I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 830

This time, the dragon girl's posture after transformation is simple and neat, but she has a power that no one dares to ignore!

"If I use the full-filled bottle evolved by Uncle Blood Diver, I believe that no matter what type of full-filled bottle it is, it will definitely be the best match! So... this time, I am invincible!"

One punch and one palm hit the chest again, and this punch seemed to hit people's hearts, so that they subconsciously did not doubt whether the dragon girl really had the power to do all this!

Isn't the result obvious?

The law of victory has been determined!

【Max Hazard On! 】

When the switch of the dangerous trigger was pressed and the dragon girl was bathed in golden and silver mist, everyone really understood one thing.

Just like Kiryu Sento said that the dangerous trigger is not the power of demons, no matter how fierce the power is, it can be tamed with a stronger will!

[Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! 】

[Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! 】

As the joystick of the driver was turned, golden and silver mist condensed around the dragon girl.

【Ready Go! 】

"In the new qi point, it's up to me to change you, Uncle Blood Diver!"

The golden flames began to wrap around the silver dragon. Facing Kazali who was rushing towards her with eight huge claws spread out, the dragon girl was not afraid at all, but said calmly.

"It's not just me, it's everyone's opinion!"

【Over Flow! 】


[Hazard Finish! 】

"Uncle Blood Potential, quickly return to the side where I should be!!!"

[Yabeel! 】

As the voice of the dragon girl fell, the world in the eyes of people outside the Meita domain was completely occupied by golden and silver light.

Among them, there seems to be mixed with Kazali's screams. finished?

When the line of sight was completely replaced by golden and silver rays of light, and even the surrounding cities of Cyprus and beyond could see the dazzling light that completely dispelled the darkness of the night and covered the entire sky like an aurora. Such an idea subconsciously popped up in my heart.

Many of them even burst into tears.

They never thought that human beings could have such power one day!

From the stumbling at the beginning of the establishment of the countermeasure team, as if living in the fear of disasters all the time, to the smooth operation of the countermeasure teams in various regions, with the early warning function, the damage caused by each disaster strikes Damage and casualties were kept to a minimum.

Then the disaster gradually became stronger, and the training plan for people with special abilities began to be implemented. People at that time thought that this was the direction of human future development, but the inevitable phenomenon of spiritualization and the terrible consequences caused by the failure of the Paradise Project were no different. The future is clouded.

At that time, the Kamen Rider system was fledgling. Although it had already gained a lot of popularity, no one connected it with the concept of being able to save the world.

So at the time, the insiders felt that it was a pity at most, but it was a pity that the Kamen Rider system did not appear earlier, but only appeared after the special ability training program was launched, so that they could not exclude the users of the Kamen Rider system from the experiment.

And at that time, it happened to be the time when those monsters who descended into this world showed the terrifying power of being able to disguise themselves as humans and infiltrate human society and the top management of the countermeasure team.

The use of the paradise system and the dragon-level disaster that befell the city for the first time let people understand how fragile human beings are, and they have been played by monsters.

But it was also at that time that for the first time, human beings had the power to confront dragon-level disasters head-on!

Kamen Rider Cross-Z!

Her existence is valued by everyone, and her past is interpreted by everyone, as if she is worried that if she offends the other party, it will lead to bad consequences, but now this Kamen Rider tells them with actions.

She is Kamen Rider!

This sentence is enough to explain everything!

So is Evolto really, as the Kamen Rider said, in order to better defeat the monsters, so he became a member of the monsters?

In this way, is he still Evolto?

If so, why would he help humans to develop such a powerful Kamen Rider Cross-Z? Just because it's fun?

If not, why do these horrible things? Whether it's the Pandora's Box that was opened in Lujiang City, or the monster that once sheltered people that brought misfortune to people, what they bring to people is pure fear!

Jiang He already had an answer to this question.

"Because...only if you experience real fear, you will understand how hard-won everything is now."

Jiang He stared at the screen still occupied by golden and silver light, and muttered to himself.

At the same time, he also had a glimmer of expectation, looking forward to whether this hero who has been misunderstood by others will return to the place where he should be, as the dragon girl thought.

The non-glare light that occupied everyone's sight began to fade, exposing the damage caused by the dragon girl's blow to people's sight.

Kazali fell to the ground and did not know whether he was dead or alive, but the transformed figure using the Evol driver still stood there, and the palm raised towards the front had not been put down.

And behind him, there is the flattened earth in a fan shape!

Behind the opponent, the ruins called Cyprus have completely disappeared, replaced by... a barren land.

The terrible destructive power made people click their tongues, especially Kazali, who was so strong that many knights had to join forces to deal with it, now fell to the ground and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

People don't even have the slightest doubt that if it weren't for the existence of the Meta Domain, the dragon girl's kick could completely destroy Cyprus! It may even spread to other cities!


Seeing the figure that raised its head again, the cobra-like visor glowing scarlet, everyone felt powerless.

Even with such a powerful attack, can't you even make the opponent take a step back?

Then, they heard Jon's helpless words.

"I said... did you do it on purpose?"

on purpose?

People were taken aback when they heard Jon's words, and they didn't quite know what Jon meant.

Then their doubts were answered in the next second.

"It seemed like it wanted to kick me in the face, but the main body of the attack was the cell coin."

This sentence surprised everyone, and then they noticed that the cell coins that had been falling like rain just now had all disappeared without a trace.

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