I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 859

Not long after the Sky Angel was dealt with, even the damaged parts of the No. 1 machine had not had time to repair, the world was once again facing a terrible crisis!

No one will regard the automatic activation of the No. 6 unit as a simple accident, especially the dark clouds brought about by the terrible disaster that the No. 2 branch of NERV was exploded and razed to the ground due to an accident while manufacturing the No. 4 unit has not completely dissipated. Under such circumstances, ordinary NERV employees dare not look at such a huge robot with a normal heart.

Even if such a huge robot can help them resist the invasion of the apostles, it also possesses a terrifying power that can destroy them.

The three EVAs that had run out of energy in the battle with Sky Angel had just been recovered, and the shrill sirens began to ring out in the NERV headquarters.

"Report from the Lunar Taboga Base! The insertion plugs are still in a sealed state! The number of puppet insertion plugs is not abnormal!"

"News from the American NERV Branch..." The NERV Headquarters member who said this was trembling, and the words that came out of his mouth made everyone even more terrified.

"The apostle's response has been detected in the Pacific region and is moving towards the headquarters..."

This news made everyone tremble slightly.

Unit 1, whose hands were pierced by the sky angel, will be unusable for a short time. Although Unit 2 and Unit 0 can be put into use again, can they really resist this apostle who appeared without giving them any breathing time?

"All personnel, activate the first-level combat preparation!"

"Prepare for a ground-to-air assault!"

"The zero and two machine preparations have been completed, and the pilots are on standby."

"A report from the Lunar Taboga Base! The berserk Unit 6 has signs of attacking the Earth. According to calculations, once Cassius' gun touches the surface, it will..."

"Warning! The first wave of missile defense network failed to stop the apostles from advancing!"

"Warning! The defense system of the Lunar Taboga base has failed!"

The red warning window seemed to occupy everyone's sight at this moment, causing the veins on the back of the palm of Misato Katsuragi's hand, the commander of the NERV headquarters, to bulge.

Is it all over?

Obviously, every time the apostles woke up from a deep sleep in the past, there would be a period of respite for human beings, but this time it can be said that they did not give them any chance!

"Bastard!" Katsuragi Misato slammed down on the guardrail, took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

Conventional weapons have little effect on the apostles, and special weapons like positron guns require a long time of preparation before they can be used. This time it is obviously too late.

Do you use that thing?

Misato Katsuragi remembered the spear of Longinus used to seal Lilith's body in the central dogma area at the bottom of the NERV headquarters.

If you use that thing, you should be able to deal with the attacking apostles as quickly as possible, but if you do this, the seal on Lilith will be lifted.

To be honest, Katsuragi Misato doesn't know much about existences like Lilith. Even as the commander of the NERV headquarters, she still feels that she has been working in a fog.

She simply didn't want the third impact to bring destruction to mankind again, but when Katsuragi Misato was hesitant to apply for the use of the Longinus gun, an anxious voice from Ikari Shinji interrupted her thoughts.

"Miss Misato, I can continue!" Shinji Ikari, with bandages wrapped around his hands, said to Katsuragi Misato profusely.

Obviously other people didn't agree with his idea, so he ran here.

Katsuragi Misato hesitated for a moment, but still did not agree to Ikari Shinji's proposal.

There are some things she can see.

The current Ikari Shinji is not suitable for fighting.

She ignored Ikari Shinji's anxious cry and was about to give an order, but...

"Let him go." An indifferent sentence sounded in Katsuragi Misato's ears, making her subconsciously look in the direction of the sound.

Then she saw the commander of NERV, Ikari Gendo, with one hand in his pocket, looking down at them.

Ikari Shinji was also looking at Ikari Gendo together, but unlike the astonishment on Katsuragi Misato's face, Ikari Shinji looked delighted.

At this moment, he didn't feel that his father's decision seemed indifferent at all, because it was what he asked for. Even though there was still continuous pain in his hands that had just been bandaged, he felt that he could continue to fight!


"If you enter that machine again, you probably won't even be able to grasp it, boy."

The familiar voice made Ikari Shinji stunned, and then he saw Monyashi in a black suit walking towards this side.

The crisp sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor seemed to cover up the harsh siren at this moment, making everyone subconsciously focus on Mon Yashi.

Even though there was a fierce battle with Sky Angel just now, there was no trace of the battle left on Men Yashi's body.

At the same time, his appearance gave many people a glimmer of hope.

They have seen the strength shown by Men Yashi just now. If they can get his help right now, it will obviously improve the winning rate!

In times of crisis, no one cared where the power possessed by Menyashi came from, but Ikari Gentang frowned slightly.

He has already realized the abnormality of this man, Kato Yashi, coupled with the bizarre runaway of the No. 6 machine, it makes Ikari Gendo feel that the script he has written is constantly out of his control.

Could it be SEELE's script? Is Monyashi actually from SEELE?

Such an idea popped up in Ikari's mind.

Shinji Ikari didn't know what his father was thinking at the moment, nor did he know the willful idea of ​​Gentang Ikari agreeing to his dispatch. He just wanted to bring the gradually shifting script back under his control.

"Master Monya?" Shinji Ikari also had a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "Are you willing to help?"

Ikari Shinji felt that with the help of Menyashi, it would definitely be easier to defeat the apostles who attacked again.


With a snap, Ikari Shinji's shoulder was pushed lightly.

"Injured children should take good care of their injuries, and leave other matters to the adults to deal with."

This sentence made Ikari Shinji look astonished, but just when he was about to continue to say something, Mon Yashi's words made his throat seem to be stuck, and he couldn't say anything.

"In the eyes of my companions, underage children should not engage in this kind of battle."

After pushing Ikari Shinji's shoulder to where Katsuragi Misato was, Monyashi turned and left chicly, while turning his back to Ikari Shinji and raised a finger.

"My child, you are the treasure of the world." The apostle awakened by Jon through Adam's body in advance was an angel of strength.

It is also the apostle who swallowed the No. 0 machine and Rei Ayanami who gave birth to feelings in one gulp, and then was forcibly pulled out of Ayanami Rei's soul from its core by the No. 1 machine, and then triggered the third shock.

"You should be familiar with this big guy, right?" Jon sat on the head of the No. 6 machine, which was still in the throwing posture, and smiled as he stared at Kaoru Nagisa whose body was trembling slightly underneath.

"You should be waiting for the boy named Ikari Shinji to trigger the third impact, and then go to stop it, right, this is your script."

SEELE has a script, Ikogendo has a script, and Nagisa Kaoru also has a script.

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