I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 838

"henshin." X2

The darkness has completely occupied the sight of humans, and it even makes people feel that the Meta Domain is on the verge of collapse, as if it may be broken at any time! And once such power is released from the meta field, it will definitely tear everything into pieces and devour it!

And this is just the aftermath created when they finally used their true strength!

Not even the aftermath of the battle!

[Black Hole! 】X2

[Black Hole! ! 】X2

[Black Hole! ! ! 】X2

[Revolution! ! ! 】X2

When the dark storm dissipated and the identical figures of Jon and Mr. E floating in the sky appeared in everyone's eyes, it seemed to be telling the people of this world that even with the latest rating standards, The pterosaur that came to this world with a god-level disaster is just a reptile that can be kneaded at will in front of a real monster!

The frozen land has disappeared, replaced by an endless abyss, as if a piece of the earth has been dug away, so that other knights who have lost their foothold can only rely on the power obtained from Douzhen to fly in midair.

The battle between them was temporarily suspended, simply because of the terrible aftermath of Jon and E's collision while transforming.

The huge pterosaur membrane wings were flapping gently, and the Mad King turned his gaze to Jon and Mr. E at the edge of his vision.

From them, the Mad King felt overwhelming power!

But his first thought was not fear, but...


If such power can also be made into a core coin, then the entire universe will also be dominated by him!


"Has the desire to expand infinitely made you ignore the gap between you and that child?" Dou Zhen sighed, with a complex expression on his face.

He just strengthened the strength of the knights, but he didn't take the initiative to make a move.

He couldn't make up his mind to do anything to humans, even if the human in front of him had been swallowed by monsters, but...

The rune on the back of Dou Zhen's hand lit up again.

"The child whose body you occupied must be crying too."

In the next moment, bright energy was released from the back of Dou Zhen's hand, piercing the Mad King's body.

And this move made the Mad King roar crazily again.

"You bastard, do you know what you're doing?!"

The pterosaur's membranous wings fluttered, and the angry mad king appeared in front of Douzhen wrapped in a strong wind. The holy emblem of the violent bite dragon in his hand slashed at Douzhen's head, but was blocked by a golden energy barrier.

"It's just awakening the child whose consciousness you suppressed." Dou Zhen said calmly.

As his words fell, the Mad King roared angrily again, but he was powerless to stop the power raging in his body.

Then the three purple core coins and the three aquatic core coins that were taken away by the mad king broke free from the mad king's control, and plundered towards the insect group Eiji Hino.

And when Hino Eiji grabbed the six core coins, the doubts in his heart were also answered.

"It turns out that it's another parallel world."

Hino Eiji took a deep breath.

In the next second, he split into two clones again.

"But even if you are blocked by different worlds, I will still hold your hands!"

Ding Ding Ding——

The form of the aquatic system reappeared, and the other clone embedded three purple core coins into the driver.

The O scanning ring sweeps down obliquely.

"Let's fight together, Eiji!"

It was completely different from the previous transformation, this time the energy coins gushing out of Hino Eiji's body were all purple!

They are constantly circling around Hino Eiji's body, and then...

It was the sound of the storm when the pterosaur flapped its membrane wings, and another sound of Eiji Hino!

[Ptera! 】

Then, there was the sound of the earth shaking as the triceratops raced.

[Tricera! 】

In the end, it was the tyrannical roar of the Tyrannosaurus!

[Tyranno! 】

The cold air that can also freeze the world burst out again, but this time it brought people an incomparable sense of peace of mind!

【Pu-To-Tyrannosaurus! 】

Even though Hino Eiji's wild posture after transformation is exactly the same as that crazy king, but the difference is...

Hino Eijita, Kamen Rider!

[Scanning Charge! 】


Not only the world where Jon and the others live, after the "Enigma" system was activated, people in the world of Kamen Rider Build were also horrified to find that the crisis that had appeared before appeared again!

The different worlds are about to be merged again, and this time they are even more frightened.

In the world that was about to merge, they saw the power to destroy everything!

The cold air that seems to be able to freeze the entire world, and the huge abyss in the middle of the line of sight.

They saw the battle just now!

Such a terrible enemy, can Kamen Riders really defeat it?

People recalled the previous scenes, including the last world fusion event, and the crisis in which the Blood tribe intended to use Pandora's box to destroy the earth.

The previous crises were resolved with the efforts of the Kamen Riders, so this time...

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