I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 486

Could it be that the evil program has become so arrogant that it is ready to attack the Metropolitan Police Department?

Such an idea popped up in their minds, and the next second the shifting chariot was dispatched, lifting the stagnation on everyone.

The sudden stagnation and recovery made everyone stagger and almost fell to the ground.

At the same time, Kerim appeared in the hands of Tomari Shinnosuke along the runway created by the shifting tank in the air, ready to fight with his companions, but in the next second, Tomari Shinnosuke came from Shijima He received a horrifying news on the phone.

This time, it was the whole city that was shrouded in the heavy acceleration position!


the fifth!

109 mercilessly wiped out the evil program in front of him, not even having the desire to take a second look at the opponent's data core.

He didn't even ask if it was the other party's hand.

In her eyes, as long as all the evil programs are eliminated, the doctor's revenge can be avenged!

And then the sixth...seventh...eighth!

The ability to evolve in accordance with one's own inner desire makes 109 show terrifying strength when hunting evil programs.

The heavy acceleration force field covering the entire city has become the best way to perceive the evil path program!

As long as there is an object that can move in her gravity field, it will be detected, and then go to destroy it as soon as possible!

If she had thought of such an efficient method before, then 109 would definitely be very happy, thinking that she would definitely be praised by Dr. Qiao for doing so, but now she doesn't feel the slightest joy.

She can still feel those beautiful emotions from the augmentation device, but these emotions can't dilute her sadness and anger at all.

The man she had been wanting to get compliments from was no longer there.


The light wings stretched out, cutting the body of the evil program in front of him into pieces, pulling out his data core, crushing it directly, and then 109 disappeared in place again.

The tenth!

At this moment, 109 seemed to be the god of death in the evil program, and began to crazily harvest their lives.

According to such a fast efficiency, then get rid of those evil ways that are not in the city, and soon the city will become truly safe, but at this moment, a strange idea appeared in 109's mind.

If she had triggered the heavy acceleration enveloping the entire city when she heard the siren before, wouldn't the doctor have died?

The doctor said that the re-acceleration system was developed to help humans, so as long as she keeps covering the city with such a system, will no one be injured?

109 didn't know why she had such an idea all of a sudden, but after such an idea appeared, she felt more and more reasonable.

She is obviously not a human being, but she felt so sad because of the doctor's death. If she was a real human being, she would definitely become even more sad after seeing her compatriots and family members die!

But if everyone is frozen, wouldn't there be no unhappiness, and then a world where no one would get hurt?

This thought lingered in 109's head.

But just when she started to solve the 11th evil program, she encountered obstacles.

"Stop quickly! 109." The voice of Tomori Shinnosuke rang in 109's ears, making her hand movements pause, but even so, the core of the evil program No. 101 was still violently torn out by 109. Then hold it in your hand.

"Stop your heavy acceleration force field, it will cause harm to people if it continues like this!"

When he learned from Tsuyoshi Shishima that the culprit that plunged the whole city into a heavy acceleration force field was 109, he hurried over.

He has a good impression of 109, and he also knows that she is a very special evil program.

She will be curious about everything in the human world, and she will know how to share her own things, and she is also protecting human beings from the beginning of her birth.

"I know that Dr. Qiao's death has hit you hard, but if it was Dr. Qiao, he definitely wouldn't want you to do such a thing!"

Park Shinnosuke hopes to use this method to convince the opponent, after all, the opponent caused this terrible heavy acceleration not to harm human beings, but to eradicate all evil programs in one go.

"Doctor, I want 109 to protect human beings..." 109 grasped the struggling data core in his hand, and froze in place.

"Doctor, I want 109 to protect humans..."

"Yes, Dr. Qiao wants you to protect human beings. Your idea is good, but your approach is wrong." Tomari Shinnosuke heaved a sigh of relief. He felt that as long as he explained well, 109 would definitely stop. but...

"Doctor, I want 109 to freeze the world."

Chapter 450

"Doctor, I want 109 to freeze the world."

109's words made Tomari Shinnosuke stunned. He couldn't imagine that such a well-behaved child as 109 would say such words.

Was it because Dr. Joe's death hit her too hard?

"No! 109, Dr. Qiao wants you to protect human beings! Your thinking like this is wrong!" Moto Shinnosuke tried to change 109's thinking, but it didn't work!

When 109 uttered these words, it seemed as if a switch had been turned on.

The tentacle-like light wings twisted and twisted on her back, and then straightened suddenly, as if piercing into the void, a large amount of data streams constantly flashed on her light wings.

"As long as the entire planet is frozen with heavy acceleration, no human being will be injured again, and the doctor's wish will be fulfilled!"

"109! Stop!"


"The program on 109 has been activated..."

When everyone was flustered by the heavy acceleration force field covering the entire city, Savage Tenjuro had already arrived at Klim's base with the help of 004, and began to collect data here.

Although he stole Kerim's knowledge through 004 fifteen years ago, at that time, Kerim's research on the belt system had not yet been completed, so the savage Tenjuro could only digitize his own brain, and then hide in the dark through this way to carry out their plans.

Such a state is undoubtedly risky, because once someone captures the real hiding place, his data will be deleted without any resistance, and then he will usher in a real death.

So he needs Kerim's belt system to turn himself into an existence similar to Kerim, and then trigger a global freeze, turning all human beings into data controlled by him.

As for whether the evil programs created by oneself will die out?

This doesn't matter to the barbaric Tenjuro at all, it's just a tool he uses to achieve his goal anyway.

By accident, he met the Dr. Joe who came to look for Kerim, and with his help, he obtained such a powerful subordinate as 109.

"It's enough to envelop the entire city in a heavy acceleration force field. This kind of strength has far exceeded the normal super-evolutionary state. Is there something I missed in my research?"

For the power of 109, Savage Tenjuro was also a little surprised, or rather surprised!

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