I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 827

The companions who can rely on his back have helped him block Kazali's most powerful blow, so he should respond now, and then...

They have more important things to do!


The O scanning ring swiped down again!

[Scanning Charge! 】

Sounded together, and...

【Maximum Rider Power! 】

"Brother, just charge forward, the rest... I will take care of it." Each of the eight huge claws was continuously broken and dropped cell coins under Kamen Rider's attack, even if Every knight would end up being easily defeated when facing Kazali alone, but at this moment, they all showed strength far beyond their usual strength!

And this scene also attracted everyone's attention! Whether it is a "parasite" or an ordinary person, they all feel that this will be a scene they will never forget!

Compared with the power possessed by the knights, the will they displayed at this moment is the most powerful!

Eiji Hino began to charge again, and terrifying power began to accumulate on his body.

Kazali did not choose to sit still, even though his strongest attack had been blocked by these knights, he was still powerful!

The sharp mane wrapped in flames and a strong wind capable of tearing everything hit Hino Eiji, but Hino Eiji didn't pay attention to these attacks at all, because someone had already told him...

He just needs to rush forward!

Then, about to hit Hino Eiji, the horns of the mane like a swarm of snakes continued to shatter in the air, as if under an invisible and terrifying attack, so that the mane horn itself, the flames and the strong wind attached to it could not hurt Hino Eiji at all!

Immediately afterwards, the figure that helped Hino Eiji appeared.

It was Jin Yingshan!

The structure on the back of the new form of armor, like the elytra of a unicorn fairy, has unfolded, and what gushes out from it is a flow of colorful photons!

"If you feel that the speed is too fast, you will have to wait a little anxiously." Jin Takayama, who was rushing in front of Eiji Hino, gave a thumbs up to the rear.

"Then, follow closely!"

After Ying Shanren's words fell, his speed increased again, but this was only a very slow speed for Ying Shanren himself.

The Hundred Insect Sword had appeared in his hands at some point, but at the moment there was only one TheBee Zecter on it.

With Ying Shanren's finger on the yellow button of the Baichong Sword, this weapon that once killed the molts in Lujiang City finally showed its majesty in front of others! Even if there is only one TheBee Zecter now, it is enough!

[The Bee Power! 】

As the stream of golden photons flickered violently on Baichongjian, Ying Shanren also pointed the tip of the sword at Kazali's position.

The final stab, let's begin!

At this moment, TheBee's characteristics were undoubtedly revealed, and Ying Shanren, who was rushing to the front, turned into a dazzling golden energy cone, piercing through everything in front of him like a bamboo!

Whether it's Kazali's mane horn, or the gust of wind, or flames and torrents, they are all shattered by this blow with the effect of atomic collapse!

Even gravitational waves can't stop Jin Takayama and Eiji Hino from advancing!

Kazzari wants to stay out of the way, but...

"Sticky Fingers!!!"

The stand-in messenger named Bujarati had appeared behind Kazali in the gap that he didn't notice, using the steel chain finger's ability to destroy everything, beating Kazali frantically behind his back.


The energy in the stand-in power evolution bottle was crazily extracted by Bugarati. Even though Kazali's body was composed of countless cell coins, there were still countless dense metal zippers appearing on his back at this moment!


The eight giant claws stretched out from his back began to show signs of breaking!

The sneak attack from behind seemed to make Kazali finally understand what anger is like, but...

[Hyper Sting! 】

The most powerful attack has arrived!

At this moment, whether it is Jin Yingshan who seems to be able to pierce everything, or the other knights who are stopping Kazali's giant claws, they are all firmly remembered by everyone!

They were praying, praying that the blow of these knights could defeat this monster that brought them misfortune!

They saw that Takayama Jin, who had already rushed in front of Kazali, changed the angle of his thrust and soared into the sky, giving up this position to Hino Eiji, and then stabbed Kazali from the air with the Hundred Insect Sword in his hand!

The same goes for other knights!

After Kazali's giant claw shattered, their attacks rushed towards Kazali from all directions.

And Hino Eiji's sharply enlarged mantis sickle, which had already been prepared, was shining with dazzling thunder!

"Kazari, it's been said that my desires are greater than anyone else's, but...I never thought that was a bad description! Because I want...to have palms that can reach anywhere, Such a desire...is called a bond!"

Following Hino Eiji's words, the mantis sickle blades on Hino Eiji's wrists cut down in an X shape.

And this blow seems to be able to cut everything!

Whether it's Kazari who stands in his way, or something else that will stand in front of Hino Eiji.

Because the knight's will will never retreat!

The blue light occupied everyone's sight, and in the next second, countless cell coins spewed out of Kazali! Let the sky in the Meta Field seem to turn into a sea of ​​cell coins! !


"I didn't expect Kazali to lose so soon..." Jon looked at the sky full of cell coins, with a look of surprise on his face, although no one could see it.

Just the cell coins that came out of Ankexie at that time were enough to cause a dragon-level disaster to come, and the inventory that came out of Kazali now is estimated to be able to cause thousands of dragon-level disasters. Of course, it may be possible to complete a qualitative change.

However, Kazali, who has collected so many cell coins, did not surpass the level of dragon-level disasters. After all, these are just cell coins. It is the polluted spiritual power that caused the disaster. The main carrier is spiritual power, and negative emotions are just Primer.

But this scene also made Jon understand that the most important link is coming, which is how to deal with these cell coins.

Once these cell coins are destroyed, it will definitely bring very bad results.

But just as Jon took the first step, his ankle was grabbed by the disgraced dragon girl.

This made Jon very helpless.

"Sometimes, humans should know how to give up." Jon lowered his head, looked at the dragon girl whose eyes were still firm, and said with a smile.

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