I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 806

Are they...really worth saving?

Many people lowered their heads in shame, but what made them unbelievable was that they had buried their guilt and self-blame deeply in their hearts, but Eiji Hino saw it directly.

"While sometimes it makes the process easier for the person in need to offer their hand, it can be very difficult if you wait for the other person to offer their hand every time before actually taking action."

Eiji Hino walked towards the cell coin collection point step by step, while smiling at the "parasites" who lowered their heads and dared not look at him along the way.

Then he looked at Shemir who was also walking towards the cell coin collection point.

This time, Hino Eiji saw something different on the opponent's face.

Eventually, the two meet in front of the collection box.

Different from the smiles on the faces of the two of them, the fighters of the surrounding countermeasures team had complex expressions on their faces, which were cautious, but seemed to have a hint of expectation.

I hope this Kamen Rider can bring some changes to the current bad situation.

But what frightened them immediately was that the frightening Killbus, who could manipulate cell coins to bring disasters to this world, and possessed terrifying power, had appeared at some point in this cell coin collection point at some point. far away.

It was still in the bright red suit, and the chest was still exposed, but he didn't choose to do anything, but stood there and watched the situation here with great interest, as if he was expecting something.

The presence of Killbus cast a dark cloud over the heads of everyone who saw this scene.

Even though there are many Kamen Riders gathered in Cyprus, no one thinks that they will be the opponents of Evolto and Killbus, the gap is too big!

Judging from the direct appearance of Killbus now, it is obvious that Hino Eiji is not allowed to mess with his collection of cell coins!

So, did Hino Eiji have noticed this problem, so he came here alone?

What is he going to do? !

This question became a doubt in everyone's mind for a while, and then they saw Eiji Hino put his palm into his pocket after coming to the collection box and took it out.

What is this going to do?

It can be said that Eiji Hino's every move now attracts everyone's attention.

What he will take out of his pocket next is also something that everyone cares about.

Could it be the kind of core coin that would allow him to transform into a Kamen Rider OOO knockoff? Or is it something else that can change the current situation?

Even President E was curious about what Hino Eiji would take out of his pocket next.

And Hino Eiji didn't seem to notice that his simple action at the moment attracted the attention of so many people, but took out a...

Folded square pink striped panties!

When Hino Eiji took this thing out of his pocket, everyone thought that Hino Eiji took the wrong thing, otherwise how could he take out a pair of underwear on such an occasion!

But when people noticed Eiji Hono's expression looking at the underwear in his hand, they suppressed such confusion in their hearts.

Perhaps this panty has some significance to this Kamen Rider? People were thinking like this, and then Hino Eiji was heard to say:

"My grandfather said this before he died...you are alive, but you don't know when you will die." Hino Eiji had a nostalgic expression on his face, and these words were clearly conveyed to all the people who gathered in this area because of him In his ears, he broke the silent atmosphere that was so quiet that he could almost hear a needle drop on the ground after he appeared.

The film crew in charge of broadcasting this action to ordinary people gritted their teeth, and then, as if they had made up their minds, they stepped forward and pointed the microphone at Eiji Hino, but then came out of Eiji Hino's mouth. The words made him stunned, not only him, everyone was stunned after hearing it.

"So men wear the fanciest underwear every day." So men wear the fanciest underwear every day?

When Eiji Hino's words sounded, both ordinary people and "parasited" were taken aback.

However, they did not regard Eiji Hino's words as nonsense.

You don't know when you will die when you are alive, so you have to wear the most gorgeous underwear every day? Does it mean that you have to deal with it in the best state every day?

Is it alluding to the current "parasites"?

Because they have become "parasites" and don't know when they will die, do you want to tell them in this way never to give up on themselves?

Not only the "parasitized" who were still on the scene, but even the "parasitized" who had gone back were silent at this moment.

Even the "parasitic" who has gradually accepted this identity after seeing so many companions gathered together, his eyes trembled.


Do they have this determination?

If they really have this determination, I'm afraid they will choose to ask Kamen Rider for help without hesitation, instead of being willing to become a tool for producing cell coins like they are now!

And Xie Mier, who was already standing in front of Hino Eiji, had a flash of understanding in his eyes.

He knew very well that Mr. Eiji Hino would not say something like 'why not eat minced meat', because not everyone has such awareness and determination!

Sure enough, after Hino Eiji finished saying that men should wear the most gorgeous underwear every day, he spoke again.

"Perhaps you are at a low ebb and you are frustrated every day, but it doesn't matter!" Hino Eiji grabbed the underwear in his hand and said to all the "parasites" who were looking at him, "You still have "tomorrow"! What matters is "tomorrow" too! You just need to prepare "tomorrow's underwear", even if it is only a little better than "today's underwear", it is the most gorgeous! "

"Live well today, and then have the determination to move towards tomorrow. This is what you need. As for other things that you don't need to consider now, just leave it to me. I will protect your disheartened today. This is The meaning of existence of knights."

After Hino Eiji finished speaking, there was a dead silence around him.

They thought that Hino Eiji would say that they were timid and would question why they had given up hope of being saved, but they did not expect Hino Eiji to say such words.

Even if they cowardly choose to succumb to desire, succumb to Evolto and Killbus, the Kamen Riders never gave up the idea of ​​saving them!

Isn't something they need to consider now? Even if they cowardly hide in a dark corner to escape everything, will the hand of saving them reach out to them?

The sockets of many people's eyes became moist, looking at that not tall figure, there was a hint of sobs in their voices.

"But...it's going to kill you..."

Yeah, once you choose to get Kamen Rider's help, both them and Kamen Rider will die!

"So, you don't need to take the initiative to ask for help." Hino Eiji replied with a smile.

After speaking, he spread out the underwear in his hand, revealing a few cell coins inside, grabbed them and threw them into the cell coin collection box under the eyes of others in disbelief.

"You have already refused to ask for help. It is me, a stalker, who chooses to be one of you and then help you."

ding ding ding~

The box that was already full of cell coins made a few crisp sounds after Hino Eiji put these cell coins in, and such sounds seemed to have the power to hit people's hearts directly, making them unable to say a word at the moment come out.

This Mr. Kamen Rider... chose to be a part of the "Parasite"?

Is it necessary to do this?

Eiji Hino is a Kamen Rider!

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