I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 807

In the eyes of ordinary people, Hino Eiji's behavior at this moment is undoubtedly demeaning his own identity! Even if you want to save these "parasites", you don't need to go to this level at all!

Even Mr. E had a surprised expression on his face.

E is sure that Hino Eiji did this kind of thing without Jon's prior knowledge, just like what happened in Lujiang City before, Jon didn't mind playing an evil and terrifying role from the beginning to the end, but in In Jon's eyes, this is also the most efficient behavior!

So what is Hino Eiji's purpose in doing this?

Boss E suddenly became curious.

Of course, for the current E general, the most important thing is to catch the cat that has made him wait a little impatiently, and then squeeze out all the core coins he has.

Either come out early, or don't come out, so that he can continuously obtain cell coins through these "parasites", this is Mr. E's current thinking.


Even if he and Brother Jon are currently in a cooperative relationship, the pit still needs to be pitted!

"Interesting idea~~!" Mr. E pointed at Eiji Hino, who was in the focus of everyone's attention, and his tone was full of sarcasm, "Using such a method to bypass the rules! Ha—— ! Very smart! But who gave you the courage? ~ Qi, makes you think I won't..."

Mr. E's palm gently stroked his chest, and he stared at Eiji Hino with disdain.

"How about killing you directly? Disguising yourself as a "parasite" is not a good thing~ Lord~yi~"

If it's Jon, Mr. E has to pay enough attention, but in Mr. E's eyes, people like Eiji Hino are just weak people that he can easily deal with.

Even if it is difficult for him to do this kind of thing under Jon's stop, it doesn't mean that he will need to discuss it like when facing Jon.

Accompanied by his action, a large number of cell coins changed from data state back to substance, and even the surrounding cell coins collected by the countermeasure team also seemed to be about to move.

This scene made everyone shudder!

There is no doubt that once so many cell coins on the scene are destroyed, it will definitely lead to a dragon-level disaster!

Seeing this scene, Xie Mier was also taken aback, and moved his palm subconsciously, but finally stopped.

Semir did not expect that Eiji Hino would actually want to help these "parasites" in such a way, which made it impossible for him to implement the plan he had made for a while.

But if you offend Killbus, it will definitely not end well!

Xie Mier's heartbeat continued to speed up, and he began to feel nervous about Hino Eiji's safety.

However, Hino Eiji is confident, even if he already knows that the existence in front of him disguised as Killbus is not the same as him and the store manager. He has the ability to kill him easily. A monster that could easily destroy a planet, but...

The knight will not shrink back because of this difficulty! He became a Kamen Rider in order to protect everyone's tomorrow!

He has found a way to catch these "parasites" and Mr. Store Manager's hands!

"Because I can also create "Shadow Messenger" and turn human beings into "Parasites", is this reason... enough? "

Eiji Hino said calmly, and his words can be said to make the whole world fall into dead silence at this moment.

Hino Eiji...can also create "Darkness Envoy"?

This sentence made everyone who heard it stunned.

However, the most horrifying thing about this incident is not these ordinary people who don't know what attitude to use to face Hino Eiji and the "parasited" for a while, but Kazali!

His purpose of bringing all the "parasites" to Cyprus was not to create such a grand stage for Hino Eiji!

Not only to completely separate the "parasited" from ordinary humans, but also to show favor to Evolto and Killbus, but also to make these overconfident and nosy Kamen Riders offend Evolto and Killbus, and then he makes a move Get Eiji Hino's body easily!

But now Hino Eiji's words undoubtedly tore his plan into pieces!

He obviously didn't understand any human emotions, but Kazali suddenly felt that he should be afraid at this moment! Because Hino Eiji undoubtedly wanted to replace his role!

If Hino Eiji can also create "Dark Envoy", will he still be valued by Evolto and Killbus? Even a discerning person can see that Hino Eiji cannot completely surrender to those two monsters, but...

To some extent, Hino Eiji is easier to control than him!

"Damn it...can imitations do this too..." Kazari's body made of cell coins trembled slightly.

Kazali didn't know whether he should be grateful or fearful now, although either was only shown on his face by imitating a human being.

Afraid that he will lose value in the eyes of Evolto and Killbus? Or should he be thankful that Hino Eiji is really the body he longs for, as he imagined?

ding ding ding ding~

The cell coins kept falling from Kazali's body, and at the same time, he stared at the screen with his eyes wide open.

He hoped it was true! At the same time, I also know that my plan must be changed!

Once Hino Eiji proved his ability to create a "Dark Envoy", Kazali felt that continuing to hide would only make his chances of success lower and lower.

He also has a hole card, which is the cell coins in his hand!

"If you can do it, prove it...show me..."


Now there is silence, as if he has not yet woken up from Eiji Hino's words.

Although it has long been known that the Kamen Riders have a homologous relationship with the monsters in their world, but now it is different!

This Kamen Rider directly showed that he has the ability to create monsters! And said it to Killbus!

Could this Kamen Rider choose to harm ordinary humans and convert them into "parasites" in order to protect the "parasites"?

Obviously impossible!

If that's the case, then he didn't have to work so hard before!

People are wondering, people are thinking deeply, but they are not afraid! Then...

They got the answer from Hino Eiji.

"Even if ordinary people are transformed into "parasites", the amount of cell coins produced is still rare, but some people are different, just like the leader of the countermeasure team in this city before, who was completely swallowed by desire The cell coins produced in the end are massive. "

Looking at the collection boxes piled up in front of him, Hino Eiji said calmly.

bang bang~

Mr. E clapped his hands, he suddenly became interested in Hino Eiji.

"That's true, but—" Mr. E excitedly grabbed a handful of cell coins, and then let them slip from his hands, "That "Desire Maker" has given me a satisfactory answer? Volume~~, what about you? False~face~knight..."

Boss E kicked over a collection box, let the cell coins in it fall to the ground, and opened his hands to mock.

"Don't think I can't see what you're up to. If the next reason doesn't satisfy me, then I'll kill~kill~you mercilessly."

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