I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 485


The person who spoke was not Manno Tenjuro, but Tsuyoshi Shishima who had arrived.

After he opened the door and came in, he heard 109's almost crazy words.

Let the whole city fall into the heavy acceleration force field?

Shijima just didn't doubt whether 109 could achieve such a level, but directly stopped it.

"Doing this will affect everyone!"

As he said that, Shijima looked at Tenjuro Barbaro.

"Father! 109 was created to protect human beings, absolutely cannot do such a thing!!"

Shijima just wanted to get an answer from Barbaro Tenjuro.

Although he has some doubts, in Shijima's eyes, his father has no reason to do this at all!

His body is already dead, and he created evil programs like 109 to protect ordinary people. No matter how he thinks about it, it is impossible to do anything to Brother Xue Qian!

"Don't get excited, Gang."

Jon's voice appeared in Tsuyoshi Shishima's mind.

"This kind of thing should not be done by your father. It is very likely that there are other factions in the evil path program. You cannot guarantee that all evil path programs are under Heart's control."

Jon's words made Shi Dao gradually calm down, but he still looked at 109 seriously.

He didn't want 109 to do such a thing.

In Shijima Takeshi's eyes, 109 is the real evil program, an evil program created for the benefit of mankind.

Although it didn't take long, Shijima Tsuyoshi can also be said to have watched the other party grow up, so after seeing 109 become like this because of Jon's death, he couldn't bear it, and even wanted to kill Jon directly Tell her about this, but in this way, Jon's efforts will be in vain.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the answer from the barbaric Tenjuro.

An answer he couldn't believe.

"It is indeed a very good proposal to put the whole city into a state of heavy acceleration."

The words of the wild Tenjuro made Shijima Goshi's pupils shrink suddenly, but before he could say anything, the wild Tenjuro continued:

"In this way, 109 will be able to eliminate all the evil programs in this city in a short time, and it will be able to eliminate the evil programs that killed Dr. Qiao."


ps: Thanks for everyone's blades.

Book "This Is My Ninja Journey"

Introduction: "Teacher~teacher~ They sent me to catch you back to be Hokage again."

"No, it's boring to fart too much Konoha."

"Then why have you worked so hard for ten years?"

"It's not for the two of us to be able to draw in peace of mind."

"Then... can I draw the teacher into my new work as the hero?"

"Little girl, I don't remember teaching you that way!"

Chapter 449: True: A World Where Nobody Gets Hurt

Is it to... wipe out all the evil programs in one go?

When Shijima first heard the answer from Manye Tenjuro, he was stunned.

"Just now, although 109 can perceive the heavy acceleration reaction in this city, such an approach is undoubtedly passive. If the entire city is plunged into a state of heavy acceleration, then 109 can easily find out what can be done in the heavy acceleration position. Enemies that are active in the middle, so that all evil programs can be eliminated in one go.”

Is...is that so?

"Just now, this is a short period of labor pain. Once it succeeds, no one will be hurt in the future."

Savage Tenjuro didn't doubt whether 109 could do this, because he found that this individual became stronger again!

Is it because of seeing that idiot die?

Goshishima was still hesitating, but 109 decisively took action after hearing what Tenjuro Manno said.

In order to protect everyone, 109 evolved the ability to detect heavy acceleration reactions and land directly after entering, but this does not mean that she is weak in other aspects.

Or, after witnessing Jon's 'death', she became stronger!

It's not that the emotion of 'sadness' made her evolve again, but the emotion of 'sadness' made her take another step towards a real human being, and then the 'love' she needed became more.

Just like Heart has a stronger 'overweight acceleration' than ordinary heavy acceleration after the transformation of Medic, the power of 109's heavy acceleration lies in its terrifying range!

The super-evolutionary state is not the end of the evil path program. 108 entered the super-evolutionary state by merging with his past self.

And 109 also has such qualifications, because she can be said to be the only evil program among all the evil programs that has the opportunity to set foot in the human realm.

With the help of the magical girl's evolution bottle, her starting point is far beyond other evil programs!

Barbarian Tenjuro probably didn't know about the existence of the transcendent evolutionary state, but he must have also seen the potential in 109! Even if Jon didn't leave suddenly, he would be ready to do it.

There can only be one doctor in 109 eyes! This is what 109 was destined to experience when he was born!

So Jon pushed the boat along the way and cooperated with the barbaric Tenjuro to act in such a play.

Of course, Shishima just didn't know Jon's plan, and after seeing 109 start to move, he showed a nervous look on his face.

He subconsciously wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Now the strength that 109 possesses is beyond what he can stop, and...

Once such a plan is successful, no one will be injured by the evil program in the future.

Shishima just thought about it, and then the heavy acceleration covering the entire city...



Special class.

Shinnosuke Tomari, who was sorting out the recent case related to the heavy acceleration phenomenon, and the others were stunned for a moment when their bodies were frozen.

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