I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 484

Brother Xue Qian, did you die like this?

When seeing this scene, Shijima Gang's face was full of disbelief.

"is that a lie..."

He didn't believe that Jon would die so easily, but the image of Jon lying motionless in a pool of blood in the picture was not fake.

Shi Dao just panicked suddenly. He didn't understand Jon's strength. In his eyes, even Kamen Rider was flesh and blood and would die.

Then he remembered the existence of the contract, and hurriedly tried to contact Jon through the contract.

What made him feel relieved was that Jon did not die, but he told him a very shocking news. The person who killed him was the evil program that imitated Kerim!

Chapter 448 Blackening is three times stronger (3750 monthly tickets)

Imitation of Kerim's evil path program? What the hell is going on here?

When Shidao first heard the news from Jon, he was stunned.

He subconsciously glanced at the belt put on the table by Moto Shinnosuke.

Kerim died fifteen years ago, but didn't Kerim say that there were only three villainous programs who rebelled?

001, 002, 003!

Why would there still be an evil program that betrayed and mimicked Kerim's body? And why is it lurking until now, deliberately attacking Brother Xue Qian?

Shijima felt as if he was being shrouded in a big net called conspiracy, which made his hands and feet feel cold.

"Just now! I suspected that there was some kind of conspiracy in it, so I didn't expose it immediately, but pretended that I was dead."

Does even Brother Xue Qian feel that there is a conspiracy in it?

Shishima just took a deep breath.

So whose conspiracy is it? Is it human? Or evil program?

"No one knows the answer to this question at the moment, but just now, don't reveal that I'm still alive. I promised you to help you solve these things. If you mess things up, then I will feel sorry."

No! The most important thing is that people are okay.

Shijima just forced himself to calm down, and then saw Tomari Shinnosuke and Shijima Wuzi looking at him with concern.

"Just now, what's wrong with you? Do you know this victim?"

"I..." Shidao Gang's lips trembled.

Although he was relieved to know that Jon was fine, at the moment he felt a sense of fear in his heart.

There are only two groups of people who believe the lie that Jon and Kerim are old friends, Heart and his father Tenjuro the Barbarian.


It must be Heart and the others, right!

It must be that Heart sent Mimic Krim's subordinates after realizing the threat of Blood Diver, but...


Shishima Wuzi's voice pulled Shishima back from the fear, and then grabbed his shoulder and said with concern.

"Suddenly froze, what's wrong with you?"

"I..." Tsuyoshi Shishima's eyes flickered.

He had already thought of some terrible results before, but before he could think about it carefully, he was pulled back by Shishima Wuzi.

The fear brought about by that result was no less than the moment he saw Jon lying in a pool of blood for the first time.

And this kind of performance naturally attracted the attention of other people in the special case section. After Li was pulled back by Shishima Wuzi, he asked, "Gang, do you know the deceased?"

Shinnosuke Tomari stared at Tsuyoshi Shijima with his eyes, and the next second he learned the identity of the deceased from Tsuyoshi Shijima.

"He...is Dr. Joe..."

The victim was Dr. Qiao? !

When Shijima just revealed Jon's identity, the whole special class fell into dead silence.

"I'm going to ask my father what's going on."

Shijima just left the special class directly.

Will Heart really do such a thing?

If yes, why didn't Brother Xue Qian go to see him for the first time, and even later he was unwilling to use the power brought by the super-evolved state?


It must have been acted by other evil programs without permission!


In the laboratory, 109 seemed to have lost any sound. There was a freezer beside her, which contained Jon's 'corpse'.

"I'm sorry, 109." The barbaric Tenjuro's voice sounded, "If Dr. Qiao was sent to my side earlier, then I can still change his brain to the same state as mine, but once a person really dies, it will There's no chance."

109 didn't answer, just sat quietly in his seat, not even thinking of taking his eyes away from Jon.

After a long time, she asked.

"Doctor Savage, why do humans kill each other?"

"Killing each other?" Barbarian Tenjuro seemed to be in deep thought, "Maybe this is the characteristic of human beings, but 109 you must have misunderstood, Kerim died fifteen years ago, it is very likely that At that time, he was imitated by the evil program."

"As expected, is it made by the evil program?" 109 clenched his fists.

This is anger!

Following sadness, 109 felt anger, an emotion not found at all in the augmentation device.

She is angry, angry that these evil evil programs will continue to hurt human beings, is it obvious that human beings are the existence that life like them has always longed to become?

"Doctor Savage, I want to find out who killed Dr. Joe!"

"109 What are you going to do?"

"As long as the city is plunged into a heavy acceleration force field, then I can quickly catch all evil programs."

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