I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 467

"I believe that Brain will recover soon, and then he will also embark on this path. I will help you."

"Master Heart, you are more gentle than before! Even the voice is so beautiful!"


ps: Thanks for everyone's blades.

_( 」∠)_

Chapter 431 The source of crumbs

Use this thing on Chase?

Shishima was a little hesitant. Although he was shocked that there would be evil programs that need to learn from positive human emotions to evolve, Heart's series of practices undoubtedly proved that no matter whether the evil programs need evil thoughts or positive emotions, they are the same. Monsters that hurt ordinary people.


"Don't you just wonder why only Heart is special? I remember you said just now that it was your father who made these evil programs go berserk. According to the original intention, the evil programs are designed to benefit mankind. But it became like this because of your father's fault."

Jon looked at Shijima Tsuyoshi calmly, and asked: "If it became like this due to fault, why is Heart special? After all, before they went berserk, they were already intelligent programs that were infinitely close to human beings. It’s impossible for a person not to be insured against certain situations.”

This sentence made Shishima Gang startled.

Yeah, why is Heart special?

Shijima didn’t doubt the wisdom of Kerim and Barbaro Tenjuro at all. He didn’t think they would miss such an important thing when studying the evil path formula, that is to say, the No. 002 evil that can learn the evolution of positive emotions in human beings. The program is very likely to be the real evil program they wanted to develop in the first place!

Could it be that...

Was it wrong to develop the evil path program at the beginning? Even if his father hadn't triggered the rampage of the evil programs, would these evil programs have become monsters that harmed humans?

Jon saw Shidao Gang's expression like this.

Tapping the table with his fingers, Jon brought Shijima Go's attention back to him, and then asked, "Gang, do you think a newborn baby is destined to become a villain?"

"Of course not!" Shi Dao replied without thinking.

Will not! An example is Diablo's crumb boss.

Jon suddenly wanted to give Shi Daogang a mouthful of poisonous chicken soup, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

"Yeah, a newborn baby can't be doomed to become a villain, so is the evil program also the same? Leaving aside the rampant evil program that craves human evil thoughts, why does the normal evil program like Heart change? Is it like this? Is it because he was changed by other evil programs?"

"Isn't it..." Shi Dao subconsciously wanted to say that Jon's conjecture was correct, but he was stunned when he spoke.

Heart is not an ordinary evil path program, no matter how much he hates evil path programs, Shijima can feel the difference from other evil path programs from that man.

This man has a very high status in the evil path program, so it must not be changed by other evil path programs that need evil thoughts to evolve, then the answer is very likely...

"Because... because of my father?"

Shishima just remembered himself.

He has never felt any paternal love from Barbarian Tenjuro, if it weren't for his sister and mother, maybe he might become that kind of gang member.

Unlike him, Heart is just an experiment.

Shi Daogang suddenly felt unwilling to delve into the truth of this matter. He was afraid... afraid that he would dig out something incredible, and then he heard Jon continue:

"I think the reason why Kerim broke with your father may be the reason. So if you have any doubts, why not ask one of the parties? Judging from your appearance just now, it should be with your sister They should have quarreled, otherwise, they wouldn't have come out hungry."

This sentence made Shi Dao a little embarrassed, but then Jon's words gave him another step down.

"Of course, it may be influenced by some people." Jon's tone suddenly became a little helpless, "Recently, an evil program has been mixed into the senior management of my world organization, and it has the ability to modify other people's programs. ability to remember."

Hearing this, Shijima's eyes widened.

"Brother Xue Qian, you mean that I am controlled by the evil program?"

"Judging from the situation on your body, it should only be affected." Jon motioned Shidao to turn his head, and as expected, he saw a scar like a snowflake behind his ear, "If you can really manipulate your memory If not, you should be fighting for the evil programs right now."

The latter sentence made Shijima's body tremble a bit. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if he was modified by the evil program and then fought for those monsters. It would definitely hurt his sister!

And after being reminded like this, he realized how wrong his recent mental state was.

He can hate the program, but...

He seems to dislike Chase being a Kamen Rider far more than the fact that he's a villain!

Even a person like him can become a Kamen Rider, so what right does he have to deny other people from becoming a Kamen Rider.

To put it simply, he can hate Chase who is a villain, but this has nothing to do with the fact that the other party is a Kamen Rider!


"Blood Diver!" Shi Dao just looked at Jon seriously, but was surprised to find that Jon had already stood up from his seat.

"I'll take a look too, just to see if there is a solution to that evil program."

Although this is just an excuse, Jon still really wants to see the expressions on the faces of the senior management of the countermeasure team once the evil program is found out.

Look through those people's ears one by one, is there any mark of modified memory?

It's useless, that evil path program can completely leave such scars on his mimic body.

Shi Dao was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face again.

"Then please, brother blood dive!"

From the moment he used the black evolution bottle, his knots had already begun to be gradually untied, not to mention that the current situation had become quite bad.

"Remember to come back early! I will take good care of the store before you come back." Ba Mamei waved at Jon and smiled, like a loving proprietress.

Sakura Kyoko wanted to follow along, but she gave up after taking a look at Matou Sakura.

She still has to pick up and drop off Sakura to and from school, she thought to herself.

Although Matou Sakura felt a little regretful that Jon was going out again so soon, but she just ran up obediently to post with Jon, and then waved goodbye.

"What about me?" Goshishima, who had returned to normal, looked at Matou Sakura exaggeratedly, "My relationship with Sakura is also very good!"

Matou Sakura thought for a while, and then handed over a cookie.

"What an incredible gift!" Shijima put the biscuit in his mouth, and said goodbye to Matou Sakura.

"Then I'll borrow Brother Xue Qian first!"

Chapter 432 Savage: Just... I finally saw you.

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