I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 853

Although it looks optimistic and easy to approach on the bright side, in a sense, this is also the most difficult person to really approach.

"So is there anything I need to help this time?" Jon said calmly.

"I want to know an answer." Shinobu looked into Jon's eyes, "I want to know, do human beings need atonement?"

It is meaningless to ask such questions to human beings, only to ask higher beings.

Then, Makiha got the answer.

"Atonement? To whom?" Jon asked with interest.

This question stunned Makiha.

Yes, those people of SEELE, who do you want human beings to atone for?

To the apostles? To humans themselves?

Or to the gods?

Then, she got an answer from Jon.

"Atonement to the apostles? You are the enemy yourself, why do you need to atone for the enemy? Make atonement for the human beings? If the human beings are counted as a group, then it is not a sin in itself to survive. Why do you need to atone?"

"Or is it atonement to the gods?" Jon also looked into the eyes of Makibo, and this action also made Makibo nervous, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Then, she heard an answer that took her by surprise.

"Do you think the gods care about these things?" God...would care about such things?

Jon's words stunned Mahipo, but then she realized that this question should still not be answered by her, so she continued to stare at Jon closely.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not fit to answer this question." Jon shrugged, but still reminded him.

"The person who is suitable to answer this question is the person who asked you that question last time."

While speaking, Jon picked up the music box left by Maria and rewound it.

The cheerful music sounded again, and was gently put aside by Jon.

"Should I invite him over?"

This sentence moved Mahipo a little bit, but he was worried that doing so would offend the guest, but...

"Do you think the gods care about such things?"

Jon said such words again, and then contacted Douzhen.

And almost the second after Jon sent out the invitation, Dou Zhen came over.

Just as Jon thought, it was impossible for Dou to care about such trivial matters.

Even for him, a world that is not polluted by the "power of light" is a very good world, especially now that these wandering children have returned to him, which makes Douzhen feel better recently Not a lot.

"Son, do you have doubts?" Douma asked, looking at Makibo calmly.

The calm words still had a special magic power, which made Makipo's previous uneasiness begin to subside, and then asked the question she had asked Jon before.

"Humans, do you need atonement?"

"Why do humans have to atone for their sins?" Dou Zhen said the same words as Jon, "Who do humans want to atone for? Who is qualified for humans to atone for their sins?"

Dou Zhen's words are more impactful than Jon's, especially when he finally said the sentence 'Who is qualified to let human beings atone for their sins? ’, it gave Mahiba a feeling that the person standing in front of her is the god who created everything.

Just like when facing Jon, Makoto couldn't give an answer to any of Touma's questions, but she couldn't give any answer, but she felt at ease after a long time, and felt that her hard work had been recognized.


Human beings are innocent, so why atonement!

After thinking about all this clearly, Makiha no longer hesitated in his heart.

She faded away the optimistic smile on her face that she had been forcing to prevent herself from being knocked down by anything, and replaced it with a maturity that did not conform to her image.

Shinami stood up and bowed deeply to Jon and Touma respectively.

"thanks for your help."

"So have you decided what you want to do?" Jon asked.

Zhen Xibo nodded without hesitation, she had already decided what to do, and now she just became more determined in her mind!

"Human beings don't need atonement!" Makibo replied.

"So is there anything I can help with?" Jon looked at Makibo with a relaxed expression, "Not only am I very confident in the craftsmanship of black tea, but I am also very confident in renting out myself."

For Jon, the problems of the EVA world are not a problem at all.

But this time, the factor of Dou Zhen has to be counted.

Although Touma didn't say it clearly, he was clearly interested in why Shinjibo asked the question of whether human beings need atonement.

Just like his last question just now.

Who is qualified to make mankind atone for sin?

At this moment, the three people present reached a consensus on this issue, and Makibo nodded without hesitation in the face of Jon's words.


In the past, she was fighting alone, even though she knew that Ikarito had his own purpose, but in order to restrain SEELE, she could only pretend to turn a blind eye, but now...

Now that the gods have responded to her, it means that her and Senior Sister Wei's thoughts are correct!

"Then..." Jon looked at Douzhen, and then nodded when he saw him.

"I'm also very curious about what happened in the other world."


The EVA world after the second impact is undoubtedly tragic. In that catastrophe, the sea level rose, the earth’s axis was distorted, natural disasters occurred everywhere, and the economy collapsed... In just a few days after the disaster broke out, the world’s population dropped sharply Half.

So after Jon and Douma separated from Makibo, the first thing they saw was the ruins of a city where most of them were swallowed by sea water and a large number of buildings collapsed.

Such ruins are only a microcosm of a part of this world, and most other regions are like this.

Dou Zhen was still taciturn. After seeing the city ruins in front of him, he squatted down, his palms lightly touched the ground, and closed his eyes, as if he was listening to the voice from this world.

After a moment, he opened his eyes.

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