I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 492

Jon's sigh sounded in Heart's mind, and he began to tell the story he just made up not long ago.

"I probably chose to do this shortly after Kerim revealed that he was developing the evil path program."

"Why? Why did you give up your human identity?" Heart asked puzzled.

"Probably because I think that if I do this, it will definitely bring happiness to other people." Jon's voice with a smile sounded in Heart's mind.

"I discussed with Kerim at that time for a long time, and we agreed that as long as the evil path program is successfully developed, it will definitely bring about changes in the world, so I did this without telling Kerim, only by using my brain Only then can we pick out the emotions that are beneficial to the evil programs, so that the evil programs will also..."

"Wait!" Heart interrupted Jon's narration, his face already had a hint of disbelief, "You mean, in order to create such a strengthening device, you directly digitized your own brain? "

"That understanding is actually correct. Is there any problem?"

Any questions?

Of course there is!

In this way, his hatred for barbarism will become even deeper!

"I've already answered your question, so it's your turn. How is 109 doing now? I suspect that Barbarian manipulated 109 from the very beginning!"

Hearing Jon's question, Heart looked complicated.

"It seems that you are also the one who was deceived by that savage bastard, Dr. Qiao." Heart grabbed the bottle of magical girl evolution, suppressing the anger in his heart, "109 has become stronger, and she has opened a major crisis covering the entire city. The acceleration force field is even ready to freeze the human beings all over the world."

"Is it because of my death?"

"That's right."

"Looks like this, I left 109 with terrible memories, that bastard Ye Ye, actually used this method to make 109 grow! Heart, you want revenge on Ye Ye, right, I can help you! But the price Help me save 109."

"A good deal." Heart directly agreed to the deal proposed by Jon.

"Then don't tell other people that I'm still alive for the time being, I'm afraid I will be noticed by the barbarians."


ps: Thanks for everyone's blades.


Chapter 455 "Shavings"

"Doctor, what should we do next?"

After leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, 109 questioned Jon, while observing the surroundings vigilantly, as if afraid that some evil program would suddenly rush out and take away the lost Jon.

After seeking human help but being rejected, 109 was a little disappointed, but he didn't force it and left directly.

She still wants to rescue Savage Tenjuro from Heart.

"Maybe we should go find 004's whereabouts."

Since the savage Tenjuro took the initiative to let the tablet be taken away by Heart, he will definitely leave behind, that is, 004.

So what will the savage Tenjuro do this time?

After guessing that the barbaric Tenjuro is likely to use the painful and sad experiences to make 109 grow up, his next target is likely to be Shijima Takeshi.

So in what way will it be done?

Will you continue to use 004?

While Jon was thinking about this question, Shidao Gang encountered a problem.

After chasing out from the Metropolitan Police Department, Ko Shijima could no longer see the figure of 109 in his sight, but just as he was about to look for it anxiously, a strange figure also wearing a coat appeared behind Tsuyoshi Shijima, He raised his hand to pat Shishima Takeshi on the shoulder.

But before his palm fell, Shidao had already pointed the muzzle of the front-wheel shooter at the opponent's head one step ahead of time.

But immediately after, Shijima put down the gun again, because the other party had already lifted off his coat, revealing the number 004 on his chest.

"004?" Goshishima frowned slightly, he never thought that this evil program controlled by his father was still alive.

"Did my father order you to come?"

004 nodded, and then told Shijima an unbelievable news.

109 has gradually begun to get out of control!

This news made Shijima take aim at 004 again.

"You guy, do you know what you're talking about?"

As a real evil program, 109 has a very important position in Shijima Tsuyoshi's heart!

If 109 is successful, then the sins of his father can be washed away!

Kerim said that the changes that appeared in 109 before are likely to be planned by his father, but...

He didn't want to admit the possibility.

There is no need, is there? His father has lost his body now, is there any need to plan this?

Compared with Kerim's statement, Shijima Gang is more willing to believe that 109 became like this because he witnessed the death of Brother Xuedi, and it has returned to its original state now, hasn't it?

And he came over to apologize seriously!

Compared with those evil programs, doesn't 109 look like a real human being? !

Shi Dao just kept telling himself this in his heart, but his sense of uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger.

Facing Shishima Tsuyoshi's muzzle, 004 did not choose to resist, but continued: "Doctor Savage means that there is no guarantee that this change will definitely develop in a bad direction, just like no one can judge the newborn at a glance. The final baby looks the same, 109 is similar to this situation, she grows too fast, so fast that she can resist the restrictions of the program, just like a real human being will not be restricted by an intelligent program."

Shijima was stunned by this answer.

In other words, 109 is slowly becoming a real human, so the pre-programmed can't control her?

"Dr. Qiao's death filled 109 with sadness, which also led to the evolution of 109. It is very likely that those evil programs discovered this, so they took away Dr. Savage in an attempt to make 109 usher in evolution again. So compared to Dr. Savage's safety, 109's current situation is more dangerous."

"When... what will happen then?" Shishima looked at 004 tremblingly.

"There is no guarantee, it may develop in a good direction or in a bad direction, so Doctor Savage hopes that you, as the doctor's son, can monitor the status of 109, and if it develops in a direction that endangers human beings, then ..."

Speaking of this, 004 paused for a moment, and then said the words that made Shijima Gang tremble.

"Kill her!"

When hearing these three words, Goshishima's body suddenly froze, and when he raised his head again, 004 had already left.

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