I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 810

"But if you don't try, who knows that you will fall?" Hino Eiji replied.

Others still couldn't understand Mr. E's words, but Hino Eiji understood, but he didn't continue to entangle in this regard.

He's about to start the general!

"So...Master Killbus, what choice would you make?" Hino Eiji asked politely towards Mr. E, "It is impossible for Kazali and I to coexist, which side would you choose to bet on?" ?”

"Does this sentence mean that you want to choose to be loyal to me?" Boss E said with great interest, "If I can answer either side, what is your answer?"

Of course he wouldn't believe Hino Eiji's words, but in fact, no matter which side he chooses, it's the same for him.

E is not worried that Jon will kill Kazali directly after seeing Kazali, and let him return without success this time.

Because the answer has already come out, Brother Jon has always wanted to make ordinary people grow up and make Kamen Riders worship.

He would not prioritize himself in such matters!

Even if it is an enemy relationship, E always feels that he has already seen through the other party.

Then, he saw Hino Eiji raised his head with a smile on his face.

"Of course the answer is... I will be loyal to you!"

Undoubtedly, after Hino Eiji said his words, everyone already knew his purpose, at least his apparent purpose.

Just like what people have guessed before, even if they are unable to fight against Evolto and Killbus, these Kamen Riders will never let go of the monster that turns humans into "parasites"!

Smart people can also see that when Eiji Hino proves that he has the ability to make cell coins, then he will definitely be easier to control than that "desire maker"!

Suicide after solving the "Desire Maker", so as not to let the world continue to produce cell coins?

No one doubts Kamen Rider's awareness, but even if they can see the problem, will Killbus and Evolto not see it?

If Evolto and Killbus threaten these "parasites" and even the entire earth, can Eiji Hino really be ruthless enough to commit suicide?


So other Kamen Riders appeared on their own initiative and endured the suffering instead of ordinary people like them!

This is how the Cavaliers guard their disheartened day! So after seeing the contributions of these knights, do they still have the consciousness to embrace tomorrow?

The "parasitized" ask themselves, and...

They have an answer!

Maybe it's too late now, maybe their awareness will not help the Kamen Riders, but even so, they still want to convey their hearts to each other in this way!

If their will can make the Kamen Riders stronger, then they must!


"Don't lose! Kamen Rider!"

Someone makes a start, and others follow without hesitation.

Maybe the words that come out of each mouth are different, but thousands of words are gathered into one sentence.

Please come on! Knights!

The gloom and fear were completely swept away at this moment, replaced by excitement! Even the "parasitized" who had already left the cell coin collection point chose to stand up and began to rush towards this side.

They knew it would be dangerous here, but they believed that these knights would definitely protect them!

All the "parasitized" are struggling to call out, as if they want to vent all the grievances they have suffered during this period of time in this way.

Eiji Hino and the others didn't try to stop them, because they knew that the emotions of these "parasited" must be vented, and this situation would not last long, because...

"Ah la la la ~ I didn't expect to be preempted just because I came one step late?"

When the gray smoke suddenly appeared, and then Jon, who appeared in the form of blood submerged, came to the scene with Sakura Kyoko, his gentle tone seemed to be joking, but it possessed terrible magic power, making him call Hino Eiji The voices of the people with their names faded away, and finally fell silent again.

People still seem to be in fear, but at this moment, no one chooses to lower their heads!

"Interesting will..." Jon snapped his fingers. He felt that even without his excessive intervention, Hino Eiji and the others had successfully created an opportunity to save everyone perfectly.

Jon thought that the ordinary people he glanced at would lower their heads in fear as before, but this time they didn't.

Even though they were trembling with fear, they still didn't lower their heads!

This made the corners of Jon's face and mouth under the mask slightly raised.

"Although I'm curious if there are any special changes in you now, but..." Jon opened his hands, and his voice was obviously not loud, but it seemed to have a strange magic power attached to it, so that no matter how far away he was, Even ordinary people at the other end of the city who were silent because of Hino Eiji's actions could clearly hear his voice.

"Even if it has value that I value, if it's always on the market...I'll be disappointed."

The calm words were like a shock wave, sweeping through the entire Cyprus, and also silenced everyone.

Just this hand is enough to prove what kind of monster they plan to rebel against now!

The whole city seemed to be silent for a few seconds, and then...

got windy!

A gust of wind that seemed to be carrying a large amount of yellow sand began to surge over this area, and then landed on the ground.

And when the wind cleared, people saw a middle-aged man standing respectfully behind Jon.

"Master Evolto, I have kept you waiting..." the middle-aged man said respectfully.


Hino Eiji looked at Kazali who finally chose to appear with a complicated expression.

Before coming to this world, he never imagined that the "Desire Maker" who had destroyed the core coins would appear in this world in such a way, and also brought such a terrible disaster to the people of this world.

Compared to Hino Eiji's complexity, Kazali is calm.

Without any emotion, he naturally did not appear because of the fear brought about by Jon's words, but his judgment of the situation made Kazali understand that he must play now, otherwise he would get nothing.

Before that, he really wanted to sell for a price, and wanted to judge which side to choose was more in his interest, but after Hino Eiji broke his plan, he had no choice.

Just like Hino Eiji said, the two of them cannot coexist!

The instinct of "Desire Maker" made him frantically urge him to take action to take Hino Eiji's body from the moment he saw what he had always wanted. If it wasn't for his habit of being cautious and full of patience, he might have It's already done.

And Hino Eiji will definitely want to take it back after knowing that he has a bird-type core coin in his hand.

"I didn't expect to see you in this world, the boy chosen by Anku." Kazali raised his head, "If it looks like this, you should be more familiar with it."

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