I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 848

"But Mami definitely doesn't think so. I saw her secretly buying red beans and came back." Sakura Kyoko secretly reported, but neither she nor Jon noticed that Matou Sakura's anti-red beans radar was listening There was an instant reaction after this sentence.

The plan of the Red Bean Rice Demon King must be stopped!

This was the first thought that came to Matou Sakura's mind.


Unlike the excitement in the coffee shop, Jiang He, who is in the Katsura City countermeasure team, still hasn't woken up from the depression brought to him by the last plot of Kamen Rider Build.

Although the fact that Killbus is real has brought him shock and vigilance, what makes him most uncomfortable is that, like everyone else, Kiryu Sentu and all their efforts have become as Evolto's resurrection. There is no point in this matter.

"Even if a new world is created, is there still a crisis?" Jiang He smiled wryly.

Although he felt uncomfortable because of this incident, he also saw something different from it.

"If it's just a pure TV series, such a script will definitely be annoying..." Jiang He limp in his position and gave a different opinion.

"But if it is a real world, in fact, the most uncomfortable should be Kiryu Sentu and the others. In order to deal with Killbus, they actively chose to let everything they have paid go in vain. Facing the monster that killed his parents, Wanzhanglong I finally chose to fight with this monster..."

"The knights have paid too much, just like Kamen Rider Evol, but they have to admit that their choice is correct, but the price is to take the initiative to hurt themselves..."

People in Jon's world are sad to see all the efforts of Kiryu Sentu go to waste, while people in Kamen Rider Build's world have not yet recovered from the panic caused by the phantom collision of the two worlds before.

After all, at the last moment, they clearly saw the frozen earth instantly melted into a ball of magma under another terrifying force!

They were extremely fortunate that what they saw was just a phantom, otherwise, even without the damage caused by the "Enigma" system, such a magma ball could still destroy the world!

Although this crisis enough to destroy the earth is just a passing scene, Kiryu Sentu and the others are not so easy to settle down.


"Zhantu..." Wanzhanglong, who was sitting at the top of the stairs and couldn't help anything, subconsciously looked at Kiryu Zhantu.

"I saw it too. It's Eiji who fought with us before." Kiryu Sentu tapped his fingers on the keyboard, and then replied.

He didn't know why there was such a tragic battle in that world, as if life on the entire earth had completely disappeared.

But since I saw Hino Eiji who once fought side by side among those knights, it also means that those knights can be trusted!

But the most terrifying two are...

Kiryu Sentu called up the photos he had taken before.

"Two Evol drivers, Build driver, Squeeze driver..." Kiryu Zhantu frowned.

He doesn't know where the drives in these people's hands come from, but unlike the Build drive, the real Evol drive cannot be perfectly imitated by modern human means. Of course, what Kiryu Sentu cares most about is the one that uses the Build drive Two full bottles on the waist of the Kamen Rider.

Golden Rabbit Filled Jar and Silver Dragon Filled Jar!

It is obviously a special full-filled bottle that can only evolve after the danger level reaches 7.0. Where did the other party get it, and these two full-filled bottles are not special bottles made by extracting energy bottle elements!

"Take them as companions for the time being." Out of trust in Hino Eiji, Kiryu Sentu temporarily came to such a conclusion.

"And the person who activated the "Enigma" system, that Evolto..." Kiryu Sentu remembered the words he heard at the last moment.

"You have to be prepared...the world must not be allowed to experience such a catastrophe."

While saying this, Kiryu Zhantu subconsciously glanced at the people around him, but did not express his thoughts.

The only ones who can touch these things are them, but they are companions!


If the current peace is false, what role does the being called Evolto play in it?

The others didn't know what Kiryu Sentu was thinking at the moment, they just didn't recover from the fact that the peace they achieved after finally defeating the Blood trio was false.

But at this moment, a panicked voice intervened among them.

"War Rabbit! Battle Rabbit!" It was Ishido Soichi who just came back, and he also had a 'nervous' expression on his face at the moment, "There was news from the Western Capital that they found the "Enigma" system Yes, and a strange mechanical life was found there! "

This sentence made Kiryu Zhantu and others stunned.


Jon didn't know what kind of flirty operation Mr. E was going to do in the world of Kamen Rider Build, and he was receiving a special guest at the moment.


It's the real Doujin!

Not long after the other guests had left, this particular guest arrived.

Unlike the avatar, the real Dou Zhen looked taciturn. After pushing the door and entering, he didn't show any surprise expression, but nodded slightly towards Jon.

"You have the aura of strength that I once left on Water Angel." Dou Zhen sat in front of Jon calmly, "So I accepted the invitation."

Compared with other guests, Dou Zhen didn't need Jon to explain too much, and he didn't have any surprises about Jon's identity, as if they had already confirmed each other's identities at a glance, and came here just to solve the doubts in their hearts.

Jon had already prepared the way to receive Douzhen, but he didn't immediately take out the black gem condensed by the power of darkness that was given to him by the copy of Douzhen, but looked at it curiously. Dou Zhen.

"Mr. Douzhen, can I ask you a question first?"

Dou really nodded.

"Can you tell me what you think of AgitΩ who has obtained the "Power of Light" now? "Jon looked at Douzhen curiously and asked.

The clone of Douzhen that appeared in his world had arrived a long time ago. Although he had already guessed that the time flow rate of each world was different before they were connected, Jon was still a little curious about the Douzhen who came here now. The state of having been persuaded by Shoichi Tsugami.

It may be because the real power of Touma is too strong, or it may be that Tsugami Shoichi's physical purity was too low when he tried to persuade Touma. Toma in the world of Kamen Rider AgitΩ does not seem to have descended into the world of Jon. Like Douzhen, he tried to join ordinary humans to understand humans, but he only gave humans a certain amount of trust.

And even in the end, he still believes that humans will eventually take the initiative to eliminate AgitΩ, and he just wants to witness whether what Tsugami Shoichi’s brother-in-law Tetsuya Sawaki said is correct, just like the choice he made 30,000 years ago Same.

Although he smiled when he heard Ze Mu Tetsuya say that he would definitely win, there is no doubt that Dou Zhen still did not choose to take the initiative to understand human thoughts.

Jon stared at Doujin, waiting for his answer.

"AgitΩ?" Dou Zhen picked up the black tea cup pushed by Jon, and frowned slightly, "This kind of power that will make human beings no longer human must be erased from human beings."

This answer also gave Jon the answer. The real Douzhen was still in the state of observing whether his original decision was right or wrong shortly after he lifted his seal.

So... Do you want to hand over the Dark Power Gem?

Jon felt that if he directly handed over the gem of dark power now, then the Douzhen in front of him might directly perform a face-changing Sichuan opera, from the current state of loathing AgitΩ directly to "Believe in your own children" ! They are the best! ’ A similar state.

Quite interesting!

But just when Jon was really about to hand over the gem of dark power, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open again.

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