I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 854

"How does it feel?" Jon asked.

He was very curious about Douzhen's views on the world, but if he thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was not much different from what Douzhen had seen before.

In the world of Kamen Rider AgitΩ, Touma created various angels based on animals, and then created humans in his own image.

In the ancient times of that world, wars broke out between humans and beast-shaped angels, so Jon felt that Douzhen should not be unfamiliar with such things.

If we understand it according to the world view of Kamen Rider AgitΩ, it is that the descendants left by the original angels and humans started the war without other constraints, but this time it was replaced by angels who wanted to destroy humans.

In Kamen Rider AgitΩ, Toma didn't stop such a war at the time, so will his thoughts change this time?

Because he did not stop the war at that time, and the human beings in that world were polluted by the "power of light", which became AgitΩ, an unstable factor for human society.

And if the war is not stopped this time, what will happen?

Dou Zhen gave the answer.

"Angels shouldn't be hostile to humans."

In Dou Zhen's eyes, if the angels in his own world think that they are the first to appear on the earth, and then pretend to be the masters of the earth and want to destroy all human beings, then they will be the first to usher in destruction.

The human beings in this world have caused a catastrophe to themselves without his guidance. They have suffered enough disasters and should not continue.

"Well, I knew that was the answer." Jon shrugged.

Dou really has a double standard, which has always been quite good.


Meanwhile, another world.

"Hello!" The little girl with twin ponytails was looking at Men Yashi in a suit and leather shoes with her hips akimbo.

"I managed to steal the power left by that guy from my mother... from my father! You will definitely help me teach that villain who stole my sister a lesson, right?"

"Of course, I'm a Kamen Rider." Kamen Yashi looked at the card in his hand whose image was solidified again, and smiled at Tohsaka Rin.

In the next second, the aurora curtain passed through him again.

"This time, it should be the world where Kamen Rider Evol is." Katoyashi said to himself, and then...

He saw a huge robot in purple-green armor with a hunched body.

"No way! Is it the world of Ultraman again?!"

"Chief Katoya, the connection to the No. 1 machine has been confirmed, and there is no abnormality! The pilot's breathing and heart rate are normal! There is no problem!"

Door Yashi had a headache. After knowing that Kamen Rider Evol seemed to have the same ability to travel to different worlds as him, he realized that it might take a lot of time to find Kamen Rider Evol.

Fortunately, through the knight card that appeared in his hand, he could feel the breath of Kamen Rider Evol left in the world.

As long as the phantom of the knight on this card becomes more solid, then the next action will be much smoother.

However, after coming to the present world, Monyashi discovered that the people in this world with the power of Kamen Rider Evol are far away from where he is now.

At first, Kato Yashi wanted to leave without hesitation, but after seeing the tense expressions on the faces of the huge robot in front of him and other people, he gave up such an idea.

Command the Ultraman named Unit 1 to fight the giant monsters, right?

He probably understands!

"The target is approaching! The distance is about 20,000 meters!"

"All out!" Men Yashi shouted without hesitation.


As the pilot of the first machine, Ikari Shinji found that after entering the first machine, he felt particularly calm.

Is it because you are used to driving EVA?

But why do you feel nostalgic?

"Chief Monya, we will surely succeed this time, right?"

Manipulating the No. 1 machine, Ikari Shinji galloped around the city, as if to soothe his heart, and asked the door Yashi he was not very familiar with.

"Of course! I promise." The confident voice came, which made Ikari Shinji calm down a lot.

Every step taken by machine No. 1 could bring huge damage to the city, but he had to do so, because once the apostle fell to the surface, it would cause even more terrible damage!

"The target AT force field has changed!"

"Track changed!"

"Estimated landing point, changed to 205!"

"The target is accelerating!"

The news from the NERV command made Ikari Shinji realize what to do next. He must be the closest to the target to stop the apostle who wants to destroy mankind.

"Miss Misato!"


At the same time he made this decision, metal walls began to rise from the ground of the city, opening up a shortcut for him to the apostle's landing site.

Even Monyashi, who was in the waiting place before the No. 1 machine, could hear the huge roar coming from the air.

However, unlike the other NERV members who were staring nervously at the screen, Kato Yashi hadn't completely changed his identity yet.

Although at first he mistook the giant in the purple-green armor for Ultraman, but soon Katoyashi realized that it was not, but some kind of huge biological robot.

That guy, after all, has been to some strange worlds!

"Find out the people in this world who have had contact with Kamen Rider Evol early, and then leave." Kamen Yashi said to himself, but then his eyesight became the same as that of others, and he hadn't followed the command for a long time. Move away from all those screens.

Then he saw it, saw the body of the spherical monster falling from the sky spread out like petals, and turned into a colorful eyeball that seemed to have wings.

Just by looking at it, one can feel the spiritual pollution brought by this thing.

The tenth apostle - the sky angel!

The body is a terrifying bomb!

Once the bombardment explodes on the ground, the estimated plane diameter of the explosion is 420,000 meters, and the depth can reach 15,000 meters below the ground!

And the scariest thing is not this place!

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