I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 856


Just as NERV was shocked when someone suddenly intervened in the battlefield, Jon also showed a surprised expression.

He didn't expect the fanboy knight to come to this world.

"It seems that you don't need to take action for the time being." Jon looked at Douzhen who was standing calmly beside him, and asked curiously, "Can you tell me what you think of this apostle?"

"A failed creation." Dou Zhen gave such an evaluation.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people these existences called apostles are powerful, in the eyes of Dou Zhen they are no match for any ordinary person.

A beast with no strength but no wisdom.

"But you can also see the essence of those huge creatures that are manipulated to fight against the apostles."

Dou really nodded.

"Human beings, as long as they are human beings are enough."

There is a human soul in EVA, which is tantamount to a wrong approach in Dou Zhen's eyes.

Humans should be proud of themselves as human beings, and shouldn't be in the company of wild beasts, but...

"Considering that they are children living outside the home, it is my fault that they have to do this in order to protect other people's survival."

Jon: "..."

He found that after Dou Zhen learned that half of the human beings in this world died because of the second shock event, he became even more taciturn.

If Jon hadn't explained it in advance, it is estimated that Douzhen would have wiped out the opponent the moment he saw the sky angel appearing before this, and at the same time solved those things in the central dogma area under the ground of the NERV headquarters and on the moon.

But such a rough solution is the lowest level in Jon's eyes.

SEELE felt that human beings began to be devoured by demons because of the estrangement between them, becoming dirty and sinful, so they wanted to make human atonement complete and make up, and then turn into LCL liquid and merge into one.

Ikyuantang wanted to see his wife again, so he used SEELE and the apostles to try to set himself on the road to God.

Even if they are solved, they only solve the crisis on the surface, so that human beings can continue.

Perhaps this is enough in Dou Zhen's eyes, but it is not a happy ending in Jon's eyes.

The existence of the AT force field proves that the spiritual barrier between people does exist.

Of course, this is not a problem in Jon's eyes!

What confuses him is that...

Since there is a spiritual gap, you should try your best to trust others and open your heart to the person you trust, instead of believing what you read on the Dead Sea document and betting all your hopes on it. On the so-called miracles.

And it would be strange to open your heart to a stranger at will!

Just like Zhu Kaoru's AT force field can be broken by Ikari Shinji, because as the first apostle, Zhu Kaoru trusts Ikari Shinji.

SEELE, who thinks that it is a sin for human beings not to trust strangers, is a group of mental twisters in Jon's eyes.

It’s like in the new theater version of Q in my memory, it’s something that can be explained clearly in a few words, and it’s not that time is so tight that I don’t even have a chance to say such a few simple words, but I hold them all in my heart Not to mention, this caused Ikari Shinji to want to do what he wanted to do, to save the world but was deceived, and then Zhu Kaoru died because of him.

Even if they really think that it was Ikari Shinji who drove the No. 1 machine that caused the disaster, it would probably make Ikari Shinji feel a lot better to scold them directly.

To put it simply, many people in this world understand the existence of the AT force field, but they have never understood such a force, and only regard it as a way to fight against the apostles.

However, what the knight is best at is opening everyone's heart, whether it is through physical or magical means!


"It is precisely because these are your children who wandered to other worlds, so Douzhen, you need to make up for it. Tell them that human beings have no sins, so there is no need for atonement. If you can understand what I said, then It's the most suitable time for another one you said."

After leaving these words, Jon turned and left.

Dou Zhen didn't stop him, nor did he have any intention of making a move.

"It seems that the other me has indeed got the answer."

Dou Zhen has nothing but pity for the children living in this world, so he will make some amends and tell these children that they have no sins and do not need to make atonement.

At the same time as his words fell, at the place where the No. 1 machine and Sky Angel fought, a black figure entwined with thunder soared into the sky and bombarded Sky Angel's AT force field.


It was as if a second sun had appeared in the sky! [Final Attack Ride! 】

【Ku-Ku-Ku-Kuuga! 】

The red color on Monyashi's body transformed into an amazing and omnipotent form has been replaced by black, obviously not the real ultimate form, but at this moment, many sharp horny blades have appeared on his hideous and terrifying biological armor.

Like a black demon!

Amazing Almighty Kick! When the sealed energy condensed on his feet hit Sky Angel's AT force field, the fierce pillar of fire that erupted seemed to ignite the sky.

This scene stunned Shinji Ikari, who was driving the No. 1 machine, and Asuka, who was rushing towards this side.

Compared with the 40-meter-high huge body of the No. 1 machine, Monyashi seemed quite inconspicuous, but at this moment, unimaginable power broke out!

Pain was still coming from the pierced hands, and then Ikari Shinji turned his head with difficulty, and saw the black and terrifying figure.

Obviously it looks very scary, but this moment brings a completely different feeling to Ikari Shinji than Sora who is trying to tear him apart!

But this is not too different from a normal human body, so Ikari Shinji subconsciously opened his mouth.

"It's very dangerous here! Get out of here!"

Ikari Shinji doesn't want others to get hurt, he thinks that's why others need him to drive the first machine, but...

"Leave? That's not okay, boy~ Didn't you just promise that you would succeed?"

When the familiar voice came, Ikari Shinji was stunned, and subconsciously remembered the figure in his memory who was extremely confident no matter what decision he made, and was very popular among female members of the NERV headquarters.

"Master Monya?"

Ikari Shinji's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

How can it be? !

Chief Monya is just an ordinary person who is good at commanding! And you can't drive EVA!

Looking at the AT force field that had begun to distort and shatter under Katoyashi's feet, Ikari Shinji felt that he had been greatly impacted!

Moreover, obviously that sentence before was just a consolation, wasn't it? It's like what the other NERV members say every time he goes out.

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