I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 847

"It seems that I have to work hard, after all, my desire is...but..." The dragon girl's words suddenly got stuck, and she didn't remember it after thinking for a few seconds.

"Forget it, think of a new one! Now my desire is not to see other people's efforts in vain!"


In the coffee shop, Jon hummed a little song, feeling good.

After solving the matter in Cyprus, he returned here directly.

His plan was considered a success, successfully connecting this world with the world of Kamen Rider, and the last blow also cut off the cosmic energy carried by Mr. Kamen Rider Build world's self is truly integrated, and its strength will not become too exaggerated.


"I didn't expect you to kill all those weird superiors." Jon asked curiously, looking at Maria whose aura had changed greatly since the first time she came here.

"The prison that restrains the human spirit should not exist." Maria replied with a smile, "Human beings should not have too many connections with these superiors."

So you, the high-ranking person, killed all the other high-ranking people, and then ran to my side? Jon couldn't help complaining in his heart, and then saw Maria take out a delicate small music box from his pocket, open it and put it on the bar.

The cheerful tone slowly sounded in the coffee shop, and it seemed to have a strange magic power, which made Matou Sakura's expression soothed because of being forcibly imprisoned in Maria's arms.

The music didn't stop until the power provided by the clockwork was completely exhausted.

"Jon, the little girl you mentioned is indeed very cute, but..." Maria winked at Jon, "Of course she is much worse than Sakura." "Compared to Xiao Sakura." Of course Sakura is not far behind."

Maria said this to Matou Sakura as if flattering her, but she didn't get any response from Matou Sakura. Instead, Matou Sakura, who pretended to have given up resisting, broke free from her arms and ran back. Jon's side.

"Maria, you should go back." Matou Sakura said coldly to Maria.

She used to scare Rin to tears with this trick, but...

"Go back? Does Sakura want to go back to sleep?" Maria asked Matou Sakura with a smile.

What a thick skin!

Matou Sakura squeezed her little fist and thought to herself, completely forgetting the performance that she still missed Maria after Maria left.

She wanted to pour coffee for Maria.

However, when Matou Sakura cast her eyes on the coffee pot on the side, she was stunned by what she saw, and her little face, which was always deliberately maintaining an expressionless face, was full of shock and disbelief. look.

She saw a scene where a guest drank the coffee with a normal face!

Matou Sakura didn't know this guest whose right arm looked weird, but at this moment she felt that he was very powerful.

The person who dares to challenge the black hole coffee is Anku, but he himself does not know what the taste of the drink is now. After all, he is purely in the form of desire, not in the state of occupying the human body.

But he has other methods.

"Yingsi, let me try the taste of this thing." Anku looked at the black coffee in front of him, suddenly curious about the taste of this thing.


Ignoring the situation where they were trying to buy one get one free or even buy one get two free, Jon was thinking about the next plan.

The alternative world of knights has been completed, he already has the opportunity to go to the world of Kamen Rider Build, the situation of the "parasites" has been perfectly solved, and the problem with the sword of the age of gods is also because of Maria's return. s Choice.

But it was such a perfect ending, but why did it make him feel bored?

It was as if all happiness was lost.

After thinking about it, Jon still felt that the source appeared in the fact that he was forcibly whitewashed.

If he had known that the last battle should not be so unrestrained, he should have pretended to be in full swing with Mr. E, and finally died together, Jon thought so.

But it doesn't make any sense to think about these things now.

For a while, the coffee shop seemed a little noisy.

There are not only the voices of the coffee shop waiter Kanqiao panicking after Hino Eiji and Anku Yibo died, but also the sound of the camera shutter when Shijima took pictures of this scene with a smile, and the sound of Takayama Jin knocking eggs and Qiao Jiu. The sound of a man playing foosball.

But just when Jon was about to fall asleep, someone poked his waist.

The person who poked her was not Matou Sakura, but the red-haired one who had paddled the whole water in the "Parasitized Person" incident. According to her description, that is--what do other people think of you, idiot, what does it matter to me? As long as you are you, it is enough, and it is enough that you will continue to be together in the future.

But Jon felt that this was an excuse for Sakura Kyoko to be lazy.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help wiping away his tears, thinking that this red-haired cub was not like this when he first came to this world. At that time, after learning that there was a Kamen Rider named Dragon Girl in Gui City, she still ran away angrily. I went up to find trouble with the dragon girl, trying to make that driver out of print, but now it has become this picture of salted fish.

Sakura Kyoko didn't know what Jon was thinking, but poked Jon's waist with a malicious smile on her face.

"I said...Mami might be angry."

Jon: "..."

Of course he knew what this red hair was referring to, and he wished he could squish and round this red hair.

Paddle furiously while doing business, and be so motivated when asking about these gossips?

Jon didn't want to pay attention to the red hair, but Sakura Kyoko didn't intend to let Jon go easily.

Glancing around, she found that only Matou Sakura was sitting obediently in Jon's arms as if she had fallen asleep, and the others didn't pay attention to the situation, Sakura Kyoko felt relieved.

Although it was a joke, it would be bad if others misunderstood it.

Of course, Sakura's words must be fine, so obedient and sensible.

Then, Sakura Kyoko told what she saw in Cyprus before.

"The girl who was deceived by you and played with her body has been looking for you since she came out."

Sakura Matou, who was pretending to be asleep, quietly pricked up her ears.

Jon didn't notice Matou Sakura's abnormality, but his face was covered with black lines.

"What do you mean cheating your feelings and playing with your body? I'm not as scornful as you said."

In Jon's own eyes, what he did at the time was very correct.

If he doesn't do this, he can't guarantee Tong Yao's 100% victory over Phoenix, and if he is really replaced by Phoenix, then there will be some trouble.

As for playing with the other party's body, it's even more nonsense!

Can entering other people's spiritual world be regarded as playing tricks?

Obviously not!

So Jon is not in a hurry at all, he looks like he is sitting on the Diaoyutai, but...

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