I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 808

Mr. E's words made people wake up, and they looked at Eiji Hino complicatedly.

In order to save them "parasites", this Kamen Rider did not hesitate to surrender his identity to stand with them, and even chose to surrender to Killbus!

The reason... is to protect their despondent today?

But, just like Killbus said, what kind of answer can this Kamen Rider give? Or, is it really worth paying so much for these "parasites"?

Killbus and Evolto need cell coins, so they absolutely need the existence of "parasites". Even if the "desire maker" who brought them misfortune chooses to surrender to these two monsters, it will only give more ordinary people People bring misfortune, so what is Hino Eiji going to do?

People's bodies were trembling slightly, even though Hino Eiji hadn't spoken yet, they subconsciously felt that what happened next might be something they would never forget.


They heard it.

They heard footsteps again, and it wasn't just one person!

It was clearly just footsteps, but at this moment it seemed heavier than anything else, even if they hadn't turned around, they had already guessed the identities of the people who came.

But the more so, the more they blame themselves.

Because... there is no need to do this to these cowardly guys!

Not only them, but almost everyone trembled slightly after seeing the figure appearing on the screen.

Even some people who have accepted their status as "parasites" and are considering where to go for the "zero dollar purchase" activities are shut up at this moment.

They knew that their actions were wrong, but they did this to vent their depression of being feared and isolated by others during this period, but when they saw clearly the appearance of the person appearing on the screen, they suddenly Feeling ashamed for a while, I wish I could get into the ground and hide.

Kagami Shin, Jindai Sword, Wuma Yuka, Jiming, Shishima Takeshi, Tong Yao, Kiba Yuji, Li Xiu, Dragon Girl, Takayama Jin, and... Bugarati.

There are strong and weak among them, some are guests from different worlds, some are knights from this world approved by Kamen Rider, the only thing in common seems to be that they have no means of resistance in the face of Evolto and Killbus, but they are still Choose to stand out.

This undoubtedly broke the despair of some people because the Kamen Riders did not appear from the beginning to the end!

Knights are always there!

Just waiting for them to make a choice!

If they choose to ask for help, these knights will choose to save them without hesitation, even if they are cowardly enough to choose to give in, it doesn't matter, because the knights will not ignore them in the abyss of despair just because you didn't take the initiative to ask for help.

They stared blankly at the Kamen Riders and the stand-in messenger who appeared at the last moment and walked towards Eiji Hino, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Then they heard Hino Eiji's voice again.

"If every person I turn into a "parasitic" is an existence far beyond Ankexie, wouldn't it be a bit of putting the cart before the horse to try to use ordinary people? "

Saying that, Hino Eiji put his palm into the cell coin collection box, took out 11 cell coins, and smiled at President E.

"Here's my answer sheet." Interesting!

It was so much fun!

When President E saw Hino Eiji take out 11 cell coins from the cell coin collection box, the corners of his mouth kept curling up.

The moment Eiji Hino just said that sentence, Mr. E even felt that he saw some shadows similar to Kiryu Sentu on the opponent, but they were completely different.

The ultimate goal is to fight for love and peace, and to save others, but it is different from Kiryu Sentu who took his guidance after losing his memory.

He had roughly guessed what these people's plans were, and at the same time, it gave him a long-lost feeling of joy.


If it wasn't for the cell coins that he definitely needed to get, maybe he would join them with great interest.


Unlike Mr. E's joy, Jon's expression was inexplicable.

Out of trust in Hino Eiji and others, he didn't ask too much about their plans. Jon thought they would target the cell coins, detonate the conflict completely by seizing the cell coins, and then attract Kazali out .

He was even ready for a wave of cooperation after Hino Eiji's shot, but in the end...

What the hell is this?

Jon understands the particularity of Hino Eiji's body. As a person who was selected by the dinosaur coin to become a "desire maker", his body will not completely return to normal just because the dinosaur coin is completely broken.

Hino Eiji is still the container, whether it is cell coins or core coins, he can absorb them into the body, and the price of doing so is very likely that he will slowly lose his sense of taste and touch again, the world he sees with his eyes, and the sound he hears with his ears It will also become blurry!

"Do you feel that joining the ranks of "parasites" will make it easier to gain their approval? Jon nodded to himself, thinking that he had found the reason for Hino Eiji to do this.

He thinks it makes sense!

If Hino Eiji could take out the imitation core coins in his body at any time, then such an approach would be really good, something he hadn't considered before.

"Choose to join the ranks of "parasites", and have shown the ability to throw cell coins into ordinary people to transform them into "parasites". This can really disrupt Kazali's plan.. . But you shouldn't let the dragon get involved, who knows what strange things that muscular idiot will do when his desire is amplified. "

Jon nodded in agreement, but he didn't notice that Sakura Kyoko, who was carrying a spear behind her, rolled her eyes, looking hesitant to speak.


"I'm sorry, I need you to do such a thing." Hino Eiji looked at the people in front of him apologetically.

"What kind words are you talking about..." Shijima scratched his hair and showed a hearty smile, "Isn't our purpose the same from the beginning?"

Shijima just thought that Hino Eiji's plan was very interesting, even if Hino Eiji rejected his joining, he would definitely try his best to join in.

As for the reason?

Hmm... this question took Shishima Gang's full ten seconds!

He felt that Brother Xuedi was too much! An image of Dr. Qiao was left in his world, and he is still preached by his sister and brother-in-law Jin every day, so that he should not let down Dr. Qiao's sacrifice or something.

"Yes, our goal has been the same from the very beginning." Wuma Youxiang didn't know that there was a big difference between the "unity" she said and the "unity" that Shidao Gang said.

In her eyes, Hino Eiji came up with such a plan in order to change ordinary people's views on these "parasites".

Even if doing so would cause her to be parasitized by monsters, she would not hesitate at all!

"I have seen what hell is like with my own eyes, so..." Wuma Youxiang stepped forward without hesitation, preparing to be the first person to be thrown a cell coin by Hino Eiji.

"If you want to stand at the top, you must conquer your desires." Shendaijian took Wuma Youxiang's words, stepped forward and raised his eyebrows, "Although I don't know what you are going to do, but I will Prove through actions that I will stand at the top of this game, after all, if it is just words, not many people will believe it."

"Hurry up..." Ying Shanren built a canopy on his forehead with his palm, looked around, and then showed a smile on his face, "I want to go back and look at that kid Qian Yi soon, otherwise I will The kid will definitely be lawless again."

Hino Eiji nodded, and then prepared to put the first cell coin into Wuma Yuka's body.

This is the first time Hino Eiji created a "Dark Envoy", but he doesn't think that the current practice will bring misfortune to others, because...

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