I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 857

He will definitely succeed, so there is no need to risk his life to help him!

Sky Angel's AT force field was constantly shattering, but this scene did not surprise Jon, who had already separated from Douzhen, at all.

It's just AT force field, if someone wants to see it, he can also tear it up for them.

"And to some extent, the knight can be said to be a special attack on the AT force field?" Jon nodded to himself, then looked up at a certain position in the sky.

That's where the moon is.

The sky angels have already descended, so the No. 6 machine in the moon should have almost completed the transformation, and the gun of Cassius that can stop the third impact is now on the moon.

"Hmm... I have to come up with a super fun plan, I've wanted to scorn that pink guy for a long time."


Contrary to Jon's idea, the people in the NERV headquarters are still silent. As one of the combat staff of the headquarters, Monyashi suddenly gave up his command and transformed into a dark monster to intervene in the battle between the first machine and Sky Angel. Unable to extricate themselves from the shock.

Even the commander of NERV, Ikari Gendo, felt that the plan was beyond his control when he saw this scene.

He clearly remembered the information of everyone in NERV, and accurately labeled each person as usable or useless.

Men Yashi, 20 years old, as the youngest staff officer of the headquarters, his resume is indeed very dazzling. He is the dream lover of many unmarried women in the NERV headquarters, but that's all.

If it was before, Ikori Hall would only care about this person a little bit, but now the strength shown by the other party has far exceeded his imagination.

"With a human body, can it compete with an apostle?" Ikari Gentang stared at the figure in the picture that had torn apart the Sky Angel's AT force field.

Obviously, he behaved very normally before, but at this moment it was suddenly exposed. Could it be that he joined NERV for some special purpose?

And at this critical time.

Is it because of Shinji?


Kato Yashi didn't know at this moment that his action at this moment was considered by Ikari Gendo to have other purposes. After his kick carrying the sealing power tore open the AT force field of Sky Angel, the No. 2 machine driven by Asuka also died. Came to the battlefield here.

"I leave it to you! Girl~"

Monyashi gave a thumbs up to the No. 2 machine.

"Don't give me orders! I'm not your responsibility!"

The No. 2 machine, dual-wielding high-frequency vibration daggers, rushed to Sky Angel's side along the gap in the AT force field that was smashed by Katoyashi's kick, but just as she was about to destroy Sky Angel's core, this confident blow failed. was avoided.

Sky Angel's core actively avoided Asuka's attack, and was still spinning around Sky Angel's body at an extremely fast speed, making her freeze in place for a while.

And what's more serious is that there are only thirty seconds left in the time!

Once the apostle's core cannot be destroyed within 30 seconds, not only the damage caused by the explosion, but once it successfully touches Lilith's body in the central dogma area below the headquarters, it will definitely cause catastrophe again!

The feather-like metal structure on Sky Angel's back has been erected, and there are dense and strange red eye patterns on it!

In the next instant, the ground on which Unit 1 was standing crumbled again!

Obviously Sky Angel has also realized his own crisis, trying to break through the AT force field of the first machine.

The severe pain came again, and Shinji Ikari couldn't help but let out a scream, reminding Asuka to act quickly.

But Asuka herself was in a mess at the moment, even the hands holding the dagger on the second machine were trembling slightly!


"Sure enough, it's too much for you brats to go to the battlefield."

Monyashina rang in the ears of Asuka and Ikari Shinji with a trace of helplessness, and even Rei Ayanami, the pilot of No. 0 machine who had already arrived, paused slightly when operating the No. 0 machine.


They saw that Men Yashi had withdrawn from the subconsciously creepy image just now, and replaced it with a technologically-sense armor, and then...

[Final Attack Ride! 】

Dozens of golden energy cards appeared, and Mon Yashi's figure kept shuttling among these energy cards.

"Don't come and make trouble..." Asuka just wanted to say don't come and make trouble, because the core of the sky angel moves too fast, but what surprised her in the next second was that no matter how fast the core moved, it would be destroyed. These energy cards are firmly locked!

[De-De-De-Decade! 】

"What the hell is this..." Asuka stared blankly at the figure of Kato Yashi passing through dozens of energy cards and kicking the core of the sky angel, even the high-frequency vibration dagger in his hand. It fell out of her hand without even noticing.

In the next second, there was a crackling sound, and then a tsunami-like blood gushed out from the sky angel, rushing towards the city below.

In the eyes of NERV and the three EVA drivers, this is already the smallest loss, but...

"It's not good if such a beautiful city is polluted by this thing."

Kato Yashi snapped his fingers, and the next second, the blood of the sky angel suddenly stopped in midair.

Kamen Rider Kuuga, manipulating the power of water elements!

When the blood that was enough to engulf the entire city was frozen in midair by an invisible force, and then disappeared into thin air, neither the people from NERV nor Shinji Ikari and the others were unable to close their mouths that had opened to the extreme.

Shinji Ikari didn't realize that the battle was over until Katoyashi, who had fallen from the sky, appeared on the shoulder of Unit 1 and patted the armor on Unit 1.

There was still constant pain in his hands, but Ikari Shinji felt relieved.

The power carried in the body has been exhausted. The next second after Ikari Shinji saw Katoyashi landed on his shoulder, the holographic projection stopped running, leaving only the most basic power to maintain contact with the outside world.

"Master Moya, is this the latest weapon system of NERV?"

"No...it's the strength I share with my companions who have traveled together." Kato Yashi did not choose to leave, but sat on the shoulder of the first machine and watched the city that had become a mess due to the arrival of the sky angel.

Even though the evacuation of the residents of the city had already been completed, such damage obviously caused many people to lose their homes.

"A common strength among companions?"

Ikari Shinji, who was trapped in the insertion plug because the energy of the first machine was exhausted, said this sentence.

Ikari Shinji didn't know what Monyashi had experienced, but from this sentence, he heard a lot.

"But Chief Monya should have other things to do right now. You don't need to come here to accompany me. Rescuers will come soon."

"The battle is over, there are so many things that need to be done..." Katoyashi stood up and looked at the aircraft flying towards us in the distance.

"I said, boy~ have you ever regretted it?"

Men Yashi suddenly asked such a question.

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