I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 809

These people in front of them are also comrades who can entrust their lives to fight to protect the tomorrow of others!

When the cell coin is close to Wuma Youxiang's forehead, people can clearly see that there is a weird extra coin slot on Wuma Youxiang's forehead, which is similar to that of a vending machine, and this scene makes many people subconsciously think Reach out to stop.

Among them, Jessica's eyes widened in disbelief, but when she tried to stop Wuma Youxiang with her hoarse voice, and wanted to tell her that doing so would definitely do the same thing that went against her heart, Wuma Ma Youxiang turned to look at her.

"If it was me in the past, maybe... no, definitely! I would definitely be addicted to desire, but now I know..." Wuma Youxiang clenched his fists, as if to encourage himself, but also as if It is to encourage Jessica, "Desire itself is something that human beings have. What we have to do is not to resist it or surrender to it, but to control it!"

Following Wuma Youxiang's words, the first cell coin was thrown into Wuma Youxiang's body, and then under the trembling gaze of the others, Wuma Youxiang's body began to emit a strange green light, Then a mummy-like monster with gray bandages all over her body emerged from her body.

This...is the "Dark Envoy"? Is it a monster parasitic in the body of the "parasited"?

Looking at this monster that came out of Wuma Youxiang's body and observed the surrounding environment as if it was inconvenient, people swallowed subconsciously.

Even Mr. E looked at this unformed "Dark Angel" with great interest. He had heard a lot of beautiful words, but not many people could do what they said, especially when they were being treated by someone who could infinitely magnify human desires. The state of the monster being parasitized.


They saw the monster that came out of Wuma Youxiang's body stumbled towards the side.

People felt fear for the first time, their bodies were shaking constantly, but no one chose to retreat!

At this moment, they chose to believe in these knights!

If the knights still choose to escape after they have reached this level, then they will probably be ashamed to death!

So even though they felt the fear that their souls were frozen when facing this weird monster, they still didn't choose to back down.


A "parasitic" is held in the palm of this gray mummy. Roland was one of the members who chose to stay at the cell coin collection point with hope.

He longed to be saved, but he didn't dare to take the initiative to stretch out his hands.

But now the Kamen Riders grabbed his hands firmly. According to their own words, they are "nosy and shameless", but in Roland's eyes, there is nothing more precious than this action.

Even if it is the "Dark Messenger" born from Kamen Rider's body that really grabs his palm now, he also believes that Kamen Rider is different from cowardly ordinary people like them!

The grasped palm felt icy cold, as if being grasped by a corpse, but Roland did not choose to retract.

"You will save me, won't you?" He tremblingly asked the mummy monster in front of him.

The mummy monster didn't answer, just grabbed his palm, and didn't do anything else.

And this has already made Roland understand the will of the other party.

"I've been caught by you, so..." Roland obviously wanted to cry, but forced a smile, "The only option is to be saved by the knight..."

Although nothing happened, just holding the hands of those who need help, this scene undoubtedly tells everyone that as long as your will is strong enough, you can control your desires!

Then, the mummy monster let go of Roland's hands, and held the hands of another "parasitic".

Still nothing happened, this monster born from Wuma Youxiang seemed to want to convey his heart to all the "parasites", he kept holding the palms of those who needed help, comforting into their hearts of fear.

Then there is the Sword of Gods.

Although he was also recognized by Sasword, the mummy monster that came out of the sword of the Age of God walked behind him respectfully, like a housekeeper, and once it appeared, it transformed into a white moth-like monster, and at the same time He also has language skills, reminding:

"Master Jian, you have not reached the pinnacle in the fields of saving others and magic."

Next, there is Bugarati.

The mummy monster emerging from Bucciarati sniffed the air, and then walked towards Toks, who had chosen to help Jessica before, and was now slumped on the ground wearily.

As the others watched silently, the mummy monster emerging from Bugarati's body burrowed into Tox's body.

But no one believed that Toks had become a "parasite" again, because the next second Toks had a joyful expression on his face.

"Yeah... that feeling of relief, the feeling of being normal again...I remember, I'll do it again..."

Then, there are other people.

When these knights who appeared with the purpose of saving their "parasites" were thrown into cell coins one by one by Hino Eiji and became "parasites" like them, their desires were also exposed to everyone in front of!

What makes all the "parasites" silent is that these Kamen Riders and stand-in messengers still maintain their selves after being parasitized by "Dark Angels"!

Is it because of the different types of parasitic monsters?

Absolutely not!


They are knights!

Even if it is Bugarati who manipulates the power called a substitute instead of using the Kamen Rider system, at this moment, he is definitely called a knight in the eyes of everyone! Perhaps there is also something deeper in it.

Some are reminded of a description that appeared in the early days of Winds of Gold.

A spirit like gold!

Of course, whether it is chivalry or gold spirit, they are the same! This is the time to fight for love and peace!

At the same time, Hino Eiji threw all 11 cell coins into other people's bodies, and then he turned to look at President E.

"How about such an answer sheet?"

"It's great!" Even Mr. E couldn't help showing admiration on his face, and then applauded Hino Eiji's will from the bottom of his heart.

Stepping into hell actively, just to grab the palms of these "parasites"? Mr. E doesn't think so, some of them also want to grab Brother Jon's palm!

They may want to tell others in this way that the knights don't mind stepping into the filthy quagmire that will tarnish the name of Kamen Rider from the beginning, as long as there are still people in this quagmire that need to be rescued, need to be saved Whoever they grab the palm of their hand, then they don't hesitate at all.

This time, they don't want to be covered with a glamorous image, but want to prove that there is such a person who has been deep in the quagmire from the beginning, and everyone who accidentally falls into it Throw it back to the ground, but it has never been found!

"But it's a pity, some things are not so easy to do!" President E changed his previous posture when he was disguised as Killbus. He didn't care about the vest. The reason why he cooperated with Jon the first time was just I find it interesting and fun.

But now other people didn't notice this subtle change in President E at all, nor did they understand the hidden meaning of his words.

What did that guy named Saitama say?

A hero of interest.

right! That's it, it's different from Kiryu Zhantu and others for love and justice, it's just that he thinks he should do it!

"But sometimes if you don't work hard or stumble, how can you understand that some things can't be done anyway." Mr. E smiled, he didn't think Jon would be handled so easily.

From the very beginning, this man's idea was to let every guest who came to this world leave the most dazzling image on people, and let people know that there are such heroes in other worlds.

"Although I had expected this kind of thing to happen, I didn't expect it to hit me."

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