I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 487

According to his previous deduction, in order to cause the power to freeze the world, the power of four super-evolutionary evil programs is indispensable, and in order to truly control this power in his own hands, the Sigma Sphere is also necessary.

However, the emergence of 109 has brought about some changes in the plan of Barbarian Tenjuro, and of course it is developing in a good direction.

109 is strong, even strong enough to reduce the need for four hyperevolutionary evil programs! And it may be because of witnessing the death of that Dr. Joe, he became stronger!

This made Barbarian Tenjuro very excited, he felt that he might not need the so-called agreed number anymore!

Immediately, he got the data he needed.


"It seems that we still need a little help from Kerim."


"109! Stop!" Tomari Shinnosuke yelled at 109, but it didn't work!

As the data core of another evil program was crushed by 109, 109 set his sights on Mokinosuke, or...

On his belt!

"As long as all humans are frozen, no one will be hurt, so there is no need for a belt system."

The wings of light that seemed to have pierced into the void retracted, and then attacked Mokinosuke.

The sudden battle made Pakino Shinnosuke unbelievable, and then dodged 109's attack in a little embarrassment.

But even at this level, he still didn't believe that 109 would take the initiative to do such a thing.

He remembered the argument he had with Kerim earlier.

"Mr. Belt!"

"Shinnosuke, I've said it before, Manya is a demon." Kerim's voice sounded, causing Mosaic Shinnosuke to fall into silence.

Even when he saw 109 constantly protecting human beings before, Kerim’s doubts about the barbaric Tenjuro still did not disappear. Looking at the current situation.

Chances are Mr. Belt is right!

Shinnosuke Tomari recalled the appearance of 109 when he first saw him.

He does not hesitate to help human beings deal with evil programs, is quiet and restrained in a normal state, and carefully takes away five snacks just to give to the important people in his heart.

That appearance refreshed Tomashi Shinnosuke's understanding of the evil routine.

At that time, he felt that if all evil programs were like this, then he would definitely be able to live in harmony with humans.

Then there was 109 who entered the super-evolved state and appeared in front of him like an angel.

At that moment, Mokino Shinnosuke really thought he saw an angel!

At the same time, I am also happy that people on the Internet are starting to praise 109, and I also admire Dr. Qiao who co-created 109.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Belt, I misunderstood you before, but please run with me again."


The throttle on the driver was twisted again, and with the roar of the engine, the gear shift formula was inserted into the gear shift bracelet by Po Shinosuke.


[Drive Type Formula! 】

The densely packed equation components were generated at the same time that Bo Shinnosuke's whole body was entwined with blue-white energy, and then assembled on his body, replacing the original armor.

Two small formula wheels ejected from the wheels of the sports car named 'Saitron' and fixed on the wrist of Mokino Shinnosuke.

The special engine sound keeps roaring, as if a formula car that has entered the highest speed state is passing by the ears.

But in the next second, 109's light wings struck again.

The formula wheel on Park Shinnosuke's arm began to spin rapidly, blocking 109's attack, but he was still retreating steadily.

"Is this...the power to defeat 001?" Bo Jinzhi's face was full of seriousness.

Just at the moment of this confrontation, he can feel the strength of 109.

This is definitely not an opponent he can defeat now!

The light wings all over the sky further compress the area that Mo Jinzhisu can move, making it impossible to take advantage of the speed advantage in the equation state, and the energy rays emitted from the light wings make Mo Jinzhisu exhausted to avoid.

If this continues, you will definitely lose!

The tow truck gun was caught by Park Shinnosuke, and then fired towards 109.

The blue energy bomb roared and bombarded towards 109's light wings. When the two collided together, the aftermath of the explosion even uprooted trees as thick as an adult's waist in the distance, and then under the effect of heavy acceleration, Freeze in mid-air.

But in the next second, two wings of light pierced out of the flames, grabbing the belt on Mo Shinnosuke's body.

This scene made Tomari Shinnosuke show a terrified expression.

But then the belt was not destroyed or taken away as Bo Shinnosuke thought.

109 abruptly withdrew his light wings, and then disappeared in place.

At the same time, the gravity field covering the entire city also disappeared.

Before 109 disappeared, Shinnosuke Tomari seemed to see the other party holding his head and muttering the word 'doctor' sadly.

Chapter 451 Roasted Snake Skin

"The program... was terminated?" Barbarian Tenjuro, who had copied all the data in the Kerim base and returned to the laboratory, became a little stunned.

Although not being able to bring back the belt this time will not have a big impact on his plan, or because a certain guest is coming, bringing back the belt directly will be somewhat different from the plan, but it failed for this reason It still confuses Savage Tenjuro.

Because 109's situation is a bit special, in order to avoid affecting her growth, the order issued by Savage Tenjuro is not the kind of mandatory order, at least it is not the time yet.

He just channeled 109's emotions a little bit and asked her to bring Kerim back, but he didn't expect to fail.

Is it because of too fast evolution? Savage Tenjuro was a little puzzled, but before he could find an answer, the door of this hidden laboratory was kicked open.

But the barbaric Tenjuro didn't have any surprises, he already knew that the other party would come.

"Savage, finally found you..."

Heart suppressed anger in his calm tone.

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