I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 804

Since they want to save these "parasites", they absolutely need to take action this time!

Once they do not choose to make a move this time, these "parasites" are likely to accept this kind of captivity and become the role of tool people who produce cell coins.

Because this time is different from the past, all the "parasites" have gathered! The "parasites" who live alone may fear that their identities will be discovered, and then long for a peaceful life. If so many companions gather around, their mentality may also undergo some changes.

And not only for these "parasites", ordinary people in Cyprus and people in other areas are also surrounded by fear!

"After all, sometimes the protected people can retreat, but the heroes cannot." A cell coin popped out of Jon's hand and flew into the goblet that Mr. E put back on the table.

The splashed red wine wet the table around the goblet, while President E watched with interest the cell coins sinking into the bottom of the glass.

Although he looked very interested in this cell coin, E was always thinking about other things.

To be honest, the cat's reaction was so quick that it was beyond Mr. E's expectations. After all, if he and Jon really chose to surrender because of the strength of him and Jon, then he should have chosen to do so immediately. Yes, instead of doing things like this.

There is no doubt that the cat should also have something it wants, and this key point is likely to be in Hino Eiji, otherwise there is no need to spend so much time dealing with those Kamen Riders.

So what is it that the cat desires?

The corners of Mr. E's mouth curled up slightly. He couldn't wait for tomorrow to come, but he didn't notice that when Jon turned around, a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

Should it be a coincidence? Actually came back at this time.



Even though it was late, Jessica still didn't fall asleep.

After another cold shower, she finally calmed down.

"It must... definitely be successful!" Jessica clenched her fists tightly and puffed herself up, then read the manuscript paper again.

Obviously, she had already memorized it back and forth before, but she was still worried that she would forget something by then.

Jessica knows very well that tomorrow will definitely be a very important day!

Usually people only see a few cell coins produced by the "parasitized person". Even if they already know it, it is difficult for people to associate such cell coins with disasters. Ordinary people are more afraid of the "parasitized person" itself !

And when all the "parasites" in the entire European region gather in Cyprus, the cell coins produced will definitely shock everyone!

In particular, the existence of ghost-level disasters such as Killbus destroying cell coins and causing compression clone slammers before can make people have an accurate understanding of the horror of these cell coins!

Just the cell coins destroyed by Killbus at that time caused a ghost-level disaster. So when all the "parasites" are gathered and all the cell coins produced are destroyed, what kind of disaster will happen?

Dragon level disaster?

This can be said to be certain, and it may not even be one!

Nobody isn't terrified of it, and it's not a one-off! As long as the "parasites" still exist in this world, cell coins will be continuously produced!

Every cell coin that is gathered can cause several dragon-level disasters to come, so if they keep piling up...

How many will there be?

You must know that the "Desire Envoy" who can create monsters in ordinary people and turn them into "parasites" has been acting secretly for a long time!

Can't go on like this!

The "parasite" has done enough harm to others! Even ordinary people in other regions began to sneer at this place after learning what happened here!

The object of ridicule is not only the "parasitized", but even ordinary people in Europe!

The title of "God's Chosen Land" that many people who believed in religion thought of themselves in the past has already become a symbol of shame! Became a joke!

The so-called "God's Chosen Land" is just a hell that will bring disasters to other places!

So Jessica thinks tomorrow is her last chance!

She used to be a "parasite" and brought pain to others, so she needs atonement. She wants to continue to protect ordinary people, and she also wants to protect Peimi who has been turned into a "parasite", but People who are still kind and want to live in peace, want to get them back to normal.

And You Xiang will definitely choose to bet her life! At least this time, she must not be weak as she was taught by You Xiang before!

Even if she might be killed directly, she might continue to be the laughing stock in the eyes of others, but she would not hesitate!

While thinking about these things, Jessica slowly closed her eyes.

Then, she had a sweet dream.

In the dream, she succeeded in doing what she wanted to do, making the "parasites" wake up at the last moment and live in harmony with ordinary people again, while the monsters who brought them misfortune came from Kamen Riders. It was easily defeated by the team.

Jessica wanted to be silent in this dream forever if she could, but she still woke up.

Because the Kamen Riders have told her that a bright future cannot be obtained by escaping!

Skye is an ordinary-looking "parasite" girl.

When she first saw the cell coin drop from her body, she felt like she had fallen into hell.

She became a monster, and the fear, hostility, and isolation from other people suddenly fell on her, making her feel like she was abandoned by the world.

Fortunately, she was not found and killed directly like those monsters in the movie.

Although they are still excluded from the social life of normal people, Killbus and Evolto did give them, the "parasites", a chance to live a "normal" life.

The price is to become a tool for producing cell coins.

Thinking of this, Skye glanced at the small bag containing cell coins in his hand.

She didn't know if it was appropriate to be such a tool, but just like what some of her companions said in frustration, people like them didn't have many choices, and after all of them gathered in Cyprus strangely this time, they felt "parasitized." It seems like a good ending for all of them to come together.

Skye was one of the first people to arrive at the cell coin receiving point, but to her bewilderment, when she arrived at the receiving point, she found not only countermeasures combatants to maintain order, but also faces. With a terrified expression on his face, it seemed that the film crew was preparing to record the incident.

These people made Skye silent, and with a sensitive mind, she already guessed who did it, and also knew that when she stepped into the camera and handed over the cell coins in her hand to the countermeasure team, her world with normal people would be completely destroyed. isolated.

Skye hesitated, but in the end, instead of standing still like the rest of his whispering companions, he took the first step.

People like them don't have much choice.

But just when Skye made up her mind, the panting shout from behind made her startled again, and then stopped.

Skye turned around and saw a blond girl with a simple ponytail running towards her. At first glance, she felt that the other person looked familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Skye was a little puzzled about the reason why the other party called her, but before she could say it, the girl who caught up with her spoke up, and there was even a hint of begging in her tone.

"We shouldn't have chosen this way, there must be a better way."

This sentence made Skye stunned, and then looked at the other party seriously, the feeling of familiarity deepened, and then Skye realized the identity of the other party.

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