I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 839

Surely it will work!

People prayed like this, but they didn't know that the Kamen Riders who they had high hopes for were also doing a mess.

"It is true that the "Enigma" system has been activated, but..." Kiryu Zhantu looked at the data flashing past on the screen with an unbelievable expression on his face, "This time, there is no such thing as a different world. A sign of complete integration, could it be that there is a problem with the "Enigma" system? "

Kiryu Sentu was nervously looking for the reason, and then heard the yelling of Banjo Ryuga who was observing the battle in another world with the help of an astronomical telescope.

"War Rabbit! There seem to be Kamen Riders fighting in that world!!"

"Nonsense, I can see even without a telescope." Saruto Ichikai complained, "And it's useless, I used a telescope just now, and what I saw was the same as what I saw with the naked eye."

"But it's a telescope! How can it be the same as what the naked eye sees!" Wanzhanglong I retorted, continuing to occupy the telescope and observe continuously.

"No! Whether it is using radio waves or other methods, there is no way to contact the other world, and I have not received any response!" The ice room fantasy who came in anxiously said something that made everyone look ugly.

Jon's face under the mask was calm, as if everything was in his expectation.

Just as he thought, if the "Enigma" system alone could connect this world with the world of Kamen Rider Build, then a certain fan knight would have staggered over, instead of There is no trace of him until now.

But E's general idea can be established, because from the moment he got the contract, the world of Kamen Rider Build and Jon's world were connected in a special way.

So the focus is on the contract!

The arrival of guests is just a way, and it is essentially the connection between the world and the world!

If Mr. E wants to use this power to connect the two worlds at the cost of giving up the contract, then he may lose such qualifications.

And will there be a new guest in the world of Kamen Rider Build?

This is something that Jon is not sure yet, but Mr. E is not stupid either!

Now that he knew that Jon was waiting for his real body to descend, it was impossible for him to descend into this world without changing his plans.

When the "Enigma" system was activated, President E of the two worlds already had a certain connection, as can be seen from the unactivated evolutionary trigger that appeared in his hand just now.

Now that he already knows that Jon is waiting for him, will Boss E still come over without hesitation?

If it really came, then there are only two possibilities.

The first possibility is that E is always stupid, and the second possibility is that E always feels that he already has the power to defeat Jon.

However, if you just keep accumulating genetic factors, then your strength may improve quickly in the initial stage, but you will soon reach a bottleneck. Even if you keep copying genetic factors, your improvement in strength will become smaller and smaller.

So what E always needs is the special cosmic energy produced when two different worlds are about to merge. As for whether it can successfully descend into this world or whether it will take the initiative to come to this world is only a secondary issue.

What matters is strength, nothing more!

Under the influence of the "Enigma" system, the earth of two different worlds is being drawn closer and closer, but it may be the interference of the Meta Domain, or it may be the link between the world of Kamen Rider Build and the world where Jon is. This matter has gone far beyond the limit of the "Enigma" system, and what people in two different worlds see each other is just a phantom.

It's just that even if it's a phantom, it's different.

The pictures observed by the fighter planes taking off and the satellites in the sky are still phantoms, not the real earth. Even if they keep approaching, the pictures they see are the same, and they do not change with the distance.

But people dare not take it lightly.

After all, if the Earth from another world had just descended upon Enigma, the changing gravitational pull would have wreaked havoc.

And the most frightening thing is that the purple cosmic energy that pulled Kamen Rider Build's world earth has been split into two groups and rushed towards the earth of the two worlds!


Facing Boss E who was constantly absorbing the energy of the universe, Jon did not choose to shoot directly, nor did he stare at him, but raised his head and stared at another earth.

Unlike other people who can only see phantoms, Jon's eyes can see everything in the world of Kamen Rider Build.

You can see ordinary people panicking because of the reappearance of the "Enigma" system, and you can also see Kiryu Sentu and others who are looking for the perpetrators, and the same...

You can also see Boss E leaning on the "Enigma" machine, constantly flipping his fingers on the red cobra evolution bottle.

Then, Jon smiled.

"Evolto, it looks like you've lost your qualifications."

Others don't understand this sentence, but it is something that E understands a little bit in general.

Surrounded by purple cosmic energy, E, who has also turned into a full body, always looks full of destruction.

"Yeah..." Boss E shrugged, and said helplessly: "I can't find any other way, I can only use that thing as the energy to activate the "Enigma" system, but even if I keep it It's useless, it's just an annoying guest anyway. "

Even though he has absorbed the energy of the universe, President E still has no intention of underestimating Jon, because only as an enemy will he understand how powerful the opponent is.

"Don't worry, the world won't merge." Boss E seemed to be speaking to Jon, and also to other people who were afraid.


"No, the world has actually merged." Jon looked away from the world of Kamen Rider Build, which is also absorbing cosmic energy, but the movement is not as large as that of Mr. E, and smiled lightly: "Actually, Evolto, you don't There is no intention to merge the two worlds, it is purely the need for such energy, right?"

Under normal circumstances, Mogami Kuixing's plan E cannot be reproduced, because Evolto does not exist in other parallel worlds, but the particularity of this world can support the general plan of E!

"From the moment the "Enigma" system is activated, you have entered a special state, because you and Evolto in the world of Kamen Rider Build are exactly the same individual, as long as the world fusion fails, then you Will be excluded from this world and return to the world of Kamen Rider Build. "

Jon's words stunned those who heard it.

The continuous reversal of events has made their heads a mess. Now that Killbus has been confirmed to be Evolto, all previous speculations can be overturned, including the crazy words that made the entire universe into a big firework It's obviously fake, and it's even debatable whether Killbus actually existed.


In other words, the trajectory of the world of Kamen Rider Build has not actually developed like what people see on the Dimension website!

Or, in the final battle, Kiryu Sentu failed?

No matter what the result is, it is not a result that people can easily accept, especially now that Evolto has calculated the particularity of this world and activated the "Enigma" system, which will cast a cloud over the future of the Kamen Rider Build world. There is a cloud!

What exactly is going on? !

Even now, people still don't understand how these guests from another world came to this world, but at this moment, all clues are undoubtedly pointing to Jon!

Then, they heard President E speak.

"Oh, I thought it was well hidden..." Boss E slapped his head and said distressedly: "After all, if I really came to this world, it would be over. Now I have regretted it. Let me Can you go back?"

"Unfortunately..." Jon looked up again at the world with the wall of the sky, the conspicuous red seemed to be an ugly scar on the earth.

"As I said, the world has been fused together." Jon chuckled lightly, "The alternative world of knights... is complete, Evolto." E always wanted to use the "Enigma" system to To strengthen one's own strength, one must give up the contract and the identity given to him by the world he lives in. After using the contract as an energy source to activate the "Enigma" system, the concept of the guest naturally becomes Kamen Rider Build. the world itself.

And after connecting the world of Kamen Rider Build with this world in this way, the attributes of the knight have been engraved in this world!

Of course, Jon thought that if Mr. E gave up the possibility of actually coming to this world after activating the "Enigma" system, if he was unprepared, he would undoubtedly be played like a monkey by the other party, just like he is now After preparing to absorb the energy of the universe, let this body return to the world of Kamen Rider Build to fuse with the real self.

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