I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 491

"And 004."

"Hmm! And 004!"

109 kept communicating with Jon in his heart, and then led by Shijima Tsuyoshi to the special situation section of the Metropolitan Police Department.

After pushing the door and coming in, everyone in the special class seemed to be very busy because of the heavy acceleration force field incident that enveloped the whole city before. He said hello, but as soon as he lowered his head, Tomari Shinnosuke was stunned, then slowly raised his head, looking at the figure who followed Shijima into the office.

The tightly wrapped appearance made Tomori Shinnosuke guess the identity of the other party at once, and the same was true for the others.

"109?" Tomari Shinnosuke subconsciously said.

109 nodded, then walked up to Tomari Shinnosuke, bowed deeply to him and apologized.


Such a formal appearance made Tomari Shinnosuke a little surprised, but then he waved his hand and said, "It's okay, didn't you stop at the last 109? Just don't have such dangerous thoughts in the future."

"Well! Dr. Qiao certainly doesn't want me to do such a thing." 109 said seriously.

Seeing this, Park Shinnosuke accepted her apology.

However, 109 obviously didn't understand the ways of the world, and after seeing Bo Shinnosuke accepting her apology, he couldn't wait to say: "Then, can you help me rescue Dr. Savage?"

Then, 109 was rejected.

The one who rejected her was Kerim.

109 felt disappointed.

Chapter 454 Star Star: Don't Tell Others! (3800 monthly pass)

The rejection from Kerim made 109 very disappointed, but she didn't say much, but left silently.

Seeing this, Shidao just chose to keep up, but was held back by Shidao Wuzi.

"Just now! What happened? Was Dr. Savage captured? Why didn't you tell me?"

Although Shijima Wuzi learned that her father was still alive from Shijima Tsuyoshi, she had never seen him during this period of time. After listening to Shijima Koko's explanation, her father wanted to make up for his mistakes, and then To have the face to see them.

She didn't know what happened between her father and Kerim, so she didn't talk too much, but after learning the news of her father's arrest from port 109, it was impossible for her to keep silent.

Shishima just clenched his fist, he didn't want Shishima Wuzi to get involved in such a thing.

But before he could explain, Kerim spoke first.

"Just now, I don't think Savage will be captured by Heart so easily. There must be some kind of conspiracy in it."

Shi Dao did not get angry, but calmly said: "Krim, I know there is some misunderstanding between you and my father, but he is also my father, at least until the truth of the matter comes out, I must not sit idly by." ignore."

Before that, Shijima could comfort himself because Jon was looking at Heart and could guarantee his father's safety, but when 109 appeared in front of him to ask for help but left disappointed, Shijima felt that he could not continue Sit and watch.

Whether for his father or 109!

After speaking, he ignored the silent Kerim and turned to leave.

Seeing this scene, Park Shinnosuke made his own decision.

"Mr. Belt!"

"Shinnosuke, do you also choose to believe in barbarism?"

"No! I believe in Mr. Belt, but I also believe in that kid in 109!" Shinnosuke Tomori said seriously.


the other side.

Heart was looking suspiciously at the magical girl evolution bottle in his hand.

He was very curious why such things would remain after Dr. Joe's body was burned to ashes by the flames released by his internal combustion mechanism.

Of course he remembered it.

Could it be something that Dr. Qiao has been carrying with him all the time?

Heart was a little puzzled, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. However, when he was about to put this thing away and hand it over to her next time 109 came, the magical girl who was caught by Heart The white diamond-shaped gemstone on the evolution bottle flickered, and at the same time a voice suddenly appeared in Heart's mind.

"This breath, is it 109?"

When such a voice appeared in Heart's mind, Heart was stunned.

Such a voice is Dr. Qiao!

Isn't he dead?

Heart personally took Dr. Joe's body out of the freezer and cremated it.

What the hell is going on here?

Heart didn't know how to react for a while, and then heard Jon's 'anxious' voice again, "109, the person who killed me was the evil program! It was the evil program that imitated Kerim, not a human being." , was controlled by the barbarians..."

"Dr. Joe, it's me." Heart interrupted Jon's words and said calmly.


Heart's voice made Jon silent, and it took a long time before he spoke again.

"It's Heart, I didn't expect such a messy appearance to be seen by you."

"Compared to this, Dr. Qiao, don't you think you need to explain why you became like this first?" Heart asked.

Heart felt that he seemed to have underestimated this Dr. Qiao, and judging from the first reaction of this Dr. Qiao when he woke up just now, it was no different from the impression in his mind.

Heart just wants to rule human beings, to prove that their villains are better individuals than human beings, instead of acting out of the idea of ​​destroying and harming human beings.

When he was just born, Heart felt that the evil path program could get along well with humans, but the cruelty from the savage Tenjuro made him see the most despicable side of human beings.

He thought that he would keep this idea forever, until he saw this kind of enhancement device specially developed for evil programs, and 109.

Heart doesn't hate 109, even if the other party has killed a lot of evil path programs, it's just a difference between the two sides, Heart is also very aware of the difference between himself and other companions.

Perhaps according to the normal development, he will become like 109.

The difference is that when he was born, all he saw was the scumbag Man Ye.

Heart was recalling his own past, and at the same time patiently waiting for Dr. Joe's answer.

"It's okay to tell Heart you about this kind of thing. I digitized my brain a long time ago and transplanted it into this kind of enhancement device."

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