I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 493

Shi Dao just looked around, but he didn't find any suspicious people except pedestrians, which made him hug his head in pain, squatted on the ground, and his body was constantly shaking.

Killed 109?

Can he really do such a thing?

From the very beginning, he was not at all interested in this evil program, but as the changes slowly appeared in her body, even Shijima Takeshi, who once hated the evil program the most, had to admit that compared with ordinary people, 109 had nothing but Except for some differences in the substances that make up the body, there is no difference at all in other respects.

When she saw the death of Brother Xue Qian, she would be sad, and she would want to find out the evil way to take revenge.

Knowing that his father was taken away by an evil program attack, she would keep running around looking for a way to rescue his father, but would his father let him approach her with the idea of ​​killing him?

Is it really the same as Kerim said, his father...

"Blood Diver...what should I do? 109 will never become like this, right?"

"If it was the child of 109, it definitely wouldn't be like that."

Jon's comfort made Shi Dao just breathe a sigh of relief.

Yes, there is no guarantee that it will develop in a good direction, so it doesn't necessarily mean that it will not necessarily develop in a bad direction, right?

Shi Dao just remembered how 109 knew how to share when it was born.

If this is 109, it will definitely not become the same as other evil routines.

Shijima firmly believed in this possibility, and then continued to search for 109.

In his eyes, 109 is still a child who has just come into contact with the human world. This is the growth stage that needs to be taught the most, but because of those hateful evil routines, it has become what it is now!

As the son of her developer, Shijima feels it is her duty to stop this from happening.


It turned out that he wanted to make 109 feel betrayed?

This is the thought that popped up in my mind after learning what happened to Shijima Gang.

Perhaps it is not just to make 109 feel betrayed, but more likely to make her feel betrayed by humans.

The feeling of being betrayed by someone you always wanted to protect.

Jon sighed, and then couldn't help asking 109.

"109, what would you think if you were betrayed by humans?"

Jon just asked this casually, but 109 began to think about the question Jon asked very seriously.

"Doctor, why do humans betray 109? Obviously 109 has been protecting them."

yeah, why?

Now Jon was deep in thought, even if there was no interference from the barbaric Tenjuro this time, could it be guaranteed that people in this world would not betray 109?

No matter how human-like it is, in the eyes of human beings, 109 is nothing more than an evil path formula.

It's like humans think that ligers in cages are cute, but once they meet them in the wild, they will only be afraid.

Chapter 456 109: Charge...I can't rush...

"...In summary, the so-called promised number is very likely to be a savage conspiracy from the beginning."

Jon's voice made the faces of Heart and the three of them extremely ugly.

"Perhaps from the moment you betrayed, the savage plan began to be implemented. Originally, he was supposed to wait for the four evil paths to evolve to a super-evolved state, but because of me, he temporarily changed the plan."

"Wait, wait!" Brain bit his handkerchief, "But Heart and I have no traces of being tampered with by savages at all. Even if we enter the super-evolved state, he can't control us."

"Brain, calm down and let Lord Heart judge."

Heart didn't say a word, as if lost in deep thought.

He learned the concept of the agreed number from 001 Freeze, and he knew that it was a plan that required four people to enter the super-evolutionary evil program to implement it.

Heart is not clear about this plan, especially after Freeze is killed, it is even less likely to be answered.

But if all of this is really a conspiracy by Savage Tenjuro, how does he ensure that this plan does not get out of control?

Then, Heart figured it out.

"In other words, the agreed number is only one of the prerequisites, right?"

"It's very likely that this is the case. The four super-evolved villain programs are just one of the prerequisites. The barbarian needs to use other methods to achieve his goals."

Heart took a deep breath, then stood up to leave.

"Lord Heart!"

"I'll go find Shinnosuke Tomari."


the other side.

"Doctor, reacceleration detected."

Not long after 109 left the Metropolitan Police Department, he detected the heavy acceleration force field reaction again.

If it was before, she would definitely have taken it without hesitation, but now she is beginning to hesitate.

She was afraid that Dr. Savage would be in danger if she tried to destroy the evil program again.

So what should she do?

109 asked Jon immediately, hoping to get an answer from him.

"What is 109 going to do?"

"I...I want to protect humans, but then Dr. Savage..."

109 anxiously walked around in place, and then she thought of a compromise solution, which was to protect human beings without harming the evil program.

In this way, it must be no problem!

When this answer appeared in the data core, 109 directly descended to the area where the heavy acceleration force field appeared through the ability of the super-evolved state.

Once again, she descended like an angel in the eyes of ordinary people.

In the eyes of people shrouded in heavy acceleration force fields, this is absolutely a sacred scene, because they saw it, as it is said in recent legends on the Internet, if there is an evil program attacking human beings, then the angel with holy light wings will come and save people from disaster.

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