I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 826


"You completely pissed me off, and let so many people break into my territory."

It was Wuma Youxiang who said these words. When the red tachyon on her left leg collided with another huge claw, people could see that it was continuously falling from the claw and was torn into pieces. shattered cell coins, and...

The woman who appeared behind Wuma Youxiang like a ghost, dressed in Victorian style clothing, had already drawn her sword.

People recognized each other's identities.

It is Ms. Maria who lives in the Star Clock Tower!

"If you make You Xiang angry, I will be angry too! Let so many people break into her hell, which makes her unable to get out of it."

Is it because they broke into hell, that's why Wuma Youxiang couldn't leave?

Jessica, whose voice was already so hoarse that she couldn't speak, stared blankly at Wuma Yuka's figure, and then she knew why Wuma Yuka didn't choose to become Kamen Rider Sasword again after saving her, because ...

Wuma Youxiang needs to use this posture to remind herself that there are still many people in hell, waiting for her to save them!

Not only Jessica, but other "parasites" were also touched.

Only then did they know that the Kamen Rider who came to Cyprus for the first time after the existence of the "parasitic" was exposed was not for revenge or anything else, but...

Want to kick these unfortunate people out of hell one by one!


It's Kagami Shin!

[Rider Kick! 】

The right foot that also shone with golden tachyon particles kicked one of Kazali's golden claws, but Kagami's novice still held the Gatack double blades, which intersected and turned into a huge pair of scissors to let the super light speed The particles also spread to its body, and then aimed at Kazali's claws to cut off.

"That's right, knights...will not retreat!"

Then came the Sword of Gods.

[Rider Slash! 】

This time, it was the purple tachyon that was already well-known to people, but the person who manipulated the Sasword armor was replaced by the Age of God sword.

"Can't feel anything but greed? It's pathetic, never able to experience what it's like to be on top."

Every word from the knights silenced ordinary people, and then they discovered that the huge claws that had brought them an unusually terrifying feeling seemed to have faded its invincible color at this moment, and they were taken by everyone who wanted to save them. Knights block!

Ji Ming, Shishima Takeshi, Wuma Yuka, Kagami Shin, Jindai Sword!

Each of them blocked a terrifying golden claw, not worried that the remaining claws would tear their bodies into pieces, because...

Even if they are from different worlds, they will trust each other with their backs!

Li Xiu silently pressed down the wrench that squeezed the driver, allowing the energy from the crocodile crack full-filled bottle to fill his legs, and then jumped high to block another golden spear that was stabbing at other knights. In front of Talon.

【Crack Up Finish! 】

The purple energy turned into a crocodile's snout, biting on a golden claw, and the terrifying force tore the claw apart when Li Xiu rolled over, bringing out a large number of cell coins.

Then there is Yuji Kiba!

As silent as Li Xiu, Kiba Yuji, who has entered the accelerated state, also expressed his attitude with actions.

【Start Up! 】

With the sound of this voice, Kiba Yuji's body instantly disappeared in place.

In the next moment, dozens of scarlet energy light cones appeared, surrounding one of the giant claws, locking it firmly in the air and being unable to move!

Although he has tried his best, the fact that the most powerful attack is still blocked by these Kamen Riders makes Kazali almost go crazy!

Just as he couldn't understand human emotions, he also couldn't understand why these Kamen Riders who obviously had nothing to do with Hino Eiji chose to appear in front of him!

Obviously no one of them could be his opponent, but after gathering together, such a formidable force erupted!

"Bastard—!" Kazali found that there were a few more cell coins in his mouth, it seemed that because he had bitten his teeth, these cell coins appeared in his mouth.

Should he be angry at this time?

right! He absolutely needs anger at this time!

Wrath that these damned Kamen Riders show up to thwart his plans! Angry at these people for obstructing him so much in order to protect those tools!

Obviously he was already so close to his goal, almost as long as he stretched out his hand, but...but...

But was stopped by these damn guys!

"Is this what you bloody guys want..." Kazali gasped heavily, as if there were flames burning in his scarlet eyes.

"In order to save those useless tools, don't you even care about betting your own life?"

As his words fell, the cell coins in his body began to be consumed rapidly, and the terrifying power that erupted instantly changed the faces of the Kamen Riders who were preventing the Golden Claw from moving forward.

The Kazali in front of them can be said to be the most powerful enemy they have ever dealt with!

Even the top executives of the countermeasure team who were watching this scene nervously felt as if their hearts were being grabbed by an invisible hand.

Although there are not many dragon-level disasters befalling this world at present, they are almost certain that after years of lurking, the strength possessed by this "Desire Maker" named Kazali is also among the dragon-level disasters. The top batch!

They heard Kazali's calm voice with endless coldness, and also saw his terrifying power erupting again.

They want to refute Kazari's words, tell this monster who doesn't understand human emotions at all, and doesn't even know what humiliation is, and tell him that those "parasites" are not tools, precisely because there are With the help of these "parasites", that's why the Kamen Riders burst out with such power!

Then, Tong Yao gave the answer instead of them.

When the huge phoenix, which was made up of fire and spread its wings, swooped down from the sky after screaming and hit Kazali's last giant claw, causing the flying sparks to light up the sky, Tong Yao Those words without hesitation reached everyone's hearts.

"Because I promised someone that I would be the last hope for all those who are about to fall into the abyss of despair, so I am here."

This kind of answer made Kazali crazy. If these people answered for something, even if it was to satisfy his desire to be admired by others, he would understand, but...

"The will to be bored!"

He doesn't understand at all!

"Because Kazali, you simply can't understand what these wills represent." Hino Eiji looked at Kazali calmly, and then grabbed the O-scanning ring again without waiting for his answer.

The cell coins obtained from Shemir also turned into the power of his next blow in Hino Eiji's body.

Thunder flashed wildly on his body, and the mantis sickle blades on both wrists expanded rapidly under this force, turning into two giant blades, while the strong anti-joint worm feet were stretched to the extreme.

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