I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 823

This is the thought that popped up subconsciously in Semir's mind after hearing Hino Eiji's words after finally approaching Hino Eiji's position with bruises all over his body.

Then, he denied Hino Eiji's statement.

It's not that I think I have a better answer, but that Shemir thinks it's not suitable for Hino Eiji to say this sentence, because...

"In your eyes, Mr. Huino, only you need to fight for opportunities. Even if the target who needs help will not take the initiative to fight for opportunities, you will take the initiative to hand them opportunities."

Semir shook his fist.

"But that's the knight."

After speaking, Xie Mier took a few breaths, trying to suppress the bursts of pain from his lungs.

Although the cell coins in his body brought him strength beyond ordinary people, but he who doesn't know how to control him can be regarded as a slightly stronger ordinary person at best.

So the most important thing for him is still the will.

Fortunately, he now has such a thing.

At the same time as he took the first step, the sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking came again.

It was Hino Eiji who once again launched an attack on Kazali, which made Semir, who was still some distance away from the battlefield, grit his teeth.

He had to get there before Eiji Hino's last few counterfeit core coins shattered!


Facing Eiji Hino who was rushing towards him with heavy steps, Kazali didn't care at all.

In his eyes, the imitation is just an imitation after all, just like the cost of Hino Eiji's efforts to make the imitation directly shattered is only destroying some of his cells and coins, which is insignificant at all.

Even in Kazali's eyes, if it weren't for other Kamen Riders who were more difficult to deal with, he would have captured Hino Eiji's body long ago.

Facing the attacking Hino Eiji, Kazali raised his sharp claws, but his movements stopped in the next second, and even the ground under his feet sank suddenly, as if some terrible gravity had been applied generally.


"Don't forget, I also have such core coins, but I prefer my own core coins." Kazali's playful voice sounded, and the gravitational field exerted on him by Hino Eiji disappeared instantly. Then the claws collided with Hino Eiji's huge fist.

The sharp claws collided with the giant glove made of bone plates in the form of gravity combination, making a sound like gold and iron.

However, even Kazali seemed unable to leave any scars under this armor that focused on defense and strength. He could only manipulate the sharp giant claws on his back to stab Hino Eiji.

Kazali is not someone who values ​​knight etiquette. On the contrary, as a "cat-like luster", he is cunning, good at forbearance, and also very vengeful.

Although he didn't even feel the humiliation when he learned that his self in another world died at the hands of Hino Eiji, but he really wanted to kill Hino Eiji and then take his body.

The sharp claws stabbed towards the vulnerable parts of Hino Eiji's body.

As an existence with all the core coins of the system, Kazali naturally knows where the gravity system is strong, but when he also has the ability to manipulate gravity, Eiji Hino in this state can be said to be no threat to him at all.

"Then let me show you my real strength now."

Kazali showed a playful expression.

In the next second, the gust of wind surged again! Accompanied by flames, accompanied by thunder, accompanied by torrents and invisible gravity waves!


"Don't ignore our existence."

When Kazali's attack was about to fall on Hino Eiji, Shijima Go's helpless voice sounded.

"But sometimes having too many teammates doesn't seem like a good thing."

The next moment, the re-acceleration system starts!

What makes Shidao just unhappy is that he doesn't have so many signal motorcycles, so the re-acceleration system can't be turned on arbitrarily, otherwise it will easily interfere with his teammates, so he can only make a surprise attack.

The effect of the re-acceleration engine is different from the power that the gravity system can bring to Kazali. It cannot be released by manipulating the gravity wave. However, Eiji Hino, who already carried a signal motorcycle on his body, is immune to the force caused by the re-acceleration. Due to the stagnation effect, two huge fists hit Kazali's head like smashing walnuts.

When Hino Eiji bombarded the fist of the gravity combination form that was bigger than the two heads of Kazali on the side of his head, and then used the sharp rhinoceros horn on the top of his head to pierce Kazali's chest and bring out countless cell coins Even Shijima felt the pain, but...

"It's a pity." Shi Dao just whistled towards Kazali, "If you feel pain, you should feel the pleasure just now."

Said, Shidao just shrugged again, glanced at the terrible movement that erupted from Jon's side and Xie Mier who was walking towards here step by step.

"But it's time to finish. We can't make others wait for a long time, and we can't make people worry."

But trash talk obviously can't irritate Kazali. If it can be irritated, maybe Kazali will be very happy.

Kazali reacted quickly after Shidao just used the heavy acceleration system to trick him.

Although he is not immune to heavy acceleration, but as a "cat-type desirer", he has quite terrifying speed, coupled with the assistance of gravity waves, at most he was caught by surprise.

But what immediately made Kazali's face ugly was that Hino Eiji had four more green core coins in his hand.

(ps: The 19 core coins that removed the consciousness coins that the doctor got from Kazali after killing him)

The gold rim part tells everyone that this is not a knockoff that has been broken before, but the real core coin!

How can it be? !

"I'm sorry." Hino Eiji tossed up the bug-type core coin in his hand, and then held it in his hand, "Even if the imitation will be broken, I just need to find a new replacement before it's all broken."

Holding one of the locust core coins between his fingers and shaking it, Eiji Hino's slightly dull voice came from the head of the rhino covered in bone.

"By the way, let me explain. I was not recklessly breaking the imitation core coin, but I was using this method to confirm the position of the core coin in your body."

After putting away the locust core coin, Hino Eiji's tone became confident.

"Although it is just an imitation, the energy in it will be attracted by the real core coin. The Anku used to appear in this way, but in order to make it less obvious, I can only use this method. This is also the The reason why I absorbed these imitations into my body beforehand is that even if I'm just a half-hearted "desire user", I can still do this kind of thing. "

"How is it possible..." There was a glint of haze in Kazali's eyes, he subconsciously felt that Eiji Hino could not do such a thing, after all...


"It seems that you have already guessed it, and guessed why I used the gravity-type imitation core coin that was extremely restrained by you at the end, because...Although it seems to be restrained by you, it is actually my hole card Ah! Kazali..." Hino Eiji's tone became heavy.

When the rhinoceros horn on the top of his head pierced Kazali's body just now, the scene of cells and coins felt like a sea of ​​coins made his face ugly.

"How many...how many cell coins have you produced?"

"It turned out to be like this...So it was like this..." Knowing the reason, Kazali stood up from the ground. As a complete body, he can perfectly control the core coins of his department, but he has no control over other coins. It is not so easy for the core coins of the system.

He thought that the countless cell coins that make up his body could hide the core coin in the deepest place, but he ignored that Eiji Hino in the gravity system can directly pull the core coin out after determining the position of the core coin!


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