in Jon's hands at home. Sakura Kyoko saw Matou Sakura writing something in a small book more than once, and she didn't give it away. Others look!

It is also because of what happened before that Sakura Kyoko always feels that there is something wrong no matter what Matou Sakura does, but she has no proof!

If she said it directly, Jon and Mami would say that she was bullying Matou Sakura again.


What two useless subordinates! To be deceived so easily, Master Kyoko is still needed to find out the flaws of this stinky brat.

Looking at Matou Sakura who was hugging Jon's neck and turning her head to look at her curiously, Sakura Kyoko looked calm.

She has already seen through the other party's true colors, how could she be deceived by the other party!

With a soft snort, Sakura Kyoko told Jon that Asami was ready for supper.


"Kyoko, are you angry?" Matou Sakura looked at Sakura Kyoko and asked.

"No!" Sakura Kyoko answered without thinking.

"Sure enough, Kyoko is angry." Matou Sakura took off the Evol driver on her waist in frustration, "So, it's better for Kyoko."

Sakura Kyoko: "..."

This stinky brat!

"I just..." Sakura Kyoko subconsciously wanted to say that she didn't want it at all, but then she reacted abruptly.

If I said that, wouldn't I be following the path of this little devil!

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