I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 837

E always knew about the fact that Jon was also assisted by an evil path program, but he didn't imagine that evil path program too much. After all, he already owned the evil path program that occupied his body. Super-evolved state, according to the memory he got from the evil path formula, the super-evolved state is already the apex of the evil path formula.

So in Mr. E's original plan, as long as his movements are not too obvious, even if Jon has the help of the evil path program, he should only be able to confirm his approximate location, but now Jon's sentence The words undoubtedly revealed a piece of information.

The evil program on Jon's side is no ordinary evil program!

Recalling the particularity of the evil path formula, Mr. E suddenly had a guess in his mind, and then sighed again.

"It's really a terrifying ability. Have some special parameters been known through the data? It seems that if you don't work harder, it won't work."

Mr. E is very clear about the weakness of his plan. In this world, he cannot transmit information back. He can only transmit limited information through some rules that Kamen Rider Build world has pre-established, such as what is needed. And once such a law is thoroughly understood, it will be a bit bad.

God knows if he left anything behind while possessing the body of this evil program, once he is found out, he will fall into absolute passivity.

Unless this useful body is destroyed now, but then he will also fall into a passive state, after all...

This body is really useful.

"I thought I found a useful tool, but I didn't expect to get into the cage on my own initiative..."

At this moment, E finally understands why Jon was not surprised when he saw him in Guishi, on the contrary, he put a layer of Killbus identity on him as if for fun.

Because, from the moment he chose the body of Evil Route, he had already entered the set!

"At first, I thought I could deal with you, little brother Jon, and then cherish each other, but it turns out that I am being sentimental."

Then, Mr. E stretched out his palm and made a 'little' gesture towards Jon.

"There is still such a small gap between you and me, Brother Jon."

As Zong E's words fell, a large amount of data emerged from his body.

It is the digitized "Enigma" system!

Obviously, it has not completely changed from the data state back to the entity, but the data that soared into the sky has condensed into a huge arm, and stretched out its palm toward the sky.

As Jon thought, Mr. E doesn't need to create a new "Enigma" system in this world at all. He only needs to copy one from the world of Kamen Rider Build. It is estimated that the cells he got before Coins were spent on this too.

And when this huge data arm opened its palm towards the sky, people in the whole world held their breath at this moment.

Before this, they never thought that the Blood King Killbus would use human technology to connect two different worlds.

It's normal to think that way, isn't it?

After all, the opponent is a terrifying monster that hunts in units of planets! If you want to compare it, it's like humans suddenly gave up the existing tools and started to use smell to convey information just like animals and insects!

But will it work?

Will the world they live in be connected to the world of Kamen Rider Build and destroyed?

At this moment, people on the entire earth seemed to be grabbed by the same invisible palm and squeezed their hearts hard.

They subconsciously looked up to the sky.


They saw it!

They saw a mass of purple energy in the night sky that was bigger than the earth and occupied their sight!

In this group of purple energy, they could vaguely see a phantom of the earth slowly appearing!

And the wall of the sky that seems to divide the half of the earth into three parts in the line of sight is telling everyone that this...

This is the world of Kamen Rider Build!

This scene made everyone's eyes go dark, and they couldn't say anything.

Compared with the power to destroy planets at will, this kind of power that can fuse different worlds together and then destroy them is even more terrifying!

Then, they heard Jon's voice with a hint of a smile.

"Sure enough, you have successfully found a way, Evolto, a way to connect the world of knights with other worlds."

"Of course!" Mr. E opened his hands and said with a light smile: "After all, it is the power that can connect everything. From the moment you know the existence of the "Enigma" system, you have already guessed, right? "

"One thing to say, indeed."

The evolutionary trigger appeared in Jon's hands.

"If only the "Enigma" system could connect the two worlds together, then some fanboy knight should have come here long ago, but now..."

Jon snapped his fingers, and then the Meta field expanded again, while his fingers pressed down.

【Over the Evolution! 】

"Are you a fan? It's really good taste." Mr. E withdrew from the Blood form, but the appearance from under the armor made people stunned.

Because, at this moment, Mr. E's appearance under the mask is the well-known Ishidong Soichi!

That is to say...

Killbus, is the real Evolto?

Then, they saw Mr. E extending his palm towards the sky.

In the next second, a rock-like trigger appeared in his hand, but the moment it touched his palm, it showed a dusty appearance.

"The power of the universe is really amazing. No wonder Misora ​​said that she wanted to be an astronaut like me when she was a child."

【Over the Evolution! ] This Blood clansman who appeared as Killbus is the real Evolto!

When President E withdrew from the Blood form and appeared in the highly recognizable appearance of Ishido Soichi, people were already numb.

The "Enigma" system has been activated before the fear brought by the crazy king who freezes everything has not faded away, and now Killbus has removed his disguise and officially appeared in front of people as Evolto!


Use the power of the black hole!

When the two people holding the evolution trigger inserted it into the driver at the waist at the same time, the dark storm that erupted instantly wiped out the raging blizzard!

They are obviously two forces from the same source, but at this moment they collide as enemies!

One is a pure monster with the purpose of destroying and devouring the planet, while the other is a hero who pretends to be a monster and never stops!

At this moment, the same black hole power seems to be interpreting the essence of Kamen Rider and monsters who are both enemies and allies, and it is the user's will that decides all of this!

【Are You Ready? 】X2

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