I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 824

"How many cell coins were produced?" Kazali chuckled, and asked back: "Hino Eiji, do you remember how much change you have received so far?" Kazali's answer silenced Hono Eiji.

With a snap, he inserted the real stag beetle and locust core coins into the left and right ends of the driver, and although the silver imitation core coins that were taken out were not directly broken as before, there were quite a few cracks on them.

"I don't think it's something to brag about."

Then, there is the middlemost mantis core coin.

"Desires that cannot be controlled will eventually bring destruction to this world, so..."

Picking up the O-scanning ring on his waist, Hino Eiji's voice, which had also become dull due to his transformation into a gravity system, rang in everyone's ears.

"So I have to stop you, henshin!"

The O scanning ring swiped down again, but this time Eiji Hino used the power from the real core coin!

【Kuwagata! 】

[Kamakiri! 】

[Batta! 】

There is no difference in the posture after using the imitation core coin before, but when the colorful energy coins surround Hino Eiji, people seem to hear the sounds of all the creatures that appeared on Hino Eiji before!

[Ga-taGataGataKiriBaGataKiriBa! 】

It is still an armor with a permeable appearance and covered with insect elements, but at this moment it has become the hope in everyone's eyes!

Hino Eiji was not using his power recklessly as others thought, but his purpose was very clear from the beginning!

Counterfeit core coins cannot defeat the mighty Kazali, only real core coins can defeat the opponent!

That's why he bet all the imitation core coins in his hand, in order to create a chance to realize a plan that even he himself can't guarantee 100% success!

And it is easy to see that this opportunity can only be implemented once!

Once it fails, Hino Eiji will really lose the power of Kamen Rider!

This scene made Xi Mier rejoicing and at the same time a little disappointed.

I am glad that Hino Eiji had planned long ago and did not fall into trouble, and it seems unnecessary to lose my efforts.

But at the same time that Xie Mier came up with this idea, Hino Eiji's words made him stunned.

"Semiel, don't stand there in a daze, have you brought the things I asked you to do?"

Semir raised his head in disbelief, and then saw Eiji Hino stretching out his right arm with the scythe blade of the mantis with his back to him.

"It's just in time. If it's just a counterfeit core coin, it won't be able to bear everyone's wishes."

Also stunned by this sentence were the "parasites" outside the realm of the Meta.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Eiji Hino's words were made up on the spur of the moment. He just didn't want to waste the thoughts of Xie Mier and them!

A simple sentence instantly brought tears to the eyes of the "parasites". Even though Shemir had left, their bodies began to produce cell coins again.

Their wishes have been conveyed!

Shemir in the Meta domain was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Well! I didn't live up to your expectations, Mr. Hino, not just me, but everyone else."

Even though it was clear that what he had to face next was a monster that could easily tear his body apart, Semir still did not choose to back down, but stepped forward firmly and stood beside Eiji Hino with his arm stretched out.

Obviously, he has never used such an ability, but at this moment, Xie Mier is self-taught, allowing the cell coins stored in his body to rush into Eiji Hino's body through his right hand.

"Then I will accept everyone's wishes!"

The blue thunder began to flicker on Hino Eiji's body, and the thoughts from the "parasites" made Hino Eiji's power at this moment strengthened to the extreme!

His body was slightly bent, and the anti-joint worm feet were tense to the extreme at this moment, and then...

It turned into lightning and rushed towards Kazali!

Unlike previous transformations that require the power of the imitation core coin to be completely extracted to be eligible to face Kazali, the power displayed by Hino Eiji far exceeds any previous form!

The azure blue thunder fell from the sky, bathing Eiji Hino's whole body in it. The green sickle in his hand violently tore open the tornado created by Kazali, and then slammed heavily on Kazali's body.

Cell coins poured out from where Kazali was struck by the sickle, but the next moment they were torn to pieces by the tyrannical thunder!

And this scene also made everyone stunned in place.

Is this... the real power of Hino Eiji? Obviously, he was still at a disadvantage when facing Kazali before, but now he has shown the strength to suppress the opponent!

If even such a monster can be defeated, then what kind of enemy did this Kamen Rider face before losing the power of the Kamen Rider?

At this moment, whether it is a "parasite" or an ordinary person, this idea pops up in his mind.

Xie Mier also thought so, but he was patted on the shoulder in the next second.

"Because what Eiji has now is not just his own power..."

Then Semir saw that Shijima just pulled up the box with the signal motorcycle on the waist drive.

[Signal Bike! 】

"Then it's time to enter the real performance time. After all, there should be a more difficult battle next, and it's time to end the cat teasing session."

This sentence made Ximil stunned, and then he saw that Shijima had just put something into the box. It was clearly a substance, but after touching the signal motorcycle, it turned into energy and wrapped the signal motorcycle and the Mach driver in the box. Inside.


[Rider! 】

Unlike the red tail flames that gushed out when Shishima just transformed, this time, it was colorful tail flames!

The colorful tail flames surged around Shijima Go's body, turning into golden stars, the moon and a rainbow.

This scene made people stunned, they couldn't imagine that this girly scene would appear on Shijima Takeshi!

But as a shape-shifter, Shijima Takeshi enjoyed it, clenched his fists in the air, and let the little bits of stardust fall from his hands.

"Let's henshin!"

【Hope Mach! 】

The symbol full of girlish atmosphere condensed by the colorful tail flame poured into Shijima Go's body, making the surface of his white armor covered with such symbols.

"It's cool, isn't it?" Shishima just snapped his fingers at the dumbfounded Shemir, "Then..."

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