I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 466



Shi Dao was deflated just now.

Contrary to what he expected, the magical girl evolution bottle not only failed to degrade Heart, but also allowed him to enter a super-evolutionary state!

Chapter 430: The End of the Evil Path Program Has Arrived! (3600 monthly pass)

Jon is leisurely making coffee for himself.

In the main world, he needs to pretend to be dead for a while, giving people the illusion that he has been beaten to the ground by Yusuke Godai, and then suddenly jumps out at a critical moment.

Presumably this will definitely be very Surprise!

Jon thought it would be interesting to see the expressions on those people's faces when the time came.

And staying in the office will not be boring, maybe because Jon left for a long time before, Matou Sakura has been clinging to Jon.

But she is very good, and she will not pester Jon all the time, as if just staying by Jon's side is enough.

The Evol driver was still on her waist, and she took a magical girl bottle and inserted it in and out. She seemed to like the sound of this sound.

Sakura Kyoko was also in the office, but she seemed to be asleep while lying on the counter.

It's rare to come to accompany him without playing games, which makes Jon very happy.

Ba Mamei was enthusiastically experimenting with a new brewing method of black tea, and then commented on it to Jon, and even tried to add a few drops of black hole coffee to the freshly brewed black tea as a seasoning.

Even if there are no guests, the office is very warm and lively.

But this kind of warmth didn't last long, he saw the door of the office was directly pushed open, and then a somewhat embarrassed Shi Dao just walked in.

"Blood diver!"

Shishima just felt extremely aggrieved. Using that bottle directly degenerated the brain into the most basic form, but when using it on the Heart, it not only failed to degenerate it, but also made him enter a super-evolved state!

Originally, Heart's combat power was strong enough, let alone entering a super-evolved state. If it wasn't for the power in the bottle that gave him strong resilience, and Heart kept his hands on him, he would probably be in big trouble .

But even so, the tablet he pretended to compromise and then snatched from the brain was taken away!

So after leaving, Shijima came to the office immediately.

It's not that Jon is lying to him. After all, when dealing with the brain, the power of the bottle has already taken effect!

Panting heavily, he came to the bar and sat down, took a sip of the black tea that Jon had poured, and almost choked.

After finally recovering, he asked the question he encountered.

"Brother Xueqian, you said that the power in that bottle is extremely restrained, right?"

"That's right." Jon nodded, "According to the information you provided just now and the evil path I encountered in the world I was in before, the energy in that bottle is indeed extremely restraining them."

Seeing Shi Daogang's embarrassed appearance, Jon thought that he hadn't had lunch yet, so he handed him a bowl of pork chop rice.

Shi Daogang was really hungry, and with his personality, he would not be polite to Jon, so he brought it over and ate it.

Sakura Kyoko, who was drowsy at first, was attracted by this movement, and looked curiously at Shijima Tsuyoshi, who was a frequent visitor, and asked, "You won't be deflated, will you?"

This sentence made Shijima go stiff, and then found a suitable reason.

"It has nothing to do with me at all! Brother Xuedi! The bottle you gave me made the evil path evolve!"

"Evolution?" Jon pretended to be ignorant, and said, "According to what you just said, the evolution of the evil path program requires human evil thoughts, right? If this is the case, what I gave you is indeed It’s very restraining for them, doesn’t it work?”

Shi Dao was taken aback for a moment.

Didn't work?

wrong! It worked!

The degeneration of the brain from an evolutionary state to a basic form is evidence, but...

But why doesn't it work on Heart?

Evidently, the evil path programs are all evolved by using human evil thoughts!

Jon naturally knew the answer to Shijima Takeshi's thoughts at this moment.

Because the 002nd evil program Heart is special.

Heart is the first evil path program to replicate the human form, and the reason is naturally to satisfy the savage Tenjuro to vent his anger at the young industrialist who refused to invest in him, in order to satisfy his boring revenge.

At the same time, it was precisely because of the cruelty of Heart by Barbarian Tenjuro that Kerim broke with him, and then the anxious Barbarian Tenjuro began to implant human evil thoughts into the remaining evil programs.

In other words, among all evil programs, only evil program No. 002 is normal! Because the emotion he needs to learn is the emotion of 'joy'!

Although No. 009 Medic (medical care) needs "love", but this kind of love is obviously not the "love" in normal people's understanding, but the pet's love for the owner. She loves Heart, but it is the pet's love for the owner. Master's love, so it can't be said to be normal.

So Heart can be said to be the only evil program that needs to learn the positive emotions of human beings among all the evil programs!

But it is also the only normal evil program, but because of the cruelty of the barbaric Tenjuro, he has a grudge against human beings, and vows to take revenge on all human beings with that face!

So... the source of everything is the barbaric Tenjuro.

Jon sighed, and then continued: "Judging from your expression just now, it should have worked, but there have been some unexpected situations, if the evil path program has evolved because of the energy in this bottle , then the power needed for the evolution of the evil program is definitely not the evil thoughts of human beings, but the positive emotions of human beings."

The Evil Path Program...needs positive human emotions?

How can it be? !

If this is the case, how could the evil path program harm humans!

This is definitely a problem!

Shijima just felt his head was in a mess. He didn't want to believe that some evil programs need positive emotions from humans to evolve, but the changes that appeared on Heart told him that all of this was true.

He mechanically ate pork chop rice, and then heard Jon suggest: "If you have any doubts about this, how about going to the evil path program that became a Kamen Rider? I remember his name is Chase, right?" , if he also evolves, then maybe we can get some answers from him."


At the same time, Kamen Rider Drive world.

Heart, which has evolved into a super-evolved state, walked towards his companions step by step. The dazzling golden light emanating from him made the No. 009 evil program Medic show a look of admiration, and also made the No. 001 evil program Freeze reveal With a look of surprise, he didn't expect Heart to reach the super-evolved state first.

"As expected of Lord Heart!" Medic cupped his hands and worshiped: "Under the radiant light of Lord Heart, even Brain has become more humble."

The weak chicken that had degenerated into its basic form didn't say a word, but then he was patted on the shoulder by Heart.

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