I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 468

The world of Kamen Rider Drive is still at night.

"The night scene looks really good." Jon glanced at the brightly lit night scene in the distance, and smiled, "So should I ask Kerim directly now? Or is there something more important?"

More important things?

Shijima just remembered the tablet computer he got and then lost, which contained his father's brain.

He had never thought about his father being alive before this, which made his brain a little messy, but...

"I want to find out what's going on here."

Shishima just wanted to know whether his father accidentally caused these unfortunate things to happen, or...

Was he the culprit from beginning to end?

Of course, no matter what kind of result it is, it will not change his mind of wanting to defeat those evil programs that harm humans, he just wants to know.

What is he fighting for!

Is it to help his father atone for his sin? Or something else?

When he came near the base of Kamen Rider Drive, Jon had no intention of going in.

"It's not good if you suddenly bring a stranger in, I'll just wait for you outside, just."

Shijima nodded and left.

At the same time, Jon also began to think about how to solve the matter here. It is certainly easy to directly solve the barbarian Tenjuro and 001, but it is a bit inappropriate. After all, the barbarian Tenjuro is Shijima Go's father, and the conspiracy has not yet been exposed. It seems a bit inexplicable no matter how you look at it.

He still likes Shijima Takeshi, a bright and cheerful boy, so it will take a lot of thinking to get a perfect ending this time.

It is of course possible to only solve 001 and a few other evil programs, but from the original book, Shijima clearly only uses the mind of Savage Tenjuro to solve other evil programs. At the beginning, he was called Dr. Savage, but in the end Still being deceived by the barbaric Tenjuro, thinking that family affection still exists, it is enough to see that the barbaric Tenjuro is not simple.

If this guy is not dealt with, he is likely to continue to disguise himself, making Shijima Gang think that he has repented.

"It's a bit difficult..." Jon showed a distressed expression.

Obviously the other party has no ability to resist at all now, but it is difficult to solve it.

And Jon also thinks that it is impossible for the barbaric Tenjuro to really hand over his life to those evil programs. After all, he knows how much Heart hates him, even though he is now planning to use these evil programs to trigger a global crisis. Freeze, but it is absolutely impossible to risk it to such a point.

That is to say, even if the tablet is smashed, it may not be able to really kill Savage Tenjuro.

Just as Jon was thinking about how to deal with the barbaric Tenjuro, Shishima had just returned with an unbelievable expression on his face.

He stumbled over to Jon's side and sat down.

"Are you clear?" Jon asked.

"Hmm..." Shi Dao just nodded, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Brother Xueqian, shouldn't people who love science treat their own works as if they were their own sons?"

The body is dead, and Kerim, who had to turn his brain into data and board it on his belt, has already told him what happened to the No. So unbelievable.

Is it just a young industrialist who refuses to invest in his research, and then let the evil program mimic the appearance of that person, and then abuse?

Is this really something normal people can do?

If he was angry because he was rejected, shouldn't he try to perfect his own research, and then use the facts to slap the young industrialist in the face to make him understand that he was wrong?

Why would you vent your resentment on your own research results?

Before that, Shijima just thought that his father loved science, so he ignored the feelings of his family.

But now it seems that it is not at all!

"You should already have an answer to this question, don't you?" Jon smiled.

Shijima nodded with difficulty.

People who love science will indeed treat their research results as their own sons, but what if they are not people who love science?

What is the purpose of Ye Ye's research on evil path programs?

He already understood why Heart, the only normal evil program, became what it is now.

When human wisdom was just born, perhaps Heart regarded the barbarian as his father, but what greeted him was not care and teaching, but unscrupulous abuse!

Did Heart make a mistake? Was it punished for making a mistake?


He didn't make any mistakes!

When he opened his eyes for the first time and saw the world for the first time, what he saw was not love and encouragement, but the ugliest human nature!

What an irony! Shishima just thought about it.

Heart yearned to become a human being, but after mimicking a human being, what greeted him was the unreasonable abuse of the savage Tenjuro.

"I understand, Brother Xue Qian." Shi Dao struggled to stand up from the ground, looking at the dark sky.

He felt his eyes prickly.

"I will continue to defeat the evil path program, but I think I understand the reason for my fighting." Shishima just looked at the signal motorcycle in his hand, "Dr. Harley must have such an idea when he started training me."

Is there something wrong with the evil path program?

Of course there is a mistake! Because they hurt humans!

But should I hate the other party just because the other party is an evil program? No! The reason for hating each other is that they hurt human beings!

Thinking of this, Shi Dao just wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Next, I will apologize to my sister and brother Jin, because my immaturity made them worry."

"Just figure it out." Jon also stood up and shrugged. "Since it's been decided, it's time to apologize now."

"Brother Blood Diver."

"I'll just hang around here casually. If you feel bored, you can go back. Anyway, you can find me anytime just now."

After leaving such a sentence, Jon turned and left.

He never thought of leaving this world so soon. After being infused with the power of the magical girl's evolution bottle, he could clearly perceive the location of Heart and Brain.

Let's go see him, Jon thought.

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