I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 822

At this moment, Dragon Girl and You Long merged into one body directly, and even Boss E, who was fighting Dou Zhen, subconsciously looked sideways at the power that erupted.

The red light brought by the fierce flame once again occupied the sky, but what she faced was still the Nebula that defeated her mercilessly before!

The sky is occupied by flames, and the ground is occupied by bright nebulae. At this moment, it seems that the sky and the ground are upside down.


These two terrifying forces collided again!

【Great Dragonic Finish! 】

[Evolutic Finish! 】

When these two forces collided, both the world within the Meita domain and the world outside seemed to lose their voices, and then...

[Yabeel! 】



The colorful nebula energy and fierce flames seemed to split the world into two halves.


Is this... the power of the will?

The expressions on the faces of people outside the Meta domain were dull after seeing this scene.

Then people remembered a sentence.

Anger can raise a person's level of danger, but...

The knight system is not enhanced by anger and hatred!

It's not anger that supports Kamen Rider Cross-Z's fight now! Is it for love and peace? Or is there something they don't understand at all? But what is it that supports her to exert such a powerful ability? !

Not only people outside the Meita domain, but even Eiji Hino who was fighting with Kazali was also impacted by the collision of this force.

Wuma Youxiang looked at Meng Yan still rushing towards the sky in astonishment, colliding with the colorful nebula energy.

Is this... dragon her will?

As a person who has witnessed the other party's growth along the way, Wuma Youxiang is very clear that she is left far behind by the other party in terms of strength and will, and will never have the possibility of surpassing.

but at least...

In the matter of driving those "parasites" out of hell, she must not lose!

With red compound eyes flashing, Wuma Yuka looked at Kazali, at the monster that had shown overwhelming strength, and at Eiji Hino.

She could see that the three blue imitation core coins in Hino Eiji's waist drive had a lot of cracks again, which meant that Hino Eiji had only the last three silver and one red imitation core coins left.

Can really... no! It is a must to succeed!

Wuma Youxiang put her finger on Hopper Zecter's hind leg, ready to pull it up again.

Others did similar actions, wanting to share the pressure for Hino Eiji, but Hino Eiji himself didn't care about the damage of the counterfeit core coin at all.

In the scorching hot environment of the Meta Domain and Kazali's ability, the seawater he produced was evaporated at an incredible speed, and disappeared instantly. Only some wet places on the ground proved that they existed before.

And after the seawater completely dried up, the three imitation core coins in Eiji Hino's driver were also completely shattered.

This scene also made people outside the US Tower feel worried.

Only the last four left!

If it is broken again this time, Hino Eiji will lose the ability to transform!

The biological armor from the sea began to fade from Eiji Hino, while Kazali looked at it calmly.

"There are only the last four left..." Kazali watched indifferently as three silver gravity-type imitation core coins flew out of Hino Eiji's body.

"Do you think you still have a chance?"

He didn't think that Hino Eiji, who had only the last four imitations left, had the power to defeat him.

And since Hino Eiji took the initiative to break these imitations, it would save him to take them out one by one.

Then he got an answer from Eiji Hono.

"Opportunities... are won by yourself!"

Silver replica core coins with rhinoceros and elephant embossments were embedded by Eiji Hino at the left and right ends of the drive.

Finally, there's the gorilla in the middle!

The O scanning ring was once again caught by Hino Eiji and swept down diagonally!

If the insect type makes people feel fear, the cat type makes people feel wild, and the aquatic type makes people feel the breath of life, then this time, people feel extremely heavy! It's like the feeling of Kamen Rider Kuuga who entered the titan form!

Energy coins resurfaced again! And this scene is also telling people that if Hino Eiji fails to succeed, then he will lose the power to transform into a Kamen Rider!


[Sai! 】


[Gorilla! 】


【Zou! 】

The three energy coins condense, and what comes with it is terrifying gravity!

[Sa Goh Zo! 】

[Sa Goh Zo! ! 】

Then what happened next can be said to make everyone numb, because...

Scan the O scan ring again!

[Scanning Charge! 】

Opportunity... did you earn it on your own?

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