I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 852

Jon's life here seems to have returned to its original calm, and there is nothing he needs to be busy with. He plays games with Sakura Kyoko every day, and occasionally helps Matou Sakura with homework, but the other two guests Bian was not so peaceful.

The first is Katoyashi who strayed into the world of Ultraman Nexus.

He can be sure that this world is not the world of Kamen Rider, and there will be no fusion of worlds, but there is also a Kamen Rider here.

Kamen Rider Drake!

But also Ultraman!

"How can there be such a strange knight! What kind of inexplicable world did Kamen Rider Evol go to..."

Men Yashi frowned.

The worlds of the Riders are merging and the Riders are being forgotten, so he must collect the history of Kamen Rider Kuuga, Kabuto and Faiz before they are forgotten!

However, after coming to this world and contacting the Kamen Rider Drake, Monyashi found that the phantom on the card representing Kamen Rider Evol became more solidified.

"Are you playing peek-a-boo?"

As Men Yashi's words fell, the aurora curtain passed through him again.


"Regarding the recent gas explosion in Fuyuki City, Tosaka Patriarch Tosaka Tokiomi...Mr. expressed the following opinion..."

"Then, I would like to invite the relevant expert Monyashi we invited this time to express his opinion on the quality of the gas pipeline in Fuyuki City." "That is to say, Yusuke, don't you still know a man named Monyashi?" Jon looked Yusuke Godai, who chose to come to the coffee shop to share the spoils with Jon after returning from the expedition, asked.

Jon asked this question before, but got a negative answer.

In the Kamen Rider Decade plot before crossing, Kamen Yashi went to the parallel world, and met the Kamen Riders of the parallel world, but since he saw Kamen Yashi for the first time in Kamen Rider W He recognized the other party as Kamen Rider Decade, which means that if Kamen Yashi succeeded in making the history of the Kamen Rider world eternal through suicide, then Godai Yusuke should also have this memory.

Although it is a parallel world, some parts should be common.

"I still haven't met this person named Monyashi during this trip." Yusuke Godai carefully wiped off the dust on an arrowhead, and said with a smile: "My 593rd skill can remember every impression I have had. As for the name of the person, I will never forget it.”

Saying that, Yusuke Godai showed the arrow in his hand to Jon.

"Shop manager, what do you think of this arrowhead? This is what I found during my expedition to Egypt this time. I also dug up a few other arrowheads. But when I ran out of travel expenses, I sold the others to the locals. An old woman."

Jon: "..."

Why did this sentence give him such a strong sense of sight!

And the strange stone mask last time, is it really all right?

"Well, very good." Jon gave such an evaluation against his will.

"Yes! The happiest part of every adventure is to find some gains!" Yusuke Godai showed a bright smile on his face.

"And I recently heard that someone dug up some strange corpses in the desert in the United States, so I am going to explore there next."

Jon hesitated to speak, stopped to speak and wanted to speak, and finally said nothing.

He was still very concerned about Godai Yusuke's words that he didn't know Monyashi.

Although I also know that time and space are not any obstacles to Men Yashi, but is it possible that this flamboyant knight is still in the state of just starting to travel?


Will there really be so many parallel worlds where even the identity of knights has changed?

Or is it true that when the real Menyashi traveled to various worlds, they met Godai Yusuke in parallel worlds and the like.

After all, the memories of the past can only be used as a reference, just like the Kamen Rider videos shown on the Dimensional website without any traces of special effects. If there is no interference from other factors, they are all things that will really happen, just like It is the wall of the sky that not only divides Japan into three, but also affects other surrounding countries.

But before Jon could think of other possibilities, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open.

The person who walked in was Makiha.


Makiha still hasn't recovered from the shock brought by the contract, and she hasn't even been able to get a good night's sleep these few nights.

What kind of idea SEELE is planning, Mahiro knows very well, and the husband of the senior named Ikari Gendo also cannot be 100% trusted.

No, it's not just Ikari, but other people can't be trusted either!

She wants to realize sister Yui-senpai's dream, let human beings defeat the apostles, and continue to live in this world, instead of letting human beings atone for their sins and then merge into one body as SEELE thought.

In their eyes, what is the sin that mankind needs to atone for?

Could it be that it is a sin for human beings to live in this world?

If it was before, Makipo would definitely scoff at this idea, and then continue to face other people with an 'optimistic' attitude, she will not allow herself to be overwhelmed!

At least you can't be crushed until sister Wei Xue's dream comes true!

But this time, she had another idea.

If those two people were really gods, then she might be able to get an answer.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get tiger cubs? !

So Makipo postponed the time to go to Japan, and made up his mind to come to this place again.

But after coming this time, Makibo found that there was a new customer in this coffee shop.

The customer was proudly showing off something dusty in his hands as if he had just dug it out from somewhere, while the coffee shop manager, who seemed to be a god in the eyes of Makiha, was listening to the other party's explanation with great interest, without any sign of impatience.

This made Makipo couldn't help but an idea popped up in his mind.

If this is really a god, then it must be a god who cares for believers.

"I don't seem to be here at the right time?" Zhen Xibo didn't change his attitude at the beginning because of speculation about Jon's identity. It means that the other party does not reject this way of getting along.

Just like now, I will be interested in understanding the origin of these things in front of me.

"At any time, I will welcome every guest. It seems that you have accepted all this, Ms. Makibo." Jon gently poured a cup of black tea for Makibo.

"It's a new customer." Godai Yusuke glanced at Makibo, then put away the things he had filled the bar counter, "Then I'll go back first, and I'll give this arrow to you as a gift to the store manager. "

Jon also directly accepted the gift from Yusuke Five Generations.

Since Godai Yusuke came here, he has brought many gifts to Jon. After all, to Godai Yusuke, the most important thing is the adventure process and the joy of finding these things. As for the last place of these things, he himself has no idea. No matter how you care, most of them are given to those in need.

"If I were you, I would choose to have a good relationship with that person just now." Jon reminded Makibo after Godai Yusuke left.

Even if he doesn't know the true character of Mahipo, Jon can still vaguely guess some of the other's thoughts from some pictures in his memory.

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