I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 842

One second they were in a frozen purgatory, but the next second people felt as if they were on the sun!

Everything in the Metafield was melted into boiling magma, and the earth became a second sun!

There is no outline of the continent, and there is no ocean!

This scene made many people cry in fear.

In the world of Kamen Rider Build, all people have is silence.

Even Kiryu Sento and Manjo Ryuga had veins popping out of their palms holding the driver.

They have no doubt that even the three-person Blood tribe they have dealt with before will end up being easily torn apart in the face of such an attack!

Even if what they saw before was a decayed world that seemed to have no life, people still had a kind of thought that the human beings in this world hid in a safe place.


Even if he did hide in a safe haven, would he survive after the entire earth melted into magma?

Obviously impossible, that is to say...

In that world, apart from those who are fighting, there is no other life.

"Hey! Zhantu..." Wanzhanglong I broke the silence first, but before he finished speaking, Kiryu Zhantu interrupted.

"I saw it too..." Kiryu Sentu's palms trembled slightly, "It's the Evol drive...We are likely to be deceived, the current peace...is false."

At the same time he said these words, Kiryu Sentu raised his head subconsciously, and then he saw that terrifying existence that melted the earth into a ball of magma with one blow seemed to be looking at him.


In the area of ​​​​Meta.

The completely melted earth made people silent, even the cold air erupting from the pterosaur Eiji Hino and the mad king could only create some places for them to stay on the lava ball under their feet.

Compared with the great cause of freezing the earth before, the foothold they created now seems inconspicuous.

At this moment, not only did ordinary people outside of Meta's domain realize the power that Jon possessed, but Hino Eiji and the others also did the same.

"I understand..." Hino Eiji took a deep breath, the scorching air did not affect him in any way.

"Because the power is too strong, I chose to embark on a path of arrogance..."

Hino Eiji looked at the mad king who was panting heavily, with a calm tone.

Facing so many knights who were blessed by Dou Zhen, even this crazy king couldn't stand it, his wild body was covered with wounds of all sizes.

But the state of the Cavaliers is also very bad.

Individuals transformed using other groups have been torn into pieces by the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus in the hands of the Mad King, and even Eiji Hino's own transformation of the Pteroceratops also has a huge cut mark across the upper body. , a dragon horn on the shoulder has been cut off.

Even the chest of Li Xiu, who was extremely defensive, also had a hideous incision, as if telling others that if Li Xiu was not careful at that time, he would be split in two with an axe!

But he still didn't flinch, and pressed the wrench on the squeeze drive again, and the other knights also took the same action.

What responded to their actions was the mad king's angry roar.

"Are you kidding! As a king, the desire should be to conquer everything!!"

As the pterosaur's membranous wings unfolded again, the terrifying cold air rose again.

But no matter how the mad king, who had been completely swallowed up by desire and even lost his ability to judge the situation, roared, the chill he caused couldn't even make these knights take a step back.

And Hino Eiji's answer is...

"Then, it is enough to become the king without desires."

[Scanning Charge! 】

At the same time, there were also the sounds of other knights when the kill system was activated.

【Crack Up Finish! 】

[Kick Strike! 】

【Exceed Charge! 】

[Rider Jump! 】

[Rider Kick! 】

[Rider Slash! 】

【Maximum Rider Power! 】

【Full Throttle】

and finally...

【Max Hazard On! 】

And these voices seemed to be announcing the end of this mad king.


The scorching magma replaced the frozen sea water, filled the abyss that had been swallowed by the power of the black hole, and also buried the total depth of E in it, but Jon didn't think that the snake skin would be killed so easily , especially when it has absorbed so much cosmic energy.

Sure enough, at the same time that Jon came up with this idea, Mr. E, who seemed to be blasted into the center of the earth before, reappeared in Jon's sight.

However, compared to the previous confident appearance surrounded by cosmic energy, Mr. E now seems to have been cut off by Jon's blow just now, and even the armor on his body has shown signs of being broken.

Instead of flying up again, he stood on the magma and looked up at Jon.

"The growth rate is really fast enough..." President E chuckled.


"No..." Mr. E stretched out a finger and shook it, and said calmly: "From the beginning, I have no possibility of failure..."

With Mr. E's voice falling, this world and the world of Kamen Rider Build finally began to touch under people's fearful eyes.

However, the contact between the two worlds did not cause any damage, as if it was just the two phantoms starting to merge.

People in Jon's world have been able to clearly see the expressions of fear on the faces of people in the world of Kamen Rider Build, and some people even found Kiryu Sento and Manjo Ryuga in the crowd.

In the eyes of people in the world of Kamen Rider Build, what they see is just a ball of magma that is constantly boiling.

This kind of impact made people break out in a cold sweat subconsciously, and then turned their attention to the only few people in the world in their eyes.

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