I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 858

"Regret? Why regret it?" Ikari Shinji asked puzzled.

"I regret driving such a huge robot to fight monsters. Even though I am not yet an adult, I need to do these things."

The words of Monyashi made Ikari Shinji silent.

He had never thought about it, and no one had ever asked him such a question.

Even his father called him to the NERV headquarters just because he needed him to drive.

No one asked him what he thought, as if the only choice given to him at the beginning was...

Do it, or don't do it.

Ikari Shinji couldn't give an answer for a while, but just when he was about to say something to break the silence, he heard Monyashi speak again.

"It's okay if you can't give an answer, at least you didn't hesitate during the battle."

Kadoyashi knocked on the armor of the No. 1 machine again, and looked at the aircraft that was already close at hand.

"Since they're here, it's time for me to leave too."

[Attack Ride! 】

Ikari Shinji subconsciously wanted to stop Monyashi, but it was too late.

[Clock Up! 】


At the same time, on the moon, near the Taboga base.

This is a base completely controlled by SEELE. Even if the commander of NERV, Ikari Gendo, comes, he will be refused entry.

The apostles were descendants of Adam, but there was not just one Adam, but four!

There is a body of Adam in the base of the moon, and when Jon arrived, this Adam's body has been completely installed with restraints by SEELE, and it has become EVA No. 6.

But the purpose of Jon's coming here is not number six, but another person.

Nagisa Kaoru.

It is the only existence in this world that has both the fruit of life of the apostles and the wisdom of human beings.

Leaving aside the irritating way of getting along between Zhu Kaoru and Ikari Shinji, Zhu Kaoru's character is undoubtedly very pleasing.

He can be said to love human beings, especially the individual named Ikari Shinji, but he is the first apostle, which means that his mission in this world is to kill all human beings.

"Machine No. 6 and..." Jon looked at the long gun standing beside Unit No. 6, covered with gray cloth, "The Spear of Cassius."

SEELE and NERV have different dreams in the same bed, and they are very clear that the other party is not on the same ground as themselves, but they are using each other.

After glancing at the No. 6 machine and Cassius' gun with great interest, Jon turned around and looked at the boy who appeared behind him at some point.

The silver broken hair, the red eyes, and the special temperament on his body have already explained the identity of the other party.

Nagisa Kaoru.

"I thought you wouldn't come out to see me."

"As the first apostle, if I choose to hide at this time, it would be really disrespectful." Zhu Xun had a gentle smile on his face, "If people in SEELE know the existence of you and another adult, I'm afraid they will be excited To ecstatic."

"So did you tell them?"

"Without enlightenment, I dare not interfere with the interest of you and another adult."

Although speaking in such a tone, Jon couldn't see any flattery in Zhu Kaoru, as if he had expressed his true thoughts.

The same is true for Nagisa Kaoru.

Before, even if it was the distance between the moon and the earth, he could feel the two breaths descending on the earth.

It is more advanced, called the breath of the gods!

"Interesting statement..." Jon chuckled, and walked towards the location of the No. 6 machine, and Zhu Kaoru also chose to keep up.

"Can you tell me how many times this is?"

After walking under the huge body of machine number six, Jon asked.

Obviously, he has never had contact with Ikari Shinji before, but Zhu Kaoru clearly remembers Ikari Shinji, and after preventing the third impact caused by the first machine, he said that this time he must make Ikari Shinji happy.

This sentence has obviously revealed a lot of things.

"From the time I had my father's soul to slowly owning my own soul... to the time my father changed from one to four, even I can't remember how many times." Zhu Kaoru replied calmly.

He has lost count of how many times the world has been restarted, but each time his loved ones have not been happy, so this time he did not choose to wait and see after seeing the two gods that had never appeared before.

"Don't you even remember yourself?" Jon sighed, and then stretched out his palm and put it on the restraint armor of machine No. 6.

The blood gushing from his palm easily melted the restraint, and then touched the flesh under the No. 6 machine.

He was analyzing the essence of Adam's body.

After a few seconds, Jon opened his eyes.

"You really worked very hard, Kaoru, but..." Jon turned his head and smiled at Kaoru. This smile made Kaoru feel a lot easier, but Kaoru's pupils suddenly widened in the next second. shrink because...

"Why did you give up your mission as an apostle?"

As Jon's voice fell, under the horrified gazes of other people in the moon base, the No. 6 machine, which had just been remodeled, moved strangely, obviously without inserting the plug and connecting the umbilical cable!

The huge body bent down, carefully picked up Jon, and then...

Looking up to the sky and screaming!

Even if there is no air to transmit the sound, it seems that the entire moon base can hear the howl of the No. 6 aircraft!

The sirens are constantly sounding, but people can't understand what happened!

With the vibration of the base, Cassius' gun was roughly pulled out!

Then a voice they had never heard before suddenly sounded in their ears, making them freeze in place.

"Haven't you ever thought that it's because the world keeps restarting that it makes me feel impatient?"

Following Jon's words, the gray cloth wrapped around Cassius' gun was torn to pieces by an invisible force, fully revealing its brilliance.

The scarlet gun body was raised high with the silent roar of the No. 6 machine, and then aimed at the earth. It is obvious that the No. 6 unit in the Lunar Taboga Base ran away. While the base was in a mess, NERV also received the news.

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