I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 805

Jessica, the former "parasite"!

Skye remembers that she laughed at Jessica when she was exposed for what she had done, but she was not 'hurt' by Jessica, nor did she laugh at her face, she was just making things worse with those who chose at that time same mentality.

But at that time, she never thought that one day she would envy the other party.

Because Jessica was saved.

"Is there a better way?" Skye hesitated, then shook his head, "I laughed at you before, and now I envy you very much, but people like me have no choice but to follow the crowd."

Jessica was stunned by this answer, and then hurriedly grabbed Skye's hands and said, "There are Kamen Riders! They will help us!"

"But...they didn't show up." Skye broke free from Jessica's hands, "and if you choose to ask them for help, it will only bring disaster to others."

After speaking, Skye bypassed Jessica and was the first to throw the cell coin in his hand into the collection box.

And such a choice made Jessica fearful.

Obviously she was so smooth in the dream, and then she seemed to realize something, and ran to the other "parasites" who had gradually made up their minds because Skye was the first to hand over the cell coins, hoping to use The rhetoric I had already prepared made these people change their minds, but...

Failed without exception.

From morning to afternoon, Jessica did not miss any of the "parasites" who came to hand in the cell coins, and she didn't even have time to drink a sip of water!

Some people chose to ignore Jessica, and some people were moved but gave up their hesitation under the persuasion of other "parasites".

No one was successfully persuaded by Jessica, and the more people choose to hand over the cell coins to the countermeasure team, the harder it is for the remaining people to be persuaded.

And this scene was seen by the residents of Cyprus and everyone who was paying attention to the situation here.

The European Countermeasures Headquarters' decision to announce this operation was something they hadn't expected before, and they also knew that it should be Evolto or Killbus.

From what Killbus did before, it can be seen that what they need is a tool to produce cell coins safely! It may be a good idea to completely separate them from ordinary people in this way, and even if the Kamen Riders choose to take action, can they really defeat those two monsters?

People were terrified, and some people were moved when they saw Jessica and another young man who appeared at the scene, who seemed to be very weak and who seemed to be enduring some pain, trying to persuade the "parasites".

No one thought that this girl who was on the cusp of the storm and was constantly spurned by others would choose to appear here. Obviously, according to what she did in the past, she should hide and pretend to be dead now, right?

And that young man who endured the pain by force, isn't he afraid of death when he comes here? Obviously lucky to get rid of the identity of "parasited person", he should be an ordinary person again in peace and contentment!

What are they thinking? !

Some smart people can't bear to watch it anymore. Jessica and another young man may want to save these "parasites", but they are doomed to fail.

Because they have been lucky enough to break away from the status of "parasites" and are no longer one of these "parasites"!

Maybe their claims are tempting, but...

If the Kamen Riders really have the ability to save them all, why haven't they appeared?

One by one cell coins were thrown into the collection box, and the sound seemed like a bell from hell, making Jessica extremely painful.

She was not dealt with for making trouble at the collection point. Even the people in the countermeasure team let her behavior go. Her behavior in the eyes of Evolto and Killbus is like a clown trying his best to add laughter to the operation.

At the same time, not all the "parasites" chose to leave after handing in the cell coins. Many chose to stay on the sidelines and wait and see, but to their disappointment, Kamen Rider never appeared from beginning to end.

Even Jessica was desperate.

"Go back..." she said to Tox, who came to help her as an ordinary person.

Her voice had become extremely hoarse at some point.

She felt that she must be stupid today.

Jessica stood up unsteadily, but just as she was about to leave, two apologetic voices sounded from her front and back, making her and the other "parasites" stumble.

"Sorry, it seems a bit late." X2 When these two voices sounded, Jessica froze in place.

She raised her head to look forward, and then saw Hino Eiji's figure.

Not only her, but also those who stayed at the collection point and other people who were about to turn off the TV also saw this scene.

For a moment, both the scene and other people who saw this scene became silent.

Kamen Rider...

really appeared!

Kamen Rider OOO, who once fought with Kiryu Sentu and transformed with special coins, finally appeared!

At this moment, both ordinary people and "parasites" are in complicated moods.

No one would not want to be rescued, even ordinary people who are still afraid of "parasites" subconsciously clenched their fists after seeing Eiji Hino appear.

However, when people saw who the other person who also appeared at the last minute was, the confused expression appeared on their faces.

It's Semir!

People recognized this person who used special abilities to prove that ordinary people are uglier than "parasited" people, and their views on him are also very complicated.

Xie Mier didn't hurt others, but used his ability to expose the ugly side of those who laughed at him and insulted him!

Similarly, many people also know that Semir has a very high reputation among the "parasited" group.

So why did he come at the end?

Seeing Semir who looked much more embarrassed than Eiji Hino, and his face was full of exhaustion, people's breathing became a lot heavier.

Since this Kamen Rider named Hino Eiji chose to appear at the last moment, it means that he has not given up on these "parasites", which also makes the atmosphere of the scene extremely dignified.

The "parasited" who did not choose to leave stared blankly at Eiji Hino who was walking towards the collection point, and then their expressions became extremely complicated.

They have successfully handed over the cell coins in their hands. Under normal circumstances, they should choose to leave directly like everyone else, but they chose to stay.

And most of the people who stayed were those who had listened carefully to Jessica's plea before.

They didn't choose to join Jessica's side, but they still had a glimmer of hope in their hearts, even though this kind of hope became weaker and weaker as time went by, like a candle in the wind, but...

Kamen Rider really appeared!

Seeing Eiji Hino passing through their line of sight and walking towards the collection point step by step, the "parasited" opened their mouths, but found that they could not speak any words anyway, as if they had suddenly lost their language ability.

They are just ordinary people, and they are also afraid of their identity as "parasites"!

They wanted to ask Hino Eiji for help, but what Killbus did before made them dare not make such a choice.

The fear in their hearts made them unable to ask for help, and it also made them feel pain.

They obviously chose to stay here, longing for hope to appear, but when hope really appeared, they didn't even have the courage to reach out for help!

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