I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 860

But Zhu Kaoru's script is the easiest to understand, that is, I hope Ikari Shinji will trigger the third shock, and then let his body be infected with divinity, so that he can bring real happiness to Ikari Shinji.

To put it simply, SEELE hopes that Kaoru Nagisa will trigger the third impact, Gendo Ikari hopes that the first machine will complete it, and Kaoru hopes that the first machine will be stopped on the way to trigger the third impact.


"Your script is really boring." Jon, who was sitting on the head of the No. 6 machine, spread his hands and said boredly.

This sentence made Nagisa Kaoru tremble slightly.

According to his script, as long as it can be successfully realized, Ikari Shinji will be contaminated with divinity when the third impact is triggered, and finally he will help Ikari Shinji grab the gun of Longinus and Cassius, then Ikari Shinji You can become a real god and get real happiness, but...

Is this... the god?

Kaoru's body was trembling slightly.

He found himself in fear!

Is the realm where the gods of fear reside really something that humans should touch!

God, do you really think that human beings are guilty and want to exterminate all human beings? !

Zhu Kaoru was terrified, and the words that came out of Jon's mouth in the next second made him feel as cold as his soul would be frozen.

"If... If I kill Unit 1 and its pilot right now, will the development of the situation become more interesting?"

Now...kill Shinji Ikari?

When Zhu Xun heard Jon's words, he clenched his fists tightly.

He wanted to resist, but just being looked at by the other party made Kaoru feel as though all his strength had been taken away.

Can't resist!

Can't resist at all!

This time... don't you even have a chance to do it all over again?

Kaoru's hands trembled slightly, and the next second he heard Jon's voice again.

"But I think you are quite interesting..." Jon glanced at the earth in his sight, even at such a long distance, he could still clearly see that the whole body was surrounded by a black ribbon-like structure, like a tumbler A figure flying towards the location of the NERV headquarters at sea level.

Jon didn't seem to care about the apostle who was awakened by him in advance, and turned to look at Kaoru Nagisa.

"Obviously possesses the fruit of life and human wisdom, but..." Jon's fingers moved gently on the side of his head.

"But you don't have terrible power like other apostles, do you know why?"

Zhu Xun didn't know the answer to this question, nor was he in the mood to know it, but some things couldn't be avoided just because he rejected them.

"Do you think it's human intelligence that makes you unwild?"

Kaoru didn't answer, but Jon didn't care either.

When Jon learned from Zhu Kaoru that he had experienced restarts of the world that he couldn't even remember how many times, from having Adam's soul at the beginning to now giving birth to a soul named Zhu Kaoru... Afterwards, it was enough for him to get a lot of information from it.

Obviously, it is not an independent world view, but also because of the continuous restart of the world, the original trajectory has continued to change and shift.

There are two worldviews that Jon knows in this world. The first one is that Kaoru Nagisa has the soul of Adam, and needs to be integrated with Adam like the other apostles to trigger the third impact.

And the second is what Jon sees now.

Adam turned into four!

And as the first apostle, Kaoru Nagisa did not experience any abnormalities when he came into contact with the No. 6 machine made from one of Adam's bodies!

The conditions that trigger the shock have changed.

It's like the Angel of Power devouring Rei Ayanami didn't cause a shock, but after the fusion of Rei Ayanami's soul with the No. 1 machine also made by one of Adam's bodies, it directly caused a third shock.

But the reason why the shock was triggered is definitely not just because of this reason, but also because the No. 1 machine at that time had already broken free from the restraint of human beings, and became an energy life that human beings could not analyze.

EVA, who was imprisoned in human form, also recovered her original posture, the original posture of a giant of light, and the soul of Rei Ayanami who was pulled out of the first machine in the form of the S2 mechanism, which is the core of the apostle.

And what caused all this is naturally the synchronization rate between Ikari Shinji and the first machine.

Has Kaoru been failing?

No, although he has been failing, he has changed a lot of things.

From having the soul of Adam at the beginning, because the soul was injected into the human body, it has wisdom, and now the real soul named Kaoru Nagisa was born, making the original first apostle Adam into four plural individuals, and making Adam out of apostleship.

So does that mean...

In fact, in the continuous reincarnation, Zhu Kaoru got rid of the identity of the first apostle Adam and gradually became the first apostle Zhu Kaoru?

After accepting the wisdom of human beings, Zhu Kaoru lost his powerful power, unlike other apostles who acted according to instinct.

Because of gaining wisdom, she has lost her wildness, and is gradually becoming a human being from an apostle?

Then the body of Adam that once belonged to him and was made into the No. 1 machine, is it the same as the soul of Ikari Shinji's mother that existed in the No. 1 machine, responding to Ikari Shinji, so it changed back to the form of the giant of light? ?

Zhu Kaoru is gradually getting rid of Adam's identity, but Ikari Shinji has been infected with some of this power.

Perhaps it was precisely because the original No. 1 machine was considered a complete Adam to some extent, so after touching Rei Ayanami's soul, it directly triggered the third shock.

At that time, Ikari Shinji's body and soul also ushered in further sublimation.

"Interesting! Very interesting! Kaoru Nagisa." Jon smiled and applauded.

"I probably understand everything."

"Then now..."

The applause stopped abruptly, and machine No. 6 directly threw the gun of Cassius in its hand.

And this scene made Zhu Kaoru look terrified.


"It's too late! It's already been thrown out, how about treating it as your punishment for easily believing other people's words?"

(ps: That’s right! I’m talking about XJB! Don’t believe me if you haven’t seen EVA!)

"Master Monya! Ahead is..."

"I saw it! Such a big guy, needless to say I can see it."

The pilot of the NERV fighter tried to remind Mon Yashi, but was interrupted by Mon Yashi before he could finish speaking.

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