I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 836

But before such core coins fell to the ground, they were caught in the hands of the mad king's terrifying claws.

"It seems that I can get a lot of core coins in one go."

With one blow, the aquatic system individual strengthened by Douzhen's power was torn into pieces. The terrifying power made ordinary people tremble with fear.


"Ankuta, it's not a tool!" Eiji Hino, who was burning with flames all over his body, punched the mad king with a fist, and the next moment the pillar of fire shot up into the sky and engulfed the mad king, but the pillar of fire immediately engulfed the mad king. It turned into icicles.

"But the truth is——"Desire Maker" is just a useful tool..." The mad king laughed wildly, and then directly shattered the icicle, holding the Holy Emblem Violent Dragon in his hand and slashed at Hino Eiji , "Just like your body, it is also an easy-to-use tool, but only one tool is enough for such a tool, and OOO doesn't need a second one! go to hell! "

The giant ax with the jaws of the tyrannosaurus slashed at Eiji Hino, as if preparing to smash his body with the OOO drive, but...

The mad king's wrist covered by the triangular keel shield was firmly grasped by a palm.

"Tsk, I knew Yingsi that you would lose the chain at a critical moment."

"Anku, hahaha—! As a tool, you actually have the idea of ​​​​resisting me?!"


Outside of the Meita domain, everyone is nervous about this battle.

Even though Dou Zhen, who is regarded as a god in people's eyes, has strengthened the strength of these knights, this monster swallowed by desire still seems so invincible.

And what does that sentence mean?

Hino Eiji's body is also a useful tool? But such a tool only needs one piece?

This sentence brought endless fear to people, and made many people's bodies start to tremble again.

After solving Kazali, a monster that brought misfortune to people, and dragging Xuedi, a hero who has been walking in the dark and doing heroic deeds, back to his proper position, the crisis has not dissipated!

They want to help, but what they can do now is to firmly believe that the spirit of the knights can overcome everything!

Even a god like Dou Zhen is infected by the spirit of these knights, isn't it?

They must... succeed!

And blood dive...

People subconsciously looked at the lonely figure facing Killbus alone, looking at the figure who had unfolded the meta-field and wanted to hide his battle in another space, and continued to walk in the dark but was exposed by Dou Zhen .

If it was him, could something like this be prevented again?

Just like those things he did in the past.


In the field of Meita.

"Is this your choice?" Boss E looked at the battlefield not far away with great interest, and smiled slightly at Jon, "I thought this scene would come later, but I unexpectedly caught up with you gone."

"I just feel that such a game has suddenly become a little boring." Jon's tone was equally calm, "I think you should have seen through my thoughts, right?"

"Of course..." Boss E shrugged and sighed, "I haven't stopped me, it's just that my actions haven't touched your bottom line..."

Mr. E spread his hands.

"Brother Jon, you seem to like to set up a balance point in everything you do, just like this time..."

At this moment, Mr. E's calm words seemed to be chatting with an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"You are waiting for me to let my real self come into this world, but even if you have the idea of ​​really getting rid of me, you won't just sit back and watch me keep copying genetic factors. Once the genetic factors I copy exceed your estimate, Then you will take action to get rid of me without hesitation, right?"

Jon nodded calmly.

"So..." Mr. E's tone became extremely distressed, "In this way, I will be at a loss when I do anything. Why do you like to calculate this and that so much, Brother Jon? The important thing is to be happy..."

"I always feel that it is very inappropriate to say this sentence from you." Jon also sighed.

He really set a frame for Zong E in it, and once Zong E showed signs of breaking free from this frame, then he would stop him without hesitation.

And now that all the cell coins are destroyed is a good opportunity, it will not give Mr. E a chance to take the cell coins away.

Mr. E did not choose to continue copying his genetic factors, because he knew very well that if he continued to copy genetic factors, it would exceed Jon's psychological expectations, and then he made a move.

That is to say...

Now he has only two options left.

Either activate the "Enigma" system in this meta-field, or try to see if you have a chance to escape here.

But once he leaves, he won't have such a good chance in the future.


"It's such a sad description..." Mr. E looked like he was about to cry, but his tone changed again in the next second, jokingly said:

"But I'm curious, Brother Jon, aren't you worried that I don't have an "Enigma" system at all? "

This sentence made everyone outside the Meta domain freeze in place. "Enigma" system?

When the word came out of Mr. E's mouth, the fear it brought was no worse than that caused by the arrival of the pterosaur.

Of course people remember the terrible system of the "Enigma" system!

Once this system is activated and the two worlds are fused together, the world will be destroyed! And when the time comes, only the user will survive!

Even ordinary people like Mogami Kuixing can obtain the power of immortality and destruction from the cosmic power that erupts when the worlds merge, so what power will Killbus get? ! Is this the way he said he wanted to turn the entire universe into fireworks?

The horrific battle in the Meta domain is still going on. The terrifying cold freezes this isolated Cyprus on the other side of the world. The scorching flames are not to be outdone. A bombardment on the ground can tear the thick ice layer and the earth again, but...

The aftermath of such a terrifying battle seems to have no effect on these two people at all. Even ordinary people outside the Meta-Ta domain can feel the chill that is enough to freeze everything, but neither Killbus nor Blood Diver was affected by this at all. Aftermath effects!

It seems that for these two existences, even the tyrannosaurus pterosaur, which is tyrannical enough to freeze the world easily and bring the earth back to the ice age, is just an easy target to deal with!

Even the lifeless flames and cold air subconsciously bypassed the two people's positions as if in fear at this moment!

Then, Jon answered.

"If not, then I can only activate it myself."

Jon's words made others puzzled, but Mr. E understood.

"Sure enough..." Mr. E touched the helmet, "While the body of Evil Route is easy to use, it also exposes all my plans, I said..."

Boss E knocked on the visor, and said distressedly: "Could it be that I have tampered with him before I took possession of this body?"

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