I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 841

Completely disappeared!

Instead of sinking into the ground, instead of flying into the sky, it just disappeared!

The pouring sea water was frozen in mid-air, as if it was blocked from searching for the lost land.

People in the world of Kamen Rider Build are afraid that if the two worlds continue to approach, the world they live in will also be swallowed by such darkness.

Obviously, in the last "Enigma" incident, the fusion speed of the two worlds was not so fast at all!

The two earths are slowly colliding towards each other, there is no vibration, and there is no atmosphere torn apart, but just the visual impact is enough to make people's minds go blank, and then they see it.

I saw the knights standing on the abyss and fighting.


"The power of the black hole doesn't have much effect on me..." E always smiled smugly, even though Jon's power is stronger than his, but if he uses the power of the black hole, then he will have to deal with it. Much easier.

While speaking, Mr. E stretched out his arm to block Jon's whip kick towards his head.

This time, it's a confrontation of pure power!

At the moment of the collision, it seemed that even the space was constantly shaking!

As the victor of this confrontation, Jon is still high above the sky, while President E was kicked into the abyss by Jon.

But even so, Mr. E was still laughing triumphantly.

"It's too late, Jon. Although I don't know what you are thinking, as long as the two worlds collide, the activation of the "Enigma" system will end in failure, and I will leave this world too." ! "

Mr. E believes that there are no loopholes in his plan. Even if Jon said before that this special world has become a different world of knights, in Mr. E's eyes, there is nothing to be concerned about.


"Of course I want you to go back. How can I prevent you from returning to your own world? But..." Jon threw the black evolution bottle in his hand and said calmly: "But it is inevitable to go back with so many things. It's too much, as long as the cosmic energy absorbed by you in this world is cut off, then the real you also needs to give up the excess energy when merging."

【Over the Evolution! 】

The evolution bottle is inserted, its name is...

[Nexus! 】

When this special evolution bottle that had appeared in front of people before was opened by Jon and inserted into the Evol drive by Jon, people discovered...

In the darkness, there is light!

This light changed between red and blue, and then turned into white!

They are obviously two diametrically opposed forces, but they are perfectly fused together at this moment!

【Are You Ready? 】

A black and white energy storm roared into the sky in the silver gear-shaped energy restraint device, and at the same time, the scope of the Meta Field expanded dramatically again! It directly expanded to the entire earth!

[Black Hole! 】

[Black Hole! ! 】

[Black Hole! ! 】

[Revolution! ! ! 】

At the same time, the Ice Age has come completely!

This scene is like a miracle!

The people in Jon's world were looking at everything frozen in the Meta domain in horror. Although this terrible power did not really affect them, it also told them that the pterosaur that descended did indeed have The power to freeze the world!

This is the power of a god-level disaster!

But even this kind of power is firmly blocked by the blood sneak in the meta domain! Even the range that the cold air can cover is not determined by the pterosaur!

People are fearing, people are praying, and the people of Kamen Rider Build World are completely speechless at this moment.

From their perspective, it can be said that the earth in another world was frozen in an instant, as if they had returned to the terrible ice age!

With such terrifying power, is there really anyone alive in that world?


In fact, all the human beings in that world have perished, and turned into a pure battlefield?

People in this world remembered the terrible crisis they had faced, the terrible crisis that the earth was almost detonated directly!

Under the obstruction of the Kamen Riders, the conspiracy of those alien life forms failed, but at this moment they clearly know what kind of ending their world would face if there were no Kamen Riders before!

And as the two earths are getting closer, people can already see that terrifying black and white storm raging, this force seems to be able to connect two different worlds, rushing towards the world where Kamen Rider Build is, making People subconsciously blocked their faces with their hands.

Fortunately for them, this was just a false alarm in the end, and the terrifying black and white storm did not cause any damage to the world.

And when many people opened their eyes again, everything in their sight had been replaced by darkness.

It's not because the terrifying power erupted again just now, but because the two earths have approached a distance that is about to collide!

Now all they can see is the endless abyss left after being swallowed by the black hole, and only people in other regions can still see the outline of the earth that has been completely frozen.

But what people in the world of Kamen Rider Build can see is the situation in the field of Meita.

So to their horror, they saw a world without any life!

The dense buildings told them that there used to be human beings in this world, but the decayed appearance covered by ice and snow seemed to tell them that the human beings in this world had long since disappeared without a trace!

Has this world been destroyed by monsters?

People raised their heads, and the first thing they saw was the figure that appeared after the black and white storm dissipated.

The darkness condensed into substance, forming the opponent's body, while the light turned into a silver armor that restrained this violent force.

Then, they saw each other raise their left hands, and then... turned into a second sun!

Noah Hellfire!

When such flames blasted towards the area where Mr. E fell, people were horrified to find out.

The frozen earth...


It's not the ice that's melting, it's the earth that's melting!

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