I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 829

In the eyes of this Kamen Rider Cross-Z, does Evolto become a monster in everyone's eyes just to eliminate monsters?

But how is this possible! ! !

People subconsciously feel that this statement cannot be true, but...

The silver light began to condense on the palm of the dragon girl's hand holding the Longman bottle!

When the blue dragon filled the bottle and began to emit silver light, turning its whole body into silver, everyone was speechless.

Is Dragon Full Bottle Can responding to Kamen Rider Cross-Z? Or...

Is it her will that responds to the dragon full bottle?

But it doesn't matter which one it is!

【Hazard On! 】

The dangerous trigger was activated again!

"Uncle Blood Diver... The new qi point has already begun!"

Then, under the incredible eyes of others, the dragon girl took out a golden rabbit full bottle.

When the golden rabbit full-filled bottle appeared in the hands of the dragon girl, both ordinary people and the high-level executives of the countermeasure team headquarters who knew the existence of the golden rabbit full-filled bottle all looked dull.

Isn't this thing... stolen?

When they first learned of the theft of the Golden Rabbit Bottle, they all took it very seriously and launched a major investigation, but in the end it ended without a problem. In addition, the Orfino incident that happened in Xingxia City at that time involved them Part of the energy caused this matter to be put aside temporarily.

And after the Lingzi Transfer Research Institute was determined to have been secretly controlled by Killbus, everyone subconsciously thought that the Golden Rabbit Bottle had fallen into the hands of Killbus, and gave up the idea of ​​retrieving this special full-filled bottle, but now What they didn't expect was that the golden rabbit bottle actually appeared in the hands of the dragon girl!

Who gave it to her?

But the surprise was the surprise, and people realized another problem.

Can these two special full-fill bottles really be used together? You must know that when Kiryu Zhantu defeated the Blood tribe who mimicked Yineng Ineng, he borrowed the power of Princess Martian to fuse these two special full-bottles and genius full-bottles together, and only then did he have the ability to defeat that monster the power of!

And even Princess Mars, who once defeated Evolto, couldn't keep the special Cross-Z Build cans alive!

It can be said that whether the golden rabbit bottle and the silver dragon bottle can be used together has become the focus of everyone's attention, especially when the dragon girl did not hesitate to activate the dangerous trigger, people are more worried about her reckless behavior Will it bring danger to herself!

But the dragon girl still proved her will with actions.

【Rabbit! 】

The golden rabbit full bottle was inserted into the Build drive by the dragon girl, and this action also made Kazali feel chills, especially what the dragon girl said before made him suddenly have bad thoughts in his heart, but The moment he had just thought of this, a black evolution bottle with a pattern of cell coins on the bottle was thrown into his hand.

Come with it, and...

"Don't let me down again, Kazali."

These words made Kazali heave a sigh of relief, especially when he felt the power transmitted from the evolution bottle in his hand, which was more pure than pure cell coins, Kazali felt that his weakness was all It completely faded away, and even made him feel stronger!

In this power, Kazali can even feel the feeling when various desires from human beings are satisfied!

The cell coins that fell like raindrops from the sky also changed their falling trajectory at this moment, rushing towards Kazali's body.

This made Cazzari realize that there was nothing wrong with his choice!

What he has been longing for may be in the hands of Evolto!

"You will never be disappointed, Lord Evolto." Kazali said respectfully, and then once again showed his paws at the Kamen Riders and Dragon Maiden who were walking towards this side.

When the eight huge golden claws spread out from Kazali's back again, and they were even more dazzling and huge, everyone showed a look of horror.

Obviously, the joint attack of the knights had severely damaged Kazali just now, and even made him lose all core coins except cats, but after getting the power of Evolto, Kazali seemed to become stronger!

In this way, doesn't it mean that the efforts of the knights are all in vain? !

People thought painfully, but...

"Even if you do this, Uncle Blood Potential, our efforts will not be in vain..." The dragon girl who was in the field of Metata said as if she heard the voices of people outside the field of Metata.

"We're not working hard for these monsters, but..."

The silver dragon bottle was caught by the dragon girl.

"In order to pass my heart to other people! As long as you do this, your hard work will never be in vain!"

Silver Dragon Bottle... Insert it!

[Dragon! 】

There is no reminder of Best Match, and there is only the unique sound of the dangerous form when the dragon girl turns the drive joystick.

[Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! 】

[Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! 】

But what was immediately shocking was that what extended from the Build driver was not the well-known gray and black energy conduits, but gold and silver ones!

Even the fully unfolded heavy mold is engraved with silver dragon patterns and golden rabbit patterns!

Even Dangerous Trigger has been affected by the power of these two special full-filled bottles, are they really not the best match?

【Are You Ready? 】

People were confused, but then they got the answer.


The heavy transformation mold engraved with silver dragon patterns and golden rabbit patterns slammed towards the dragon girl with terrifying power and speed, and then the silver and golden patterns turned into energy again, and the black mist unique to the dangerous form slammed into the dragon girl. Condensed on the body of the dragon girl.

The mold that had turned back to black unfolded completely, revealing the appearance of the transformed dragon girl in front of everyone.

[Uncontrol Switch! 】

[Black Hazard! 】

[Yabeel! 】

The black armor is the same as other dangerous forms, but the difference is that the power of the golden rabbit and silver dragon has begun to condense on this black armor!

Just like the scene where the dangerous trigger was affected by the power of these two special full-filled bottles during the transformation before, when the two powers began to flow into the dragon girl's body, making the eyes of one gold and one silver on the visor light up, dark...

Be completely dispersed!

It's not like the magma dragon form with flames flowing all over its body and its body covered with sharp horns, nor is it like the great dragon form with flames burning all over its body, nor does it have the dark and subconsciously ominous feeling of other dangerous forms.

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