I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 843

The tyrannosaurus pterosaur with a wild figure, even though the biological armor on his body was kicked by the knight, exposed the lower body, but it was still releasing terrifying cold air, telling them that this is the terrible thing that froze the entire earth before. Existence, and such existence is still defeated.

And the figure that melted the earth with one blow still hangs high in the sky, looking down on the enemy who provoked him like a god.

Then people saw in horror.

The phantom body standing on the magma gradually began to solidify, as if it was about to turn into substance.

And this scene also made the Kamen Riders in the Kamen Rider Build world feel fear.

Even if it is a loser, this is a monster that has endured a terrifying blow that can completely melt the earth without being killed!

The next moment, people heard the monster speak, and the voice rang clearly in their ears.

"For me at the time, handing over my genetic factors was another way to continue my existence, Jon..." Mr. E, who was about to return to the world of Kamen Rider Build, pointed at Jon.

"The difference between us is only the difference in memory and thinking. I am you, and you are me, hahaha——! The enemy and the enemy are of the same origin? No, Jon, we..."

President E pointed his finger at himself.

"It can be said to be Evolto."

Answer E In general, it is the black evolution bottle inserted again.

【Over the Evolution! 】

"Boring thoughts, I am what I am."

This time, named...

"Rider System!!!"

【Mahou Shoujo! 】

This kick is ruining the world! No one knows what happened in the Meita domain in the end. After the phantoms of the Kamen Rider Build world officially came into contact with the world they are in, people outside the Meita domain have lost the ability to continue to observe the situation in the Meita domain. .

There are no frozen worlds, and no molten earth.

The world is still the one in their memory, as if everything that happened before is illusory, whether it is the battle to destroy the earth, or the coming world of Kamen Rider Build, it is just a dream.

But no one would really think so!

The battle that can destroy the planet happened beside them!

Not only people in Europe, but people all over the world saw the frozen and melted land in the Meta Territory!

If it wasn't for the existence of the Meta Domain, no matter what kind of disaster it was, it would be enough to wipe out all of them living on this planet!

Leaving aside the super-standard power that melted the entire earth in that blow, the reason why the mad king came to this world with a god-level disaster is precisely because of human desires!

Even the real identity of the other party is human!

Or the first OOO!

He has absolutely powerful power, which can set off the chill that freezes the world, but he is addicted to his own desires, and chooses to use this power to satisfy his desire to conquer the world!

So just like Touma said, this monster is OOO, not Kamen Rider OOO!

Now the mad king is defeated, but is Evolto defeated?

No one has the answer.

But they also remembered what Evolto had said seconds before this world came into contact with the world of Kamen Rider Build.

The real Evolto said that the blood diver who has the same power as him is also Evolto, but their memories and thoughts are different.

Is it really?

People wanted to get an answer from Jon, but what made them silent was that the person they wanted to meet in the end did not appear with the other knights, but chose to leave alone after resolving this crisis. Like before.

But this is also the answer for everyone.

Even if he has the same power as Evolto, Blood Diver is definitely not Evolto, but...

Kamen Rider Evol!


Although the battle is over, the shock it brought to people in the two worlds will not disappear so easily, especially since this battle has affected the entire world, even if other people can only understand the battle through the news from Cyprus But the frozen land and the melting earth represent the battle that opened a new chapter for the world.

The knights who returned from the field of Metata began to solve the monsters in the "parasites", and they did what they promised before. They would catch the palms of those who fell into the abyss and become their last hope. Then cast them out of hell.


"Will it still appear?" Jiang He rubbed his bloodshot and sore eyes, then glanced out the window.

The sky outside the window was already dark, which also represented dawn in Europe.

In the end, the world was not swallowed by darkness, nor was it frozen, nor was it melted into a second sun. The price of all this was borne by Kamen Rider Evol, and the world came to the next day safely.

But Jiang He felt a little melancholy.

The actions of Dragon Girl and Hino Eiji can be said to have successfully pulled each other into the bright world, but it gave Jiang He the illusion that the other party may never appear again in the future.

The reason for such an idea is because the strength shown by the dragon girl in that battle has far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Hazard Level 7.0!

This level of danger seems to have made the opponent complete a certain transformation. Even if he faces a dragon-level disaster next, it is estimated that he can easily kill it with a single punch.

Then, according to the practices of other knights who came to this world, maybe the other party will probably not appear again.

"Hope...is an illusion..."

Jiang He, who had been tense all day and night, lay down on the table wearily.

He was thinking about the meaning of Jon's previous words.

A special world of knights?

What does this mean?

Jiang He didn't think that Jon was just talking casually at that time, and the activation of the "Enigma" system obviously also represented that this world and the world of Kamen Rider Build were calculated by Evolto.

He really wanted to get an answer, and also hoped that the world of Kamen Rider Build would not be in danger, but after his tense spirit relaxed, he felt drowsy, and then he fell asleep on the table.

The same is true for most people in other regions.

Whether it was night or day, everyone finally fell asleep after a day of frightening, and it seemed to be the quietest moment on earth for a while.

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